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This post is part of a series of Queerty conversations with models, trainers, dancers, and, well, people who inspire us to stay in shape–or just sit on the couch ogling them instead.

Name: Raneir Pollard, 35 

City: Los Angeles but born and raised in Miami, Florida.

Occupation: Supernatural VR Fitness instructor. Supernatural is an Oculus-based virtual reality program that allows fitness coaches to guide clients in exotic locations without ever leaving home. I’m also a stand-up comedian that most often gets up at The Laugh Factory! I like to say, whether I’m coaching Supernatural or I’m up on stage, my goal is to get your cheeks to hurt.

What is your favorite gym for working out? 

I’m #TeamHomeWorkout although Supernatural takes me all around the world through the Oculus Quest 2. Supernatural has been so consciously inclusive when it comes to many communities but especially the LGBTQIA+. As an avid Queerty follower and reader myself, it means a lot that our standpoint is well enough known for you to have reached out.

Do you have a favorite exercise playlist? Yes. I listen to a lot of up-tempo hip hop & “hip pop”. Basically any song that makes me want to put my hands on my knees & twerk, also makes me want to power through hard workout sessions.

It’s not just the beat, but the confidence & empowering messages that usually come through the lyrics and voice of the artists.


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What’s the best food to eat prior to a workout?

Is coffee a food cause that’s my go-to? Otherwise, I enjoy a light snack like a banana or some yogurt; but once and a while I’ll have some gummy bears when I want a real spike in energy.

What’s the best outfit for working out? It could be the Florida boy in me, but I’m a fan of a shirtless workout & I get to indulge myself in that guilt-free working out from home. The brand of shorts (& tanks that last about 10 mins into my workouts before I throw them off) I typically wear are Lululemon, Alo and Rhone. They are great brands that allow the jiggle to happen when I want to show off my twerk skills.


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How do you balance staying in shape and having fun? 

I think the mindset is everything in exercise as it is in life. This question frames “staying in shape” & fun as if they are mutually exclusive and for me, they’re not. Exercise is a privilege & I have so much gratitude for every moment I get to partake in glorious movement. I balance “staying in shape” and fun by looking forward to my workouts just as much as I do my other social activities. In fact, many of my social activities are things that keep me feeling fit. Right now I’ve been attending group hikes and beach volleyball events that’re everything to me.

What’s a basic, if useful, workout tip you can offer? 

A little can go a long way. Workouts don’t have to be long to be effective. In fact there are benefits that can come along with just 10 mins of exercise. I used to always say to my clients, if you’re tired, just start with 10 minutes. Supernatural has a “quick hits” option just for this. Most of the time, 10 minutes in, I’d wager you’ll want to do more. But if not, at least you’ve got that 10 mins under your belt and that’s a win.

How do you keep your clients motivated? 

I think the best way to keep anyone motivated is to stay motivated yourself. It’s contagious! I have a genuine joy for movement & exercise and I’m lucky enough to have a community of members that I get to share that love with. I also try not to hold back with the funny which I find is the best type of motivation to keep ‘em coming back. Lastly, I get to talk to community members on social media when they tag me or hit up my DMs. There’s been so many inspiring stories & milestones that have hit me right in the heart. I’m happy I have that easy access to letting them know I care & am proud of them for joining me on this Supernatural journey.


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You’re also a pioneer in the Supernatural workout series–that is, Oculus-based workouts. How do you tailor a workout for someone in a virtual location? Is the workout as intense as say, one at the gym?

This workout is no joke and has a variety of intensity levels to choose from. We tailor the difficulty so you can be brand new to exercise or like me, be a 15 year veteran to fitness instructing and still get a massive challenge in every component of fitness.

What do you keep on your nightstand? 

Honestly, my nightstand is basically an entire bureau of stuff that needs to be put away. If I cleared it like I should, all that’d be left would be a candle & my phone charger but sadly, that’s a rare occurrence…

Bonus Pics:


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