PHOTOS: Brian Sims, Studly Ex-College Football Star, Will Become PA’s First Openly Gay State Legislator

The city of Philadelphia has shown some brotherly love to college football star-turned-attorney Brian Sims, who unseated Reagan-era incumbent Democrat Babette Josephs in yesterday’s primary election. The 33-year-old first-time candidate ran a campaign heavy on direct mail and door-knocking to score the State representative nomination in the gay-heavy neighborhoods of Center City and South Philadelphia. A wealth of out-of-state donations from generous gay heavyweights hoping for Pennsylvania’s first LGBT pol (and his classic hunky good looks) didn’t hurt either. While Sims will have to go up against a Republican opponent in November, it’s widely expected that this very urban district will vote solidly Democratic—and that he’ll easily become the first openly gay state Rep. in the place that elected Senator Santorum. Brian’s been on Queerty’s radar since the former Bloomsburg College football captain shared his story of coming out to a teammate—at a fratty jello-wrestling party, no less. Click through for some more photos of Sims celebrating his victory—and the hard work he put in knocking on doors to secure it. Source: Out. Photos via Brian Sims, Facebook

Meeting with the College Democrats at Temple University

Stumping with a staffer

Pride flag posed opportunely in the background

On the cover of Philadelphia Weekly

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  • Hyhybt

    @Delius: Because of course nothing else matters, whether for politics or studliness, but patterns of speech.

  • Stace

    And people wonder why gays aren’t taken seriously or can be easily dismissed. Clowns like Delius and the fact this news bit focused on the important political issues of him being “studly.” I’m glad I’m ethnic and only marginally have to pay attention to this nonsense.

  • mc

    @Delius: The man was a defensive tackle and captain of his college football team. Why don’t you mosey on up to him and tell him you don’t think he’s masculine enough and see what happens.

  • Reynaldo


    How about you do something with your life and become the masculine gay role mole we so desperately need instead of bad-mouthing someone who is. And, since you are reading this blog I’m going to assume you are gay: is there something wrong with you, becuase your comment implies that there is something wrong with being gay. Stop perpetuating and abetting a negative view of feminine gay men. How can you want other people to accept homosexuals (you) and you personally not accept and RESPECT the very thing you want them to accept and respect?! Just a thought 🙂

  • Dave

    @! Delius-Who cares if he’s not the most masculine guy? He’s an LGBT person and this is a great landmark for us!

  • J Stratford


    You are an idiot.

    We want all gays to come out, not just the “obvious” femmes – but also the jocks and everything in between. So he was a real jock, good, we need more of those to show the world that there is more of us than they think and that we can be anyone’s brother, father or friend.

    So he is femme-er than you want your jocks to be? Well, too bad for you. Nothing wrong with him.

    Maybe you should run for public office and do something good for a change instead of ragging on other gay’s looks. (And he is not even remotely ugly, by any definition). At that point, maybe we will judge whether you are macho enough or not for our taste too.

  • Andy

    DON’T FEED THE TROLL. That is all.

  • CBRad

    That’s great ! Well…for the obvious reasons. (I’ll admit I say that with some reservations because I know nothing of his politics, but…still…)

  • Mike

    Let’s just say that I’ve gotten “intimate” with Mr. Sims before. I would definitely say he is masculine 😉

  • Larry

    @Delius: jesus…you are a self loathing bitch

  • hassia

    I will make an observation which I am sure will not be lost on that one commentator who shall not be named. If it were not for those nelly queens, most of you ‘straight acting men’ would still be in the closet.

    Congratulations Mr Sims.

  • 1equalityUSA

    It would sure be a kick in the pants for Santorum. I’d like to see him win just to bug that homophobic ninny that said inscrutably stupid things about LGBT Americans in an effort to procure “religulous” votes Congrats, Mr. Sims , on being authentic about your sexual identity.

  • TMA

    @Delius: Self-hating douche

  • DouggSeven

    He’s got a slight lisp, but not enough to call him a queen in any respect. I think he’s hot and I would forego my lisp prejeduce for him. My god, those lips. I bet he’s an amazing kisser. Also, I bet he’s done more in his 33 years than everyone else in this thread.@Mike: I’d kill for some details – assuming that’s true, of course

  • iDavid

    I’m really picky but he is masc enough for me! His coming out story to his teammates is very touching.


  • iDavid

    It’s awesome to see such courage on the political front. Thanks Brian Sims, for being the real you. You’re a noble role model for us all.

  • AJ

    In person, he’s a bloated self-important queen. He has only been an attorney for one year and he doesn’t even live in his district, nor has he ever.

    Babette, we’ll miss you!

  • Chris

    Proud to say I have the privilege of knowing Brian Sims, and yes he is very handsome but he’s also very driven and will make a great legislator.

    I would, however, like to point out that “Reagan-era Democrat” Babette Josephs was a champion of gay rights back when such a position was a huge risk for a lawmaker. She led HIV activism efforts in Pennsylvania, and is one of the main reasons the state doesn’t have an anti-gay marriage amendment on its constitution. I’m proud of Brian, but Barrette deserves credit for her decades of service to the gay community – not to be associated in print with the man who refused to acknowledge the AIDS crisis.

  • Chris

    Sorry, Babette. Damn Swype.

  • Wow

    oh. what would the internet be with trolls? It would be like going to a strip club without strippers.

  • hf2hvit

    @hassia: AMEN!!!

  • Jase

    @Delius: If this wasn’t a gay website, I would assume your comment was written by a homophobic straight dude who deep down has gay feelings he’s desperate trying to repress.

    Why don’t you just go register for ex-gay therapy camp and get it over with, it’s clear that’s what you really want.

  • NovaNardis

    I knocked doors for Brian and supported his campaign. I also live in South Philadelphia. Let me tell you, South Philly is not “gay-heavy”.

    Philadelphia’s Gayborhood is in Center City. South Philadelphia is diverse, but predominately Italian and African American families. There’s nothing gay-heavy about it.

  • JMU

    He doesn’t have Republican opposition – no Republican filed but if @Delius: wants to run a write in campaign against him – that would make for some good comedy.

    I too have been intimate with Brian, he is NOT nelly.

  • Joe

    God there are some self loathes on this site. You want people to accept you’re gay but you won’t accept people who act gay? Can we say hypocrite? Do you honestly think you’re better than feminine men because you consider yourself more manly? Here’s some news for you; the homophobes hate you of you’re demons or not.

  • James M. Martin

    Although I used to put them down for their hypocrisy, news that highly placed GOP people have come out recently now appears to me as having leveled the playing field. Rove protegees Ed Gillespie and Ken Mehlman were featured on a political talk show recently and steadfastly defended conservative (and Tea Party) platform positions — with straight faces (no pun intended). Neither of the men seemed the least uncomfortable being interviewed in such close proximity to their difficult experiences coming out, but as anyone who reads “Blinded by the Right” is convinced, the Republican Party never was a bastion of heterosexuality as some might have thought. My take is that if conservatives can accept Gillespie and Mehlman, they’re signaling that homosexuality, female or male, is no longer much of an issue with them, and it is an issue that social conservatives have plainly lost.

  • 1equalityUSA

    Dear James M. Martin

    NOM-skull’s website:

    In signing NOM’s marriage pledge, Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachman and Rick Santorum pledged to:

    Support and send to the states a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman,

    Defend DOMA in court,

    Appoint judges and an attorney general who will respect the original meaning of the Constitution,

    Appoint a presidential commission to investigate harassment of traditional marriage supporters,

    Support legislation that would return to the people of D.C. their right to vote for marriage.

    “Marriage is an issue with an unbroken string of victories that unites Republicans, and we’re pleased and honored the leading candidates in the race for the GOP nomination have spoken up for marriage. We expect the voters of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina will continue to reward candidates who champion marriage,” noted Brown.

    Gingrich and Perry (Republicans) also signed this sleazy pledge

  • Rockin Dad

    This man is handsome and very sweet, but he is certainly not particularly “gay-acting”. In fact, if you didn’t know he was gay, there’s absolutely nothing about the way he talks that wouldn’t easily pass for strait. DELIUS: You’ve obviously had your head up your own gay ass for way too long… I just hope that SIMS hasn’t done porn-postings and isn’t some kind of circuit boy on the side. We don’t need another media freakshow. Otherwise, he can represent the hell outta me anytime.

  • 1equalityUSA

    Cute dog too, but he better not pet his dog too vigorously, lest the haters accuse him of unspeakable acts.

  • Alexi3

    The most dangerous statement I saw on this post is that “the Social Conservatives have lost”. Nothing could be further from the truth and we would be wise not to put our guard down. I agree that the flow of history is against them in the long run but we haven’t heard anything near their last gasp. The most annoying thing I saw on this post came from Delius. I simply don’t understand or have time for people who focus on speech patterns when an openly gay legislator from a city that once boasted the likes of Frank Rizzo as its mayor is a very big deal. Also, as someone who lived in Center City Philadelphia, there has been a large gay presence in this section of the city for decades; I concur there is nothing gay-heavy about South Philadelphia. There is some gay-gentrification in evidence but that’s as far as one could honestly go.

  • Chad

    The fact that his STRAIGHT football teammates accept him for WHO HE IS more so than u currently are says more about u than anyone else. I do get what ur saying because I’m tired of LGBT’s being associated with drag queens, cross dressing, and falsom parades. But come on give this guy a break, he’s nothing like that. But if u really want some one to come out fitting the profile you described, then YOU step up to the plate. Until then, don’t hate. Better yet don’t hate after that either.

  • Danny

    He’s not a queen. Delius seems like a 700-lb jealous drag queen in skag drag.

  • Brian's Imaginary Boyfriend


    Come on, you’ve got to give us a little more than THAT!! Let those of us on the other side of the country fantasize a little bit!

  • JKB

    @Delius: You do not deserve what everyone is saying to you. Instead, you deserve a great big F&CK YOU!

  • Superman

    I nominate myself to have the first gay sex scandal with Mr. Sims. WOOF! :-O

  • Kayak

    correction: ” and is not expected to face a Republican opponent in the fall.” from r

  • Mr truth

    @Delius: @Delius: What a homophobic jerk you are, “Delius”! Get some therapy, you need it!

  • DrewSF

    I doubt that “Mike” was really sexual with this guy, he just wishes he was.

  • arlo

    He’s the fakest fake who has ever faked. A total bore, but semi-cute in person
    (if only he could stop gaining weight).

  • Kayak

    He’s so good looking and dreamy OH MY


  • Andrew

    Congratulations, Brian! I sincerely hope he won’t have to read any of the sexist, self-loathing nonsense written here. Anyone who takes the time to look him up will find that he’s absolutely one of the nicest, most compassionate and smartest guys around.

    I wish him nothing but the best!

  • PerryBrass

    If Bran Sims does become the first openly gay Pennsylvania state senator, it will be fantastic. I’m glad that some of the responses here showed real maturity and intelligence, and also a sense of genuine self. I admire that.

  • Jaroslaw

    #17 AJ and a couple others – When you consider what a person has to go through to run for office, I think it is necessary to have an ego and be a little fake. I stress a LITTLE bit. You cannot wear your heart on your sleeve, cry and go to pieces for every problem and issue. Conversely, do you think “top shelf” people run for office? No because they wouldn’t put up with all the nonsense from people like you to the fact they may have had sex once or twice or smoked a joint in college and be run over the coals for it. If the people want Sims and he has the ideas they want, he should win period. Gay or not.

  • Just being honest

    Just watched the videos. I would tap that.

  • kawneekwa

    I lubs jello. I no dat!!

  • jar137

    I don’t know what the point is in referring to Josephs as a Reagan-era incumbent. If the writer know anything about Babbette he would know that she was a strong proponent of gay rights and progressive issues during that Reagan era. Her district at that time was a bit of a silk stocking district in Center City. I volunteered for her campaigns back in the 80’s. It’s a shame that she is being replaced, but times (and voting districts) change.

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