grinding to a halt

16 Grindr Profiles Now Banned Under the New Puritan Rules

Software makers revise their guidelines all the time, but nobody tightens the rules faster than developers subject to Apple’s increasingly stringent rules about what can be sold in its iPhone app store. And that includes Grindr, which just outlawed a whole slew of profiles with some new PG-rules. That’s gonna affect a lot of ya.. The GPS-based meet-hook-look-up app has, because of the App Store’s existing rules, never allowed members to display naked photos in their main profile pictures. (What transpires in private chat is up to you.) But updated rules go much father. Basically, the most risque you can go is board shorts; no Speedos. * No bare skin below the waistline (hip bone area) or above the upper thighs can be shown. * No underwear can be visible. Swimwear must follow the bare skin rule above. * Pants and shorts must be worn normally, buttoned, and not pulled or hanging down. * Hand or fingers cannot be down pants or pulling underwear outward. * No images of anyone under 18 years of age. * No copyrighted pictures or illustrations. * No images that show semen (or any fluid made to look like semen or ejaculation) on anything in photo. * No images of sexual acts, either real or illustrated. * No photo that is sexually explicit or overly suggestive. * Photos cannot be altered to hide sexual acts including a black box or blurred filters to hide sexual images such as touching of genitals by hand. * No photos of frontal, back or side nudity. * No nudity (particularly the genitals) covered up by a towel, hat or other means. * No grabbing/holding or touching genitals or genital area. * No pubic hair can be visible. * No photos with sheer, or otherwise see-through or wet material below the waist. * No outline of genitals through clothing will be allowed. * No crotch area only, neither back nor front. * No images that show suggestive or overly sexual poses. * Photos cannot contain sex props and toys, including the use of fruits/vegetables. * No images of illegal drug use and paraphernalia. * No images of firearms or weapons. * No photos of any obscene gestures and/or lewd behavior. * You cannot display photos of violent acts to yourself, someone else, or animals. * No image used to advertising your services, goods, websites, or events. * No Image of any non-Grindr users, including celebrities. * No profanity or curse words. Also, you can’t say how big your dick is, that you’re a top or bottom, or whether you’re cut. Time to find some cute Japanese emojicons to send the message for you, eh? So let’s see some profiles that, effective immediately, are inappropriate. (Above Photo: BANNED: No grabbing your balls.)

BANNED: No underwear can be visible

BANNED: Too much upper thigh

BANNED: No upper thigh or underwear, sir

BANNED: No sexually suggestive poses allowed, even with dolls

BANNED: Who knows what this is, but if it’s semen, you’re gone

BANNED: So you heard about the no underwear rule, right?

BANNED: That looks like bare skin below the waist line to us. Also, no backside nudity

BANNED: So close, but no

BANNED: While your pubic hair might not be visible (that’s a no-no), you’ve got way too much thigh on display. See ya

BANNED: Sexually suggestive much?

BANNED: If you shave your pubes, can you avoid the rule? Maybe, but you can’t avoid the “no hands down pants” one

BANNED: We’re pretty sure “covering it with your hand” doesn’t keep you safe

BANNED: Sex props and toys are prohibited, buddy

BANNED: Shared your preferred position? Oh hell no!

BANNED: No links to anything but Facebook or Twitter, bloggy boy

ALLOWED: We actually couldn’t find anything about this photo that violates the new rules [Photos via FWG]

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  • Matt

    No matter what they do with their terms of service, they are known among the gays as the Manhunt for iphone…this new TOS is going to make a lot of their users upset.

    And the name itself…. “Grindr” is suggestive. Like I’m really going to go on Grindr to find a coffee date. LOL!!!

    There are far better alternative apps out there now.


    Ya forgot to add “rules amended 1955”

  • Lady Ga-Gasp

    Grindr was silly fun. So much for silly fun, right? Onward and downward, oh mighty censorious Apple.

    On a side note, Google — in part because of the ridiculous micro-management of the closed platform police at Apple, is configuring its popular applications to mimic I-pad apps while not actually employing the apps at all.

    Because nobody keeps a good cruiser, or coder, down for long.

  • AladinSane

    Sure glad I never bought an iPhoney. Love my droid…

  • puck247

    Gone are the days of leaving your telephone number on the bathroom walls.

  • terrwill

    The “no visible pubic hair” rule won’t be a problem because most gay men shave their entire bodies……for what????

  • Max

    Maybe they started to realize that advertisers will NOT pair up with them, given their image. It all comes down to money folks. The only gay dating iPhone apps I see reputable companies paring with are GayCities, West Fourth, and possibly Skout. Goodluck Grindr.

  • GetReal

    the new mobile website for ADAM4ADAM works just fine on my Nokia phone and I’m not subject to Steve Jobs’ tyrrany. I’m not trying to be an ad for A4A, I’m just tired of being told that adults can’t be allowed to act like adults in the company of other adults: life isn’t an ABC Family Channel movie, folks in Cupertino!

  • james

    oh cant wait for life after the boomers

    you come in a baby and you go out a baby

    who else thinks when you go into retirement or reach a certain age your voting rights should be taken away partly because you can be senial SO THERE GOES YOUR OPERATING LICENSE AS WELL !!!!



    SO SMILE ‘-)

  • james

    why 15 – 20 years?

    because generation x (aka OBAMA aka PUSSIES) will have there swing at things only to be VASTLY outnumbered by the most intelligent, efficient, political, social, radical generation in history


  • GetReal

    @james: and are you the spokesman for the Millennials, James? You’re really selling up their intelligence and spelling and grasp of syntax and discourse quite nicely.

  • james

    I can read, manipulate, and transcend energy and your sitting on a message board critiquing one get-an-STD website to another… some life you have NOT

    i’m glad you made it to this point

  • Lincoln Rose

    * No crotch area only, neither back nor front.

    I have to ask….what’s a crotch in the back look like? I don’t have one.



  • fredo777

    @james: * you’re

  • Lamar

    How ridiculous! I thought that Apple was a gay friendly company. I have seen untold numbers of apps that show female nudity to pander to straights but an app made for gay guys cruising limits nudity to stupid levels. It’s not as if the app isn’t directly related to sex why put these restrictions? It’s pathetic.

  • Paulesso

    I love these rules. I don’t mind a little PG cruising. There are plenty of web apps for the iPhone (I have some sort cuts on my phone) that are X rated. It’s nice have a little clean fun too. I’m all for choice. Apple is making the Gay a little more acceptable by letting some of us be clean and PG. We can still get down and dirty other places. Why do all gay sited have to be X rated anyway? I’m for social acceptable cruising.

  • Tracy

    I don’t see how you people think you can just
    use my brothers pic as an example!! You did not
    have permission to do so!! This is slander and unless
    you want a lawsuit I suggest you take the fckn pic
    off!! Nobody gave you permission to post it up and only
    to bash him and let people comment on the photo!!
    You should have just sent him an email stating the pic
    was inappropriate and to take it off.. So unless you want
    a lawsuit I suggest you take it off or I will take action!!

  • Yuki

    Some of these rules are completely ridiculous: no firearms? What if someone took a cool picture at a shooting range? Even moreso, no underwear showing? Regular teens who don’t want to cruise accidentally show their underwear all the time!

  • B

    The one that should be banned is No. 17 (the picture number, not the comment above)! Way too much body mass for impressionable teenagers who might end up overeating if they used that guy as a role model.

    BTW, regarding Comment No. 15, Apple is “gay friendly” in terms of how it treats employees, but for marketing reasons it wants all its iPhone apps to be G rated. If you personally find that awkward, dump the iPhone and use something else. Apple will (if enough people do that) get the message.

  • Kevin

    @Tracy: If one of the pictures is actually of your brother, he made it accessible to the public by putting it on grindr and has no legal standing to sue. But go ahead and rant about it anyway. Also, look up the word slander.

  • B

    No. 20 · Kevin wrote, “@Tracy: If one of the pictures is actually of your brother, he made it accessible to the public by putting it on grindr and has no legal standing to sue.”

    Kevin, that is not true as a general statement. Just because someone makes a picture publicly available does not give others a right to republish the picture.

    Unless the pictures were sent to QUEERTY by the people who own the copyright, there may be grounds for a lawsuit based on copyright infringement. The question would be whether QUEERTY’s use of the picture is allowed under the fair-use rules (not true in general but this was a news story about grindr having to ban particular images to keep Apple happy, making the images relevant to the story, so it is the sort of “gray area” where you want good legal advise).

    There was a case a few years ago in San Francisco in which some porn-shop owner copied a picture of a scantily-clad or naked guy off of a European gay-oriented dating site, edited in a dildo, and put the picture outside his shop. Unfortunately for the porn-shop owner, the person whose picture it was lived in the neighborhood, saw the picture, and sued – and he had a solid case against the shop owner, not only for copyright infringement but because some of the copyright owner’s clients could have seen the picture and assumed that the copyright owner was modeling for a porn shop on the side. The porn-shop owner apparently thought the law was ridiculous, all the more so once he realized the consequences of his stupidity.

  • AladinSane

    This isn’t gray at all…
    Using a picture put up for public perusal (unless copyrighted and even then usually allowed) in a news story is almost ALWAYS considered fair use. What you are referencing was someone using a modified picture for profit.

  • B

    No. 22 · AladinSane wrote, “Using a picture put up for public perusal (unless copyrighted and even then usually allowed) in a news story is almost ALWAYS considered fair use.”

    It’s “almost ALWAYS” that is the question, isn’t it? That’s why news organizations have legal departments. 🙂 Aside from that, U.S. copyright law was changed at some point to be in sync with the rest of the world. You no longer need to explicitly copyright something – if you created it, you are automatically the copyright owner.

  • MeMoiYo

    I love how #13 has “just looking for friends, not looking for hookups” on his description, yet he has a picture of himself with no pants or underwear on and while grabbing his penis. Dude, you’re not fooling anyone.

  • damon459

    I guess people don’t read more then the headline before commenting Apple didn’t add the other rules Grinder did and it applies to the app put on any smartphone not just the Iphone so maybe you should be pissed at Grinder not Steve Jobs who btw as the head cheese at apple has every right to dictate what content his “store” sells don’t like it ? shop somewhere else.

  • AladinSane

    @B: For someone that seems to understand copyright law so well, you don’t understand much else. News services, blogs, and whatever else have a legitimate right to use whatever media is placed into the public realm if they are reporting, commenting, or editorializing.

    @damon459: Grammar is your friend. And some of us savvy enough will, that’s why we have phones running on Android….

  • B

    No. 24 · damon459 more or less said to blame grindr rather than Apple.

    Apple has only itself to blame – industry publications have numerous complaints about iPhone apps being rejected for seemingly capricious reasons: , and . When you read comments in industry publications like, “A new revolt seems to be brewing against Apple’s notoriously murky method of approving apps,” don’t be surprised at the consequences of that behavior.

    If Apple won’t clearly state the criteria in a way that developers can clearly understand, developers will trade their guesses – writing an application can be a fair bit of work and nobody wants to do that if it is likely to be rejected before customers even see it.

  • B

    No. 25 · AladinSane wrote, “@B: For someone that seems to understand copyright law so well, you don’t understand much else. News services, blogs, and whatever else have a legitimate right to use whatever media is placed into the public realm if they are reporting, commenting, or editorializing.”

    Looks like you can’t read. What I actually said was, “The question would be whether QUEERTY’s use of the picture is allowed under the fair-use rules (not true in general but this was a news story about grindr having to ban particular images to keep Apple happy, making the images relevant to the story, so it is the sort of “gray area” where you want good legal advise).”

    Note the term “news story”. Then you have to ask if the pictures actually contributed anything to it or were put there simply to attract readers the way QUEERTY’s morning goods” ones do.

  • B

    No. 24 · damon459 more or less said to blaim grindr, not Apple.

    The reality is that iPhone apps developers have been complaining about Apple’s somewhat vague and arbitrary rules about what applications will be allowed on an iPhone (Apple insists on complete control on what can be put on one). Some apps have recently been rejected for being too “racy” due to Apple changing its policies after receiving complaints.

    Meanwhile, if Apple suddenly decides that grindr is “too racy”, grindr would be in trouble and might not survive. It isn’t surprising that grindr would decide to “play it safe” since the rules are so capricious and arbitrary. So it is legitimate to blame Apple in this case. You can’t argue that grindr applies the same rules to other smartphones – they are probably not set up to have different rules for different users depending on what phones those users own, and if you do that, QA testing becomes a lot more complicated, so basically Apple (or, if you wish, the fear of what Apple might do) is controlling the decision.

  • AladinSane

    @B: “Actually,” no you don’t. Anyone attempting to prove a violation of their copyright claim would have a very hard time trying to do so. Otherwise we wouldn’t have the media we do.

    When you decide to represent your new client, I’m sure the defense will point you to any news outlet, magazine, website, or comedy show. Cheney and Palin would both love to hear your novel ideas on how to keep their failings off The Daily Show…

  • AladinSane

    @B: As a side note, I actually agree with you on blaming Apple, and not grindr.

  • Riley

    Call me a caveman, but I still like my manhunt.

  • cajunjaymee

    What is really ironic to me is all of these guys who do post explicit photos and then say “not looking for hookups” as if to make them some sort of puritan elitist snob. Get real queens.

  • Mike

    And you can’t even have a pic of your chest !! Even simple flowers get wiped !! Some just want to be discreet and choose something simple and that goes by the rules and that gets wiped. But some guys go against the rules and those pics stay. I’ve seen asses and erect penises and soft ones and those stay up ?? WTF ….. I think grindr should be wiped !!!

  • Tracy

    My brother the one being used as an example kray stated that grinder
    states that nothing from his profile may be used
    without consent!! So someone needs to get his
    pic off this fckn site!! I don’t care what anyone else
    comment on this page I want to get in contact with

  • B

    No. 28 · AladinSane wrote, “When you decide to represent your new client, I’m sure the defense will point you to any news outlet, magazine, website, or comedy show. Cheney and Palin would both love to hear your novel ideas on how to keep their failings off The Daily Show…”

    Cheney and Palin are “public figures”. Look the term up. The rules are different for them than for private individuals.

    But tell you what. Try collecting 17 songs that a major record company sells and put those on your web site along with an article about the record-company’s policies, and see what happens when you try to claim that it was for a “news” article so you can do whatever you want.

    Also read the DMCA, grindr’s terms of service (which allows only non-commercial use of the service), and ask how QUEERTY got those pictures. If grindr does not provide a means to save the pictures, then was a copyright-protection scheme (no matter how weak) circumvented? Of did grindr simply give QUEERTY marketing pictures at some point for an article (maybe before the new policy was introduced).

    There are in fact quite a few subtleties and finding out the hard way may be very unpleasant.

  • great scott

    i personally am dumping the app. i’ve had simple non suggestive pics, pics of flowers, pics of me jeep, no suggestive words or phrases and they still wipe my my profile. i had the same pics on it for a month and then wipe, gone. there’s another app that doesn’t charge monthly that i’m telling everyone to go to, which so far is following apples guidelines but not changing their own every five minutes. right now my pic on grinder is a “for sale” next its a woman in a burka, thats what i feel like, maybe showing just a pic of my chest was showing too much skin, but showing a rather large penis is ok. go figure, i’m done with grindr

  • otayguy

    This is Grindr aka Joel Simkhai’s decision.

    I see cock shots on purpll all the time. Lots of ass and undies on Gdß too. BoyAhoy/Skout doesn’t let nudity fly but it’s not nearly as ridiculous as Grindr’s new Disneyland Mormontown rules.

    I had a photo banned once when I posted a photo of myself with a hot gogo boy I nailed the week before because I didn’t identify the second person the photo.

    BoyAhoy auto-blocked my status update once when I asked if everyone else is getting hit on by hot 20something faraway cam whores as much as I am. Oops, I guess I shouldn’t have said that. So BoyAhoy/Skout wants to support all the interweb video hookers. Got it.

  • B

    No. 35 · Tracy wrote, “I don’t care what anyone else comment on this page I want to get in contact with someone!!!” has a list of QUEERTY contacts. Send an email to whichever one you think is appropriate, but there is really nothing you can do as it isn’t your picture on display.

  • EddieVegas

    You know it may eventually come to this…

    Apple unveils their new logo…

    Das Froot! Mein Granny Schmittenzie!

    You REEEALLY don’t want to try their Dutch Apple Pie, trust me.

    (I crack me up sometimes)…[img][/img]

  • Bruce Wagner

    Puritan Steve Job’s Apple iPhone Rules

    Drop Apple & go to the Android phone’s HOT HOT Encountr app!

  • Nathan James

    I have been on Grindr for only two weeks and have had my text/pic censored about every three days.

    Can’t figure out why my pic would be censored as I don’t even have nude pics. They’re all clothed. Maybe they don’t like my tattoos?

    Then they love to censor my text. When I posted ‘no crybabies/whiners,’ they took it down. When I posted that I loved ‘guys into music and art,’ they took it down. When I finally had enough and put ‘censored’ as my name and ‘censored’ as my text, the took it down.

    What a bunch of pussies.

  • indiestonerdude

    It really pisses me off! I have full-length towel – down to my towels – from about inch below my belly button, so I can show my six-pack I worked very hard on. And those bunch a-holes decide it’s lude. I’ve worn less out on the street!

    I tried a few times not knowing what the rules are, because they don’t give any. And then I can’t logon anymore.

    Fair does, if I’m showing my dick which I aint, or something heinious like a car crash victim, but I’m showing something I’m very comfortable with. Complete and utter a-holes.

    And the worst of all, I’m using a BB – who don’t really about their apps! Maybe Apple need to be told i aint the 19th century – if people want to look at nudes, they’ve got the whole of the net. Bloody puritanical douchebags…grrrrrrhhhhh

  • theindiestonerdude

    It really pisses me off! I have full-length towel – down to my toes – from about inch below my belly button, so I can show my six-pack I worked very hard on. And those bunch a-holes decide it’s lude. I’ve worn less out on the street!

    I tried a few times not knowing what the rules are, because they don’t give any. And then I can’t logon anymore.

    Fair does, if I’m showing my dick which I aint, or something heinious like a car crash victim, but I’m showing something I’m very comfortable with – and I’ve seen far, far worse on the streets of London, and various other cities. Complete and utter a-holes.

    And the worst of all, I’m using a BB – who don’t really care about their apps! Maybe Apple need to be told i aint the 19th century – if people want to look at nudes, they’ve got the whole of the net. Bloody puritanical douchebags…grrrrrrhhhhh

  • L.

    #14 isn’t a sex toy, it’s an Apple iTube.

  • Iban

    I have just been banned, I do not the reason, probably because I am wearing a sleeveless t-shirt… how pathetic can that be? what is the best alternative to grindr? I do not want to go back on it even if they un-ban me…

  • Pedro

    @Matt: which alternative apps you can get beside Grindr?

  • Shannon1981

    I remember being pissy that there wasn’t a Grindr for lesbians. Well, seems I had nothing to worry about. Should be thankful! These rules are silly. Ladies, Qrushr is much better than Grindr.

  • JustMe

    “* Photos cannot contain sex props and toys, including the use of fruits/vegetables.”

    What if that banana (the real fruit) ISN’T meant to be suggestive, what if I just wanna eat it, to show how much I like sports and healthy food?

  • militarydawg_grindr

    “Grindr Xtra” is NOT Xtra.

    I’ve had my unchanged profile for the past two weeks when I upgraded to “Grindr Xtra” on Dec. 26 and “suddenly” when i logged in was informed that my profile “was moderated.”

    I thought Manhunt were a bunch of ad and photo Fascist Nazis but Grindr takes the cake on this one.

    I will NOT be cancelling my membership by Jan. 26 and NEVER (as opposed to NOT) renewing if this is representative of the POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE at Grindr.

    Please advise if anyone KNOWS of a voice contact number for their very inaccessible “customer service”

  • Marie Cohn

    It’s like the Holy Ghost of Saint Steve is issuing holy orders from that great sweatshop in the sky!

  • Ron

    My grndr profile was banned for the below text (exact same text I use on scruff):

    Muscle for like or fit and hung. Versatile looking for Versatile or Top  for NSA or FB. 


  • Frank

    Good this is insane 🙂 has anybody looked at the pics on the uk grinder app? No nudity of course but underwears hands down the pants who cares. Lots of people have down their hands in their pants as a habit not to actually start jerkin off 24/7 I think that app just went crazy of well all the other one are coming up and will take over slowly but surely

  • Dionte

    I had a pic with jeans on without a shirt and they said it was too revealing, I told them to close my account and switched to jack’d.

  • vern

    these rules are so completely stupid. this app is not a pg app and should not be treated as one

  • Dionte

    I left them for Jack’d long ago.

  • raisedsouth

    Im more stunned at #17 beanbag and a bag of cheetos, sir I believe you ate all the cheetos in the world and then the cheetos cheeta! How your able to stand up and even viably function is a medical marvel to me and I wish to study you for scientific research IMMEDIATELY!!! Oh and why are all these people going very very VERY OLD SCHOOL with the lewd, prude, and no visible nude. Have you not seen the new tv shows where skin is in and if your not showing we ain’t watching it. Imagine Weeds without seeing a little flesh, or worse imagine True Blood without Eric being shirtless in a majority of the season or someones butt or boobies poppin out while on V. I mean we are human beings when all is said and done we strip off the outer linens of our insecure physical oppression (clothes) and jump fully nude (yes I said FULLY NUDE) into our beds where we dream provocative, NC-21 (cuz we can’t teach children under 21 the things we can do with our minds, second thought scratch that YES WE CAN!! *lol shout out to Obama lol*) nasty pornesque wonderlands of sexual gratification and fulfillment. I mean were HUMAN. Maybe all these conservatives and puritanical individuals just need to join forces and make a couple sacrifices by wearing bonnets and covering themselves from chin to below the ankle (Remember those days peeps?) and create there own M. Night Shalaman Village so the REAL WORLD can be just that REAL (and by real I mean sexual and horny). That is all people, I enjoyed this rant and now back to #17 SERIOUSLY let me study YOU!!!

  • raisedsouth

    @theindiestonerdude: You can show me your abs I won’t tell you to cover them *shakes head back and forth* no sir! I shall not will not, in fact I’ll help you take your shirt off with my teeth!

  • jwrappaport

    I agree with the new restrictions, as I only ever use Grindr for social networking (the same way I read Playgirl for the incisive political commentary).

    Also, regarding No. 17: There’s already so much there that meets my eye, I don’t think I could handle any more.

  • David B

    Simple Answer
    Dont buy iCrap!

    When you buy from Crapple, you just give up too much control.

  • Ryan

    I know #7…. actually kinda hooked up with him…. really wasn’t expecting to see anyone I knew….

  • skippy

    Grindr is tired and boring..much like the cookie cutter slabs of nothingness that flaunt themselves on there if anyone cares..oink oink!


    @vern: these rules are fucking Christian one and should be kild like their maker.


    The rules are fucking Christian one and should be kild like their maker.

  • Joe


    The only thing gay men can’t stand. WTF??? If the worst thing in the world is to be gay, then the worstest thing in the universe is fat!!!


  • Triple S

    No. 13, “not looking for hookups”? The why do you have your dick out and holding it? What with that? There’s no point in saying that, we all know that it’s a hookup on his mind

  • D P

    Huh?! …I thought ‘Grindr’ was a sandwich shop…!

  • FunMe

    Sounds like this is the beginning of the end of Grinder. I don’t have it, but sounds like it was fun now ending.

  • darkmoonman`

    And Apple crews up yet another product in order to “save” the family.


    It’s too bad Grindr is moderating profiles… but that’s why we made a new app, and it’s called Closur! No profile and picture moderations, your profile and picture will never be banned for being sexy. It’s also completely free, and available on PC, Mac, and smartphones (iPhone, Android, Blackberry). Give us a try 🙂 Closer men at (

  • gengis


  • LGem

    LOL! THIS photo would probably be disallowed:

  • rawr

    I never see profile pics that hot locally on grindr! :/

  • David Waggoner

    @Tracy: Sue for fun!

  • mark cochenour

    I am married so this doesn’t effect me directly, but any company allowed to police the internet is NOT okay. Drop apple and go with Android!

  • David Beards

    Stupid thing about this is that there are apps on the ipad with far more sexually explicit material than shown on Grindr. It’s an amateur photography site called 500px. Download the app, then search for ‘nude male’. Not only full frontal nudity with semi erections, but M rated man on man and girl on girl action!

  • Woo

    there is no way that guy in the photo is 21.

  • mike

    Another good reason NOT to own any Apple-related.

  • rayy

    @james: Obama’s a boomer, not gen-x.

  • Evji108

    You can thank your friendly Amurican right wing-nut puritan Christians for this BS. They have grabbed the social dialogue on sexuality and yanked it about 50 years backwards. They laugh at us in the rest of the world for this. Why can’t people stand up to them? Apple is afraid to get on their shit-list and have their products boycotted. As if they aren’t making enough money already.
    Another example of this extreme American puritan sexual fear: Many American news sources and television stations wouldn’t use the word Pussy for news coverage of the Pussy Riot Trial in Russia, either bleeping it out or just avoiding the issue altogether by skipping the name and calling them a girl punk band. (Pussy, the love that dare not speak it’s name).

  • Dumdum

    I don’t like what they are doing but I really can’t get fired up about it.I am 52 nice looking and in good shape for my age.But I could never get a date on any of those places.20 years ago perhaps but the gay subculture is focused on youth and beauty. Thank the Goddess that I am an old married lady and not single cause I am too poor to pay for sex.

  • scamandrios

    While the rules on Grind are excessive to the threshold of batshit insanity, it is kind of refreshing not to be bombarded with extreme nude closeups (not morally offended, they are just boring) and people’s unique fetishes. There are enough alternatives for that sort of thing, so don’t see the need to bitch about them for at least attempting to class things up and not pander to negative stereotypes. That being said, Grindr’s major problem is the total void of rational customer service. It seems that so long as a member reports someone, they can be banned (when/if the moderators get around to it) with absolutely no review. This is why some things slip through the cracks (like the cock-shots). Also, their rules as to written content seem to be totally up to the moderator in question- for example, I was banned the first time for calling myself a comic book geek, geek being considered offensive. The second time I was banned for good (until I got a new phone) when my good friend’s ex reported me (and his ex and all of his friends on Grindr) for harassment. He admitted to doing it for purely vindictive reasons, and no one harassed him, but Grind is like like the honey-badger, it don’t give a shit. When I went through the obnoxious process of requesting a review of the situation, not only did it take over a month for a response, but when I did get one it was to ask if my issue (something totally unrelated to my inquiry) was resolved and to rate my “customer service experience”. Most frustrating of all was that “shit-storm nosebleed cluster-fuck” was not an option.

  • scamandrios

    Also, I have heard people complain about being banned for being transsexual or HIV pos. As lame as that is on its own, from their standpoint as a business it is extremely irresponsible to PUNISH responsible behavior (ie- pos users letting other know upfront). Granted, in the trans case, they argue that Grindr is specifically designed to GAY MALES (transgender folks fought hard to be their own separate but related group so based on their own wishes I do not consider them gay or lesbian) Grindr seems to be totally fine with guys saying they are bi (which is not strictly homosexual as per Grindr’s anti-tranny argument)and females looking to make gay friends. Maybe its just me, I just think so long as everyone follows their STATED rules they shouldn’t be discriminated against, on of all things, a gay-male-specific social app.

  • reptiles

    If Apple wants to censor the photos/app, then Grindr should flag every Apple user and prevent the suggestive photos from being displayed. Grindr users should be told that suggestive photos are only sent to Droid and BB co-Grindrs. So people can chose what photo they use on Grindr; what audience they want to reach, or eventually what hardware they want to buy. There is always a software solution to these problems.

    Censorship is always the wrong way to solve problems.

  • Sammy Schlipshit

    @james: What the hell are you talking about? Sober up and try again.

  • BrokebackBob

    The maniacal, puritanical, sadomasochistic influence
    of Steve Jobs survives BEYOND THE GRAVE!!!!
    TOS Rules for Grindr on Apple products will proceed
    to the point that all posts to Grindr will be completely
    covered in sacred Muslim full body burkas with just a slit for the
    eyes and you must wear black contact lenses so that the color of
    your eyes won’t turn anybody on even a teensy little bit.
    I’m getting in the mood already.

  • tidalpool

    @terrwill: They do? why? I like men cuz they look and feel like men, not 11 yo boys!

  • ibernard

    What’s really funny, and informational, here? Everyone’s on the ATT network!
    There’s some free advertising!

  • BuckOH

    And my nominee for this year’s Hypocrite of the Year: QUEERTY for taking a swipe at Grindr and Apple for their “Puritanical rules” regarding nudity. When’s the last time you saw a naked man on this site? If Queerty’s nudity guidelines were any more Puritanical, they’d be burning nude pics at the stake.

  • OhHellNo

    Couldn’t they have made it more succinct and just said “No fun”? Nothing like a sex site where you can’t be sexual! I hear there’s a no-cake rule on the new Food Channel app.

  • Paganzak

    I know that we’re only interested in looking at about half of the members on some of these apps, but unless they apply these same rules to females (No swimsuit shots that have bare skin below the waistline – hip bone area – or above the upper thighs can be shown. By extension, no short skirts, and nothing should be visible on the upper torso, either. No evidence of nipples, nothing that emphasizes the breast, etc!), this violates gender-based discrimination!

  • keith_newton

    There is a simple solution all Gay me boycott apple products, how dare a company police what consenting adults do on a gay hook up site. its time to send a message to apple that we do not like this stop buying apple products

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