The name John Mark Karr is known to you only as the guy who in 2006 took credit for killing child pageant queen JonBenet Ramsey, and authorities extradited him from Thailand in a big media spectacle. But now his name is Alexis Valoran Reich, and sometimes Delia Alexis Reich, because he is a she, and is undergoing gender reassignment. Or at least maybe that’s what he wants authorities to believe, because Karr is allegedly putting together a botnet of JonBenet lookalikes for some sick purpose.

A former student of Karr’s, 19-year-old Samantha Spiegel, alleges he’s [changing his gender] in order to get closer to little girls, a charge confirmed by e-mails she produced at a court hearing in San Francisco last month. A Seattle television station reported that Spiegel, who met Karr when she was 9 years old and he was her substitute teacher in San Francisco, produced e-mails in which Karr, now 46, said: “I want to hurt you.”

“If you deceive me,” he wrote, “I will kill you. I know where you live.” In one of his last messages, on April 10, Karr wrote: “If you cost me my little girls I will hunt you down and kill you,” according to KING-TV.

Spiegel almost became one of Karr’s “Immaculates,” she says, when the pair began an email correspondence after she saw him on television, and he managed to convince her she was “special.” Karr proposed, Spiegel accepted — and her parents quickly shipped her off to a rehab center.

Or perhaps that’s just a ruse, Karr posing as a woman to avoid being recognized. A Facebook page, recently removed, showed him as a woman in his profile picture, and he has reportedly been taking hormones in preparation for a sex-change operation.

The accusation this time is that Karr, 46, a reputed pedophile who married a 13-year-old and later a 16-year-old in the 1980s, has been trying to create a cult of JonBenet Ramsey lookalikes he is calling “the Immaculates” — blond girls as young as 4 years old with small feet — and has been threatening harm to one of the girls, whom he used to recruit others and who escaped from his influence.

Karr: Giving transgender folks (and pedophiles) a bad name.

[AJC, Fox News]

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