dollars and nonsense

Gays + Lesbians Invited to Fund President’s Party That Has No Time For You


Didn’t get an invite to the White House’s gay-inclusive Easter Egg Roll? Then here’s your chance to plop down at least $1,000 (or as much as $30,400!) for a seat at the Democratic National Committee LGBT Leadership Council dinner on June 25 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in D.C. Joe Biden will be there! And if you’re lucky, Rick Warren will serve you appetizers! But sorry, the evening’s program is already full, which means you’ll have to wait … till sometime “down the road” … for things like marriage rights and the ability to serve openly in the military. [Queers United]

UPDATE: A letter from the DNC’s openly gay treasurer Andrew Tobias half-criticizes/half-supports Obama’s record on gays thus far. And yes, he still wants your money. IT’S A DOOZY, so we’ve posted the entire letter on the next page (which talks about Rick Warren, marriage, the lack of “signals” that Obama supports us, ), but here are some relevant bits:

It’s hard to be pleased and angry at the same time. Indeed, I think there are medications for that. And yet I think it’s what a lot of us feel these days. we’re pleased to have a President we can be proud of . . . pleased to be one Al Franken away from having at least partial control of the Senate (partial, because not all 60 will always follow orders) . . . and pleased to see our issues just one click off the home page for all to see ( ). But . . . but . . . There are a lot of buts. I’m sorry to send such a long email, but there’s a lot to be frustrated about, and those who feel it most acutely deserve a serious response.

[…] In a perfect world, the President would have parted from Senator Clinton and run in the primary supporting marriage equality. Instead, he called for full repeal of DOMA. That was his position then, that is his position now. Once achieved, it will have the effect of giving all 1,138 Federal benefits of marriage to any couple – from any state – that takes a trip to Massachusetts or anywhere else they can get legally married. That’s a very big deal. I totally get that we wish he could just turn around now, a few months after the election, and – having won – say he now favors marriage equality. Or make a statement congratulating the people of Iowa and Maine and New Hampshire – which amounts to the same thing.

[…] At some point in time I truly believe Obama will mount the bully pulpit in favor of gay marriage. But the timing is the important factor. If you read Goodwin’s “Team of Rivals” you will see the our pre-eminent president on moral issues did not jump on them from the very beginning. He waited until the timing was exactly right. Timing is everything in making sure you bring about the result you want.

[…] But – in the words of Dixon Osburn, who co-founded SLDN and spent 13 years running it – “The notion that the President could do away with Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell with ‘a stroke of the pen’ is misleading.”

From: Andrew Tobias
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009
Subject: progress and frustration – Part Deux [long – save for later if swamped]

It’s hard to be pleased and angry at the same time. Indeed, I think there are medications for that. And yet I think it’s what a lot of us feel these days.

We’re pleased to have a President we can be proud of . . . pleased to be one Al Franken away from having at least partial control of the Senate (partial, because not all 60 will always follow orders) . . . and pleased to see our issues just one click off the home page for all to see ( ).

But . . . but . . .

There are a lot of buts.

I’m sorry to send such a long email, but there’s a lot to be frustrated about, and those who feel it most acutely deserve a serious response. Don George’s comments at the end are particularly noteworthy.

With the caveat that this is in no way an official email – I never clear these emails with anyone in advance, in hope that one day I will go SO far astray I will at last be fired and get my life back – let me try to address some of the frustration.

Before getting to MARRIAGE and the MILITARY, a quick preamble:

1. I believe Barack and Michelle Obama are truly committed to our equality. It is not their very first priority, but it is real. And that’s true, I think, of people like Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean (who, now that he is no longer DNC Chair, was able to come out full-bore for Vermont marriage) and our new DNC chair Tim Kaine — and Barney Frank, for that matter, who was the subject of tremendous community ire last year, yet who, to so many of us, is an extraordinary hero.

2. I think we’re going to make a lot of progress in the relatively near future – but I agree with those who feel that, however rapidly it comes, it is – by some measures – not soon enough. How CAN it be? We deserved fully equality from the day we were born. Our Constitution guarantees it.

3. I think we need to keep the pressure on – as in Richard Socarides’s excellent Washington Post op-ed so many have read, and in David Mixner’s comments to the press, to take just two examples – and yet at the same time show our support (as Richard and David are doing with their attendance at the June 25 dinner).

I think we should even allow ourselves to enjoy the milestones, as each one is reached, even though, in a perfect world, they would have been reached earlier.

If we get Gender Identity-inclusive Hate Crimes legislation this summer or fall, and ENDA this fall or winter, let’s not spend TOO much of our energy angry that we didn’t get them this past Spring.

We need to be impatient – and we deserve to be – and yet at the same time, we need to be supportive. The more successful this President is, the better it will be for us.

From what I’ve seen of Law & Order, Bad-Cop/Good-Cop is more effective than bad-cop alone. June 25 is about “good cop.”

4. Our President has a pretty good head for politics. The goals set out on the White House web site are real. I believe we can expect him to move in a deliberate, strategic, pragmatic way to achieve them.

Now to specifics:


This sucked. But as hurtful as that was, I believe the goal was to strengthen the President’s ability to govern. The evangelicals would get the invocation; the progressives would get the legislation. The community was absolutely right to express public dismay over Warren’s positions and statements. Indeed, our well-reasoned expressions of dismay may have opened more hearts and minds in the heartland than the Invocation closed – a plus. But even if the President’s instincts should prove to have been wrong and this tactical move does not ultimately help him achieve progressive goals, I think we should at least consider the possibility that that was his intent.


There have not been enough. But let’s dismiss the ones there have been – ranging from that very public White House agenda to, as silly as it may seem, the invitation of 110 openly gay families to the Easter egg roll. That story made the national TV news. Millions of people saw that our families are deemed by this administration to be as good as any others.

Signals matter. I think we will see more of them.


We deserve more than just the couple dozen of note so far. But it’s not nothing that the head of the civil service, with jurisdiction over the treatment of millions of Federal employees, is an openly gay man. Or that the chair of the White House Council of Environmental Quality is an openly gay woman. We need to keep pushing and putting ourselves forward as candidates.


This is an issue a lot of us have worked on and invested in for a long time. Aubrey Sarvis at SLDN and Aaron Belkin and Nathaniel Frank at the Michael Palm Center are doing amazing work to repeal DA/DT. They deserve our continued strong support.

And publicly (“bad cop”) it’s fine simply to demand immediate repeal. That’s one of the things that has helped bring public support heavily our way. It is NUTS to separate outstanding servicemen like Arab linguist Dan Choi. A great many Americans get that by now, which is why we may be almost there. Congress doesn’t have to be particularly brave to do this.

But – in the words of Dixon Osburn, who co-founded SLDN and spent 13 years running it – “The notion that the President could do away with Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell with ‘a stroke of the pen’ is misleading.”

Here is his analysis:


I remember going to the Pentagon with Dixon and his SLDN co-founder Michelle Benecke for a tense meeting with the Undersecretary of Defense many years ago. The two of them were terrifically well prepared and tough as nails. We could not have had better advocates – and the same is true of Aubrey now.

As frustrating as it is to have to wait even one day more, I think we have to accept that, in not getting it done in his first four months in office, the President has not betrayed us. He is committed to the goal.


In a perfect world, the President would have parted from Senator Clinton and run in the primary supporting marriage equality.

Instead, he called for full repeal of DOMA. That was his position then, that is his position now.

Once achieved, it will have the effect of giving all 1,138 Federal benefits of marriage to any couple – from any state – that takes a trip to Massachusetts or anywhere else they can get legally married.

That’s a very big deal.

I totally get that we wish he could just turn around now, a few months after the election, and – having won – say he now favors marriage equality. Or make a statement congratulating the people of Iowa and Maine and New Hampshire – which amounts to the same thing.

But imagine the press conferences. And think back to how well this kind of early, highly controversial pro-gay advocacy served President Clinton.

I submit for your consideration a post on this topic from Don George, whose thoughtful contributions on LGBT donor listserves some of you may have seen in the past. On Friday, he posted this (in a thread about marriage):


So there you have it. I am not challenging your frustration – I share it. But I beg you to play Good Cop as well as Bad Cop, and to help this amazing President succeed.

Since sending “part one” a few hours ago, JOAN GARRY and MARY BONAUTO have signed on to join you for dinner in Washington June 25th. My hero Joan led GLAAD for eight years. My hero Mary – of “the other GLAD” with one ‘A’ – was lead counsel on Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, the Massachusetts case that established the right of same-sex couples to marry.

Join us! It’s going to be a great dinner and we need you.



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