Meghan McCain has just published another one of her op-eds in the Daily Mail and it’s all about how she thinks Joe Biden totally sucks at being president. She also accuses him of being a “con” and a “lie” and likening him to a “master”.
“He promised to be a president for all Americans and to usher us out of what was one of the most divided times in American history,” she writes. “By any metric, America is becoming a worse place to live, work, and raise our children.”
Then instead of, say, offering suggestions for how Biden might improve things in the United States, McCain proceeds to accuse him and his administration of being snarky and dividing people, all while being snarky and divisive herself.
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First, she attacks the “White House cast of characters from Chief of Staff Ron Klain to the ever-snarky Jen Psaki seem to have no new ideas at all.”
“At least Kamala Harris is working on her rebrand,” the mean girl writes. “Good luck with that!”
“There is very little left to straighten out the Biden administration’s failing agenda and PR problems. So instead, they’re doubling down on division.”
(Side note: One person McCain does not criticize is Biden’s pick for United States Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture, who happens to be her mother, Cindy McCain.)
From there, Meghan goes on to attack Biden for his “bizarrely vitriolic” about voting rights in Georgia last week, blasting him for comparing people who opposes voting rights to the staunch segregationist George Wallace.
“In the eyes of President Biden and his administration, if you do not support changing the Senate filibuster rules to pass stalled voting and election legislation, you are comparable to some of the most reviled villains of our past.”
Related: Meghan McCain didn’t just trash her old ‘View’ cohosts–she hated these guests, too
McCain concludes her op-ed by going on a tangent about how Democrats always accuse Republicans of being racist whenever they do racist things, and how that’s totally NOT cool.
“The promise of a united, bipartisan Biden-era has been revealed as a con and a lie,” she writes. “If you disagree with him or his policies, you are no better than racist segregationists.”
“No great president in history has ever inspired his nation by accusing them of being comparable to the worst kind of figures in American history if you disagree with them.”
Here’s how people on Twitter are reacting to Meghan’s latest hit piece…
He should’ve never introduced her parents to each other
— Mike (@FuMikechu) January 18, 2022
The fact that the article isn’t even remotely true is the big issue here. But, I agree with you… joe was there for her and consoled her when no one else was able to. Be better Meghan.
— Carissa shuck (@Carissa5419) January 17, 2022
How quickly you forget.
— Estela Joloya (@JoloyaEstela) January 18, 2022
Wait…is this the same guy who nominated your mother as the US Ambassador to the UN agencies for food and agriculture?
— Bobby V. (@BobV123) January 17, 2022
Why sow division? If you can’t say anything nice or productive just be quiet. Be kind
— patti-B-TxMomsDemand (@BrockingtoPatti) January 18, 2022
You need to learn a term called “self reflection.”
— Nathan Manning (@natecman24) January 18, 2022
Not true. What happened to you? Or were you always like this? If this how you treat someone who is a close family friend, I would hate to see how you treat someone you don’t like.
— kmmora (@Kmmora5) January 18, 2022
Your article shows how you turn on those considered a family friend. I read one of your tweets the other day on how there was so much hatred in politics…you just validated your statement.
— SA (@scootertravel) January 17, 2022
I am so sorry for whatever is going on in your life that would make you turn on somebody who was there for you when you needed him like Joe was. I hope you get the help you need.
— chriskorton (@chriskorton) January 18, 2022
Here’s a video of McCain and Biden during the better, more compassionate days of their relationship…
Graham Gremore is the Features Editor and a Staff Writer at Queerty. Follow him on Twitter @grahamgremore.
Meghan McCain is such a right wing caricature that she named her daughter “Liberty” just to troll people. Her daughter is just a tool for her to troll others. That’s what kind of souless ghoul she is.
Heywood Jablowme
She didn’t think that one through.
“Mom, the kids call me LIB and I like it!”
@Heywood Jablowme
She is not a nice person but she is right that Biden is not a good president. Very divisive when he promised to be a president for all Americans. His numbers are absolutely terrible, I can’t see him nor Kamala running next time.
ROFLMAO for a stupid comment from a right wing troll.
Mack: Objectively, do you really think he’s doing a good job? Or do you base your opinion solely on what party he represents?
Obama tried to work with the GOP and Biden tried to work with the GOP while TRUMP refused to work with the dems so F**K you and your and her lies. The GOP under McCOnnell keeps saying they will work with the dems but have ALWAYS REFUSED to actually pass the agreed upon deal, How long should a president TRY to work with the opposite party when they LIE over and over
Barry: It was actually Nancy Pelosi who refused, absolutely refused to work with Trump on anything. But again, do you think Biden is doing a good job?
You can’t see the forrest for the trees and you are wrong on all accounts but hey, your commitment towards ignorance is remarkable.
It must be a slow day over at Faux News fit them to send this loser troll over here. Go comment on how Trump and Deathsantis are going at each other in that banana republic called florida
Everyone who is saying I’m ignorant, please tell me if you believe Biden is doing a good job, and what benefits as he brought to the country in his first year. I don’t mind the name calling, I will agree Trump was a terrible choice. Now please tell me what good has Biden done?
@SamB, Meghan McCain is a ghoul. I’ll answer your question about Biden. He’s doing some things well and some things horribly.
On the plus side, the economy over all is roaring back. The US has made up more than 20 million jobs it lost under Don the Con. We have had the fast growth in Biden’s first year than in any of the previous 7 or 8 presidents. There are more jobs today than there are US workers to do them. Unemployment is down and the US collected record taxes last year, bringing the deficit down. His rescue plan worked. The US also has more Covid-19 vaccine capacity (and the ability to make more) than the rest of the world save China combined. The stock market, though volatile to begin 2022, continues to rise and reached record levels last year. Biden also has put more money into Obamacare and Medicaid, rebuilt many of our overseas alliances, and for the most part kept out of direct US foreign military escapades, at least so far.
On the negative side, economic inequality is rampant, in part because of the 2008 W Bush financial collapse, the massive tax cuts under Don the Con, and the sheer economic catastrophe in 2020 that Don the Con presided over. Biden began 2021 dealing with Covid-19 well but stumbled by not preparing for the need for more and better testing and tracking, and the potential of more virulent variants. Crime spiked in 2020 and Biden and local authorities haven’t gotten it under control. Biden’s Afghanistan pull out, though long desired by both Americans and Afghans, was a mess, in part because Biden overestimated both the puppet Afghan government and Don the Con’s absurd pull out terms, which included freeing hundreds of Taliban terrorists. That country had no chance once that occurred. Biden also has not fulfilled promises on policing, voting rights, and other areas.
Lastly, he inherited a supply-and-demand problem from Don the Con and the pandemic that has led to high inflation and supply chain problems. Once the US can get the supply chain issues worked out, inflation should begin to wane, but the Fed is taking steps to structurally address the loose monetary policy, so there’s a danger that Fed policy could not only lower inflation, but create a recession, which is something to worry about. Biden also inherited the border crisis from Don the Con, and has been inconsistent on dealing with it. In some cases he’s continued Don the Con’s policies, while in others he’s appeared to give the green light to the immigrants who keep coming. Given the US economy’s strengths we could easily take in more immigrants, and probably should to take the jobs that remain open, but that’s politically fraught right now.
I’ll take him over the treasonous, deranged psychopath Don the Con any day! With Don the Con it was endless chaos and crisis, and Putin getting everything he wanted across the globe.
This is the tactic this particular right wing troll and it’s screenames have been using.
First sentence kind of agree with the premise. Second sentence, say “BUT….. and then make the rest of the comment an anti-Democrat comment.
Your troll game is sad and weak.
Kangol: The economy is not roaring back, there is hyper inflation that is keeping prices unreasonably high. Did you know that in Oct 2021 the Federal reserve printed $20 Trillion notes? That accounts for about 75% of all US notes out in circulation.
20 million jobs were not “made up” by Biden, they were jobs lost due to covid and people simply returning to work. Biden has made no new jobs.
And it’s frustrating to discuss something when your argument really isn’t to prove Biden is doing well, all you seem to care about is how bad Trump was. So anything is better than him is your reasoning, which isn’t good because you’re not thinking of THIS president and how poorly he is doing.
Please cite a single example of President Biden being divisive… I’ll use an example so you understand what divisive means… It’s like when Trump said at his recent Phoenix rally:
“The left is now rationing lifesaving therapeutics based on race, discriminating against and denigrating … white people to determine who lives and who dies. If you’re white you don’t get the vaccine or if you’re white you don’t get therapeutics. … In New York state, if you’re white, you have to go to the back of the line to get medical health.”
Now THAT is divisive.
cc423: Sept 2021 he said, “We’re going to protect the vaccinated from unvaccinated co-workers.” in a speech where he made unvaccinated people the enemy. That is divisive. You might think that it’s good because everyone should be vaccinated, but there is no reason why everyone needs to be. I am vaccinated, I now have somewhat of an immunity to the virus or if I get it, the symptoms should be mild. I can get it from a vaccinated person or an unvaccinated person. If someone does not want to get vaccinated it doesn’t affect me, it affects them. That is one way he’s dividing the people, making unvaccinated people the enemy.
Fname Optional Lname
LOL what? Biden can do absolutely nothing to please the Orange lemmings and the Republicans fight him every chance they have available. They block anything he wants to do and then all people latch on to “he’s not unifying our country” Ha Ha ! READ THE ROOM!
SamB – You get an “F-minus” in epidemiology. All the people who choose not to get vaccinated absolutely do affect you. Unvaccinated people are many times more likely to contract the virus and become a vector for the continued spread of a deadly disease. Also a vector for possible new variants. More vectors, more likely for you to be infected and become a possible vector yourself.
If a vaccinated person gets a breakthrough case, they shed less virus and are therefore less likely to infect others. They also put very little strain on the healthcare system. The unvaccinated have put greater strain on the healthcare system than anything, ever. And it’s not just other unvaccintated people who get less than ample care due to overwhelmed hospitals. Stroke, heart-attack, car accidents, etc. In some regions people in need of emergent or acute care are suffering or dying unnecessarily.
Now, you wanna take another swing with your “don’t matter to me” argument?
Yes Karen, I mean Meghan, it has nothing to do with the obstructionist Republicans replying the 2008-2016 playbook all over again. And notice how Biden refers to half of the country as pathetic losers and gins up the crowd to physically attack the government, and calls dead soldiers losers for having died in combat. Oooops again, that was the last Republican president. My bad.
She puts her name to what her husband writes or she has just been brainwashed. I don´t know what she ultimately wants, but I´m pretty sure she´s not going to get it. Maybe she and Caitlyn could work together on something.
Granting that Biden’s presidency hasn’t been what we may have hoped for let’s keep a couple of things in mind: Senators Manchin and Sinema have pretty much hijacked the national agenda as Democrats do their typical circular firing squad schtick while the GOP, feckless, traitors that they be, have not had to bend in the least while offering no viable alternative nor any example of governance when they controlled the White House, Congress and the judiciary. Biden is at least trying to push through some decent stuff but it’s hard when you may be the only decent guy and patriot left in the capital city.
so true.
Manchinema are a pox on the Democratic Senate caucus. They’re like Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman on steroids.
Fname Optional Lname
He’s only been here a year and he is not receiving bipartisan cooperation yet they all expect him to make it happen. He is in a very similar position to what Obama faced and hearing he is a let down is laughable
Does PattiB mean to sew or is she referring to a fat pig
what a hateful back stabbing C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Op-Ed is missing something…I can’t put my finger on it…oh wait I know, she forgot to mention she’s John McCain’s daughter ! We didn’t forget that, right ? That she’s John McCain’s daughter ? Just so we’re clear: she’s John McCain’s daughter. Okay, there, now it’s a Meghan McCain op-Ed.
She has such a mean, bitter, pinched and evil face. Must be whats inside too.
Fname Optional Lname
Thank God her photos do not come scented
Not defending Meghan McCain at all. But it really is getting harder out here. Our money doesn’t go as far at the grocery store, the chip shortage is driving up prices for all kinds of goods including cars, and people still need to choose between paying the rent and getting ill.
Not that McCain or any of whatever remains of her D.C. network would have any interest in helping people through these troubled times. Republicans might be willing to do another round of PPP, considering how successfully 75% of that money went straight into the pockets of business owners who laid off employees anyway and paid themselves instead.
Gee… the economy is bad after two years of a global pandemic? Maybe get your conservative fool friends to wear a mask and get vaxxed so this will be over soon and our economy can heel. This is all you conservatives fault.
Fname Optional Lname
@cc43 thank u
Does she ever shut up? Such an awful woman.
First question is why did the Daily Mail publish an OpEd from this wanna be.
Second question is why did Queerty repeat it.
Heywood Jablowme
If they can’t find anything on Reddit or Twitter they look at the Daily Mail!
She signed her name to the article her husband handed her.
Anything is possible with her.
She’s odious. If she didn’t have that last name would anyone be listening?
Somehow and recently as well, McCain went from moderate to being a total right wing repukelican. Mental illness maybe ?
She’s married to a far-right wing plagiarist. She’s easily gullible and suggestible, it seems.
So she choses to annihilate Joe Biden, but won’t open her fat trap about family leach Ms. Lindsey Graham and speak the TRUTH about his insurrectionist behavior. If she was even remotely relevant, I’d spend more time eating her up. Luckily she’s dead to me with the exception of seeing her latest antics on Queerty. Nobody covers her worthless azz anymore. Sashay (or waddle) away.
The bitch or fat cow is just jealous because nobody likes her and she has PMS 365/247. Get over your ugly self
LOL I felt a bit for her on the view until after she left and was even worse, entitled spoiled right wing B!!! two-faced gun touting crab, moron OH how do we spell hypocrite, her oh my gays stay in my bed ya her hair people, as her husband works for a known antigay news company! how do we spell scummy sticky creeps
Okay, here’s the deal. This piece by Meghan McCain really has nothing to do with President Biden at all. It’s a bid for McCain herself to stay relevant. She no longer has her daily platform at THE VIEW and she has to do SOMETHING to remind people that she exists. Remember the old axiom…What’s the best way to get famous? Throw a rock at a famous person.
Let’s see how this all happened. “Sleepy Joe” won the election fair & square according to everybody and their brother in the election world. With that win, he inherited 4 years of lousy government policies, decisions and don’t forget lies (I mean alternate facts or as Steve Martin said made up facts) that split the country.
Then there is the vaccine debacle – kudos to the Trump for getting it moving, I’ll give him that even though everybody else did the work. Surprisingly, didn’t a lot of the misinformation ramp up at the end of November (ish)? Which led to the ongoing covid sh*t show.
I’ll skip 12th Night, a Washington sh*t show, but a good time was had in New Orleans where vaccine loving, mask tolerant people celebrated the start of 2022 Carnival season. I digress…
The USA is like a battleship, you can’t turn that sucker on a dime like you can a Zero-Turn mower. It takes time and cooperation by all those involved to row in the same direction.
As for Meghan McCain – she needs to get a constructive hobby, offer solutions instead of throwing stones and stop doing her own hair/make up, she reminds me of the church ladies after being denied service at Roger’s Beehive.
Robert Bradley
Just one word describes this mess of a creature….”cvnt”
According to former Clinton staffer, Paul Begala, ” I think the problem for the Democrats right now is not that they have bad leaders. They have bad followers, okay?”
The problem is you fuc*ers! Clap harder you lazy twits. Clap harder!