Hey y’all! The Benham Brothers are starring alongside homophobe Kevin Sorbo in a nw feature film!
The film is called The Reliant and is being described as “a faith-based action adventure with a strong emphasis on family, forgiveness, and faith through crisis.”
Related: Benham Brothers can’t stop talking about “forced participation” in the “sexual whims” of gay people
Sorbo, who spoke at the antigay Value Voters Summit alongside homopboes Kirk Cameron, Michelle Bachmann, and Donald Trump earlier this year, plays the part of Rick. Meanwhile, the David and Jason Benham play a pair of gun-toting twins (naturally) named Dave and Jase.
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The film’s official description reads:
When the dollar collapses, widespread rioting and looting ensues, and five children tragically lose their parents in the chaos. Armed with a couple of their father’s weapons, they are able to survive in a stretch of woods on the outskirts of their burning town. Facing starvation and threats from encroaching gangs, they begin to doubt God’s love. Will God answer their prayers, or must their faith remain blind to facts?
In other words: It’s a piece of shit pro-gun Christian propaganda.
Related: Rape is OK so long as it’s done by a Christian, Benham Brothers claim
The piece of garbage, which will be released in 2018, was written and produced by Dr. J.P. Johnson, a faith-based filmmaker and family practice physician with a passion for guns.
As part of the film’s promotional campaign, Johnson gave away an AR-15 rifle to one lucky fan on Christmas Day. He says the giveaway was not only to promote his crappy new film but also to promote “responsible gun ownership.”
Watch the trailer below. Or don’t.
I can only imagine how much you hate guns. I’ve noticed that the people who hate guns the most don’t know a thing about them, hence why they keep erroneously calling the AR-15 an “assault rifle.”
I think shooting and gun safety classes should be mandatory in public schools. People need to learn to respect firearms rather than irrationally fear them, but they must also learn how to safely handle them.
@KaiserVonScheissIs. that that latest fox news talking points? I don’t know anyone who hates guns. Guns are just tools. The NRA and the rabid gun nuts that want everything available though.. Now that hate I can understand.
Gun-control advocates began using the term “assault weapons” to refer to semi-automatic firearms like the AR-15 in the 1980s. In the wake of a school shooting in Stockton, California, the first President Bush approved a measure to prohibit importing such guns in 1989. In 1994, Bill Clinton signed the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, a law restricting the manufacture of large-capacity magazines and a large range of semi-automatic firearms. But due to a ten-year sunset provision, the ban was lifted in 2004 and efforts to reinstate it—along with attempts to pass other gun-control measures—have failed. Gun-rights advocates complain that the “assault” moniker is meaningless. It is used by gun-shy activists, a National Review article says, as “a sharp and effective tool with which the enemies of the right to keep and bear arms have sought to sow confusion, fear and ignorance”. The guns falling under the “assault” umbrella are “a set of quotidian weapons that have never posed much of a problem to anybody”.
After another mass shooting in which an AR-15 most certainly posed a problem to many people trapped inside a nightclub, such a blasé approach to powerful civilian weapons may be harder to maintain. Ludwig Wittgenstein, a great 20th-century philosopher and a veteran of the first world war, wrote in his “Philosophical Investigations” that when “we employ the word ‘meaning’,’’ we are most often referring to the everyday purpose of some phrase. “The meaning of a word”, he wrote, “is its use in the language”. By that sensible if trivial standard: if an AR-15 can be used to assault large crowds of people, killing and maiming scores of them, on multiple occasions, it qualifies as an assault weapon.
In the military, your drill sergeant , will rack your a** for calling it anything but a weapon or M16
Aren’t you bored yet of coming to QT just to troll? I mean, do you get tired of Breitbart and FoxNews and just think, guess I’ll head over to QueerTy and try to stir up some s hit?
News flash, scrote, everybody knows you’re not gay; you only comment on political stuff; you self-ID as a Trump supporter, which means that in addition to being a pathetic troll, you’re an idiot.
You’re not offending anyone because everyone has your number. You’re just tiresome, and you obviously have all the time in the world, Time that might be put to some constructive use. Think about it.
No, it’s not an assault rifle. Assault rifles are selective fire, meaning you can choose between semi and full auto (and sometimes 3 round burst).
The AR-15 is semi-auto.
“Assault weapon” is a made up legal and propaganda term. It’s just like calling the inheritance tax the “death tax.”
Ok the Kaiser has a point I am a member of the Pink Pistols A gay gun club that has chapters in every state . The M 16 M 4 is vastly different from your garden variety AR 15 it is just another auto loading rifle its NOT fully automatic Yes I LOOKS like a Assault rifle I HATE that term ! I call it what it is a Military Pattern fire arm You can take a Ruger 10-22 and buy a replacement stock and make it look scary too but its not fully automatic You can modify both for full auto firing BUT neither will do it long The bolt carrier will over heat and jam up in just a few dozen rounds about 10 seconds This is why the shooter in Las Vegas had so many weapons as they failed he picked up another And a note to the bump stocks I had one NEVER got it to work I have had fore arms since a kid so I know some about them I sold it for a lot more than I paid for it to some dolt that will never get it to work ether ! I think MORE gays should learn about fire arms get your CCW license to protect them selves The Police are not going to arrive in time to save your butt ! And being most are in a urban area the chances of you being assaulted are much more that us that live in the country Just like US we were feared and loathed for many years until people learned about us !! Same with fire arms
@ Kaiser
As a man who lives in a country that has extremely tough gun laws, and as a man who’s been to a gun range twice, shot practiced on both visits, I can safely say I don’t fear guns nor do I really respect them.
Guns are tools, they where created for, and continue to be used, as instruments of death. I think I didn’t appreciate this fact until I actually fired my first bullet; this makes me appreciate those tough gun laws because they ensure limited and responsible gun ownership. Here in Canada you have to do a written test, a safety course, and gun range practice before an instructor signs off on you getting your gun license.
We have a hunting culture, and guns are a part of this culture, but we don’t fetishize them, don’t show them respect, such respect is given to the Hunter that responsibly uses the gun. We don’t have a movie industry that glamorizes weapons the way we see happening in the United states.
So I totally understand that people want to keep their weapons, but the open door policy that we see in the United States when it comes to guns is just bizzare. American citizens are the main victims of such policies, surely you see that.
OH MY here in America the gun is a COMPLETE and UTTER fetish item…PERIOD and thank you for saying it…
very well said
Well if Charity J, Ben B. , D. Self, Matt S. say its great… it must be great !!!
paul dorian lord fredine
coming soon to a shooting range or church basement near you. winner of the pos movie of the year starring a has-been and two wannabes. sure to become a classic piece of trash. don’t miss it, especially if you wish to induce vomiting.
I had to wade through the political bullshit just to get here!
I came on here to leave a snide remark about hoping it received as good attendance as the gawd-awful one from Kirk Cameron. What they gonna do? Stop and say an our father before blowing some jerk’s head off? What a travesty from a bunch of maroons!
Ummmm Yeah
Welp destroy it on Rotten Tomatoes.
Pro 2nd and anti 1st, movie.
Vietnam veteran here. From the day I came home until now I’ve never had a gun in my home, nor do I support any attempt to make “gun safety classes” mandatory. Nobody outside of military or law enforcement has any need of ballistic weapons. Collecting and hunting are fine for those who like them, but neither semi-automatic or automatic weapons have any place in that.
Thank you for your service…your comment is spot on and true…semi-automatic and automatic weapons are only used to KILL
God is going to save them. Is there a massacre that disproves this point? Usually is.
Keebler ILF
Why can’t Kevin Sorbo be as accepting as his Hercules character.
I recently saw an episode where Herc was fighting FOR this guy in a dress.
I’m not sure what that character’s story is.
Grateful to see fellow gays who know a thing or two about guns. 2A is our #1 protection against gay bashing and other hate crimes.
If a movie about Christians who use guns is interpreted as “propaganda,” then the other 98% of what Hollywood churns out must be categorized as flat-out attempts at liberal brainwashing.
You seem to have some major delusions. Keep telling yourself that.
Gun fetish culture is killing citizens and people like KaiserScratch& Sniff fail to see that. This movie is lame. And is that the only role Kevin Sorbo could land? Oh goodie… A failed actor whose one highlight was in a 90s TV show (Hercules). If this movie is as bad as that show lmao.
The Benham Bros and Sorbo… That’s a lot of failure. Two dudes who failed at a show and a man whose best was 20+ years ago. In a big lame made for TV movie.
Gun fetishing in this country is killing thousands of Americans. Last year, only a dozen people died in Japan from gun crimes. In America, well over 40,000.