• Italian Prime Minister and friend-of-Bush Silvio Berlusconi has finally resigned after weeks of whining about how unfair it is that he lost. Now Italy can rejoin Europe. [Xinhua]

activeduty guilty soldier

• Another military guy has pleaded guilty to having gay sex for activeduty.com. His wife is leaving him and he will be discharged from the army, but damn, we never realized those jobs paid $7,500. Find us a green beret! [WRAL]

• Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani is still thinking about running for President in 2008, but he’s got a long road unless he pulls a John McCain and decides to suddenly stop supporting gay and abortion rights. He tested the waters in Iowa this week. [NY Daily News]

• Finally, someone from our side decides he can be the mouthpiece of God! And what is the first thing God says? That he loves gay activism within the Republican party. Imagine that. So whose testimony do you believe more, Bishop Gene Robinson or the Dread Pope Ratzinger? [Washington Blade]

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