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The Advocate’s arts and entertainment editor, Alfonso Duralde, has released a book listing movies every queer guy (sorry lezzies) needs to check out. It’s called 101 Must-See Movies For Gay Men and, unfortunately, it does not include any titles from Falcon or Bel Ami.

Films included are obligatory camp classics like Mommie Dearest, Valley of the Dolls, and a pre-emancipated Mimi in Glitter. Movies are also indexed according to various appropriate categories like “Fuck Shit Up.” Fight Club (oh God – Brad Pitt‘s oh-so lean torso…) is our favorite entry here. We have an answer to that inquisitively named category “And Would It Kill You to Watch a Lesbian Movie?” We wouldn’t mind one bit. We love, love, love those two muff divers in Bound.

We counted and we’ve seen almost all 101 movies. Further proof that we’re just really, really gay.

101 Must-See Movies for Gay Men [Amazon]

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