Earlier in the week we reported on Indiana Rep. Bob Morris (R-Fort Wayne), who went on a totally cray-cray rant against the Girl Scouts of the USA when he was invited to sign a resolution celebrating the group’s 100th birthday.

Liberal progressive troop-leaders will indoctrinate the girls in their troop according to the principles of Planned Parenthood, making Bishop Conley’s warning true.

Many parents are abandoning the Girl Scouts because they promote homosexual lifestyles. In fact, the Girl Scouts education seminar girls are directed to study the example of role models. Of the fifty role models listed, only three have a briefly-mentioned religious background —all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists.

The fact that the Honorary President of Girl Scouts of America is Michelle Obama, and the Obama’s are radically pro-abortion and vigorously support the agenda of Planned Parenthood, should give each of us reason to pause before our individual or collective endorsement of the organization.

As you can expect, people were kinda offended.

Maybe Morris thought Hoosiers had bought into the right-wing Kool-Aid about the Scouts roping in hordes of boys in dresses and showing 8-year-old girls how to use the Rabbit. Realizing he was out on a limb, he issued a statement yesterday to The Journal Gazette, in which he admitted his comments were “emotional, reactionary and inflammatory” and that he he regretted “paint[ing] the entire Girl Scouts organization with such a wide brush.”

I realize now that my words were emotional, reactionary, and inflammatory. For that I sincerely apologize. I apologize to the Girl Scouts of Indiana and all of the girls and parents of Indiana who are participating in and running their Girl Scout organizations in a way that promotes leadership, community involvement and family values.

I certainly should not have painted the entire Girl Scouts organization with such a wide brush. As I have mentioned, the letter was intended for only my colleagues in the Statehouse. That is not an excuse for the breadth of my letter—rather, it is the reason for the lack of research and evidence it contained.

But then Morris pulled the classic right-wing non-apology (most recently employed by Roland Martin):

In hindsight, I never should have written the letter. However, I still would not sign the Resolution honoring the Girl Scouts—not because of any local troops or even the Girl Scouts of Indiana, but because of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America (Girl Scouts USA) and its policies.

My conscience would not allow me to publicly endorse an organization that partners with Planned Parenthood – our State’s leading abortion provider. My family and I view abortion as the biggest evil of our time. And as Blessed Pope John Paul II said in his Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae, “every person sincerely open to truth and goodness can, by the light of reason and the hidden action of grace, come to recognize in the natural law written in the heart (cf. Rom 2:14-15) the sacred value of human life from its very beginning until its end, and can affirm the right of every human being to have this primary good respected to the highest degree.”

I hope that my stance will help to spread the Gospel of life. Perhaps it will cause the Girl Scouts USA to reconsider its policies.

The Girl Scouts were more ladylike about the whole thing than we would have been:

On Monday, Cathy Ritchie, chief operating officer for the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, told 24-Hour News 8 the organization has never been a relationship with Planned Parenthood. After reading the statement Morris released to his hometown paper, Ritchie took the high road Thursday. “I’m glad he realized his words were ‘emotional, reactionary and inflammatory,’” she said. “He recognizes that and we appreciate it.”

Clearly Morris feels bad for calling out the Girl Scouts—but he still won’t sign the resolution. He’s not that sorry.

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