The Top 10 Signs The Apocalypse Will Definitely Happen Tomorrow

If the Mayans are right—and when weren’t they?—we’ll all be swimming in a lake of fire tomorrow. So while you’re busy hunkering down, bunking up and praying to whatever gods will have you, let’s take a look back at the events this year that signified the end was near. Click through for Queerty’s Top 10 Signs That the Apocalypse is Definitely Coming On December 21. Nice knowin’ ya!
Screen Shot 2012-12-20 at 11.43.44 AM 10. Coming Out Became Passé for Celebrities Remember when a celebrity coming-out involved a People magazine cover story? Now Jim Parsons comes out in the third paragraph of a New York Times story and Anderson Cooper—whom we had good money on never coming out—shoots an email to his buddy Andrew Sullivan. What is the world coming to?  
luther-dontrust-the-b 8. Gays Made It Big on TV From The New Normal to The Amazing Race, 2012 was a record year for LGBT representation on television, proving that the revolution will indeed be televised.  

Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-WI, 5/22-23/12.

7. Gays Made It Big in Congress This year saw a record number of openly LGBT candidates run for—and win—seats in Congress, including Tammy Baldwin, the first out senator. The gays are taking over! Next thing you know we’ll have a gay president. Oh, wait.  
brendon-chris 5. Football Showed Its Tender, Gay-Loving Side  Long regarded as the most macho and heterosexual of sports by people who have never heard of rugby, professional football crafted an image of inclusiveness and equality this year, thanks in large part to players like Chris Kluwe and Brendon Ayanbadejo, and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell taking their influence beyond the gridiron.  We’re pretty sure this means the Super Bowl will be played in the third circle of Hell.  
4. Gay Marriage Swept the White House, the Nation and the Globe Barack Obama became the first president to publicly endorsed same-sex marriage, which for many  confirmed Barry was the Anti-Christ. After consistently failing at the voting booth, marriage equality finally won big in four statewide referendums. It also became a vital cause in countries as diverse as England, France, Taiwan and Uruguay. Don’t take our word that’s a sign of the Apocalypse: Mr. Grouchy Papal-Pants says it’s so!  
3. The Westboro Baptist Church Offends the KKK You know you’re doing something wrong when the KKK think you’re too extremist. The Westboro Baptist Church blamed every disaster, natural and man-made, on the gays this year—proving that if they’re the ones being raptured up to heaven, hell must be paradise.  
obama-romney 2. The 2012 Election Season: The Election to End All Elections This year’s election  was unarguably the ugliest, most slanderous, exhausting, painful, divisive, openly racist, misogynistic (what was up with all the talk about rape?!) and just plain annoying election in the history of modern politics. With record spending (there were a lot of records this year) on both sides, America was thrown into a dark age of political ads and dirty tactics that left every person in America wishing for an end–any end—to it all. Somehow, now, it all seems like a bad dream. But for Republicans it’s the end of the world as they know it.

1. Whitney Houston’s Death

We realized the planet was going straight down the toilet in February, when Whitney Houston crossed over.  She had a stupendous run, and her impact on music and popular culture was immeasurable—her death was truly the first nail in the coffin that housed 2012.

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  • deltabadhand

    It’s already been 12/21 on the other side of the world for about 30 minutes now. I think we’re good…

  • Mjl-428

    @deltabadhand: true. they never said exactly what time of the day. I mean were there accounts for leap year and everything else?

  • 2eo

    @Mjl-428: It’s the Mayan’s they never missed any prediction. They completely knew the Spanish were coming, but they knew they were no match for their ridiculous moustache’s.

    We’re doomed, see you in hell you guys and girls, I’ll be the guy sitting on the throne of skulls from aborted babies with a sash knitted together from gay marriage certificates.

  • Mjl-428

    @2eo: then I guess I’ll meet my true love then as we’re both being tortured for eternity

  • Charlie in Charge

    Well if one views 2012 as a time for potential rebirth and positive change then all items on the list except for Whitney passing can be seen as wonderful growth and change.

    We aren’t where we should be, we aren’t where we are going to be but thank everything we aren’t where we were.

  • JAW

    what ever happened to the guy that predicted the end of the world earlier this year??

    last I heard it was close to the end of the world for him… Did it happen??

  • queerty1958

    @2eo: You won’t see any of us. Sorry to disappoint you.

  • wombat

    Well it’s 1026am on the 21st where I live … still looking good outside .. very hot (like 32 celcius)

  • 2eo

    @queerty1958: I will, don’t mistake my massive blood alcohol level with actual blindness, it may be a blur but I know it’s you nonetheless.

  • WayDifferent

    Whitey Houston “crossed over” back in the early 80’s. It is known she sold her soul back then which is the result of her “passing on” (as you may have meant in place of the word death that has become so offensive with the PC crowd) in 2012.

  • ynottonycom

    If it indeed is going to happen . .
    Then it must be guided by a power greater than I …
    Therefore, I will go to work as usual . …

  • Sam

    Gurl, all I know is if there is heaven, Whitney is up there locked in her bathroom smokin’ crack in peace (what does a bitch have to do to get some privacy up in here??) with her sex toys. Happy Apocalypse!

  • Freddyeddy

    Everyone is misusing the word Apocalypse. It doesn’t mean the end of the world, just a traumatic loss. Its original meaning from the ancient Greek is apo-=to take away,+ calypse= a masculine cover, and refered to what Jews did to their foreskins. It was concidered a tragedy for the Greeks who enjoyed their prepuces and never committed circumcision unless it became necessary, like from an infected injury. The Jews did it because they lost the knowledge of how to properly care for their prepuces from believing in a superstitious false heavenly godfather and having sex with animals and getting UTI’s and STD’s leading to delirium induced audio and visual halucinations. This same cinario caused the Islamic religions to develop, also. An Apocalypse/Apocalyptra(fem. word form) happens every day to the least of our brothers and sisters because of religious paranoia.

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