funeral picket

Coretta Scott King had no problem with The Gays. As a matter of fact she was a strong supporter of equal rights for everyone, no matter their race, gender, or sexual preference. We were disappointed to hear that our favorite wacky Evangelical, Fred Phelps (he of the wonderfully-phrased “God Hates Fags” fame) was going to show up at her funeral, family in tow, not to pay his last respects, but picket against homosexuality.

But The Phelps’ weren’t the only protesters at King’s funeral:

“Coretta Scott King hijacked the freedom train and she has split hell wide open,” some shouted as shocked mourners trailed past.

“Children, ask your parents what sodomy is,” shouted one picketer at startled toddlers and small children who walked past hand-in-hand with their elders.

See, that’s another thing these protesters are getting wrong. Children don’t ask their parents for educational information anymore. They get everything they need to know from the Internet. We just hope they stay away from any online homophobic rhetoric.

King funeral attracts anti-gay protest [NY Blade]
Earlier: Fred Phelps’ Dream

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