Meghan McCain is about to release a new tell-all audiobook about her turbulent time on The View, and nobody seems to be getting off easy.
Earlier this week we heard her take that the show was a toxic place to work and her colleagues were terrible, awful people who constantly made her life a living hell.
Apparently, she thought the guests were just as horrible.
In Bad Republican, out next week, McCain rails agains several former guests.
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Related: Fact checkers take Meghan McCain to task for calling her homophobic husband “sexy” and “brilliant”
Making the list of her “least favorite guests” is former FBI Director James Comey, who she says was “so slick and rehearsed that he was a terrible guest.”
“Rachel Maddow same thing,” she adds before bluntly asserting that “Nathan Lane was a d*ck.”
But McCain’s two least favorite guests of all time were Donald Trump Jr. and Fox News personality Jeanine Pirro. Somehow, we believe her.
“[Trump Jr.] was a disaster,” she says in the book, per the Daily Mail. “He packed the audience with Trump supporters and brought his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle who I used to work with at Fox News, before she was fired for allegedly sending around penis pictures.”
“It felt a lot like an episode of the Jerry Springer Show or an MMA cage match.”
As for Pirro?
“She came on the show and told us we all had Trump Derangement Syndrome, and when we pushed back, she became instantly enraged,” McCain says.
Related: Everyone’s convinced Meghan McCain’s hair and makeup stylist secretly hates her
According to McCain, things got even uglier when Pirro allegedly threw her microphone at her and claimed to have done more for Black women that [Whoopi] Goldberg ever had. Then came the swearing.
“Who says c*cksucker, much less shouts it 1,000 times?” McCain asks. “It’s the dumbest word. I heard Whoopi yelling at her to get the hell out of the building.
“Pirro went on Sean Hannity’s show that night and recalled the episode as if she’d been an innocent victim and Whoopi was insane. I yelled at my TV when I saw that.”
Speaking to Variety, McCain calls being on the show “crazy-making” and “extremely isolating” and that she often felt “outnumbered.”
“You can watch the show and see that it’s unhinged and disorganized and rowdy,” she says. “For me personally, it felt extremely isolating because of my political ideology.”
I don’t know why I look at Queerty. A bunch of BULLIES. Doing the very thing we claim others are doing to the LGBT community. Hypocrites.
It’s cute that you think she is a weak and vulnerable individual who has no power, money or influence. Good on you Mate.
Meghan is the embodiment of entitlement. Without her daddy’s name, she’s a nobody. Without her mommy’s money, she’s broke.
She’s just Princess Morbucks, especially with those buns.
We all know why you come here. You are a right wing troll and probably straight. You are way to obvious in your faked outrage. Go try that on some right wing sites as those dumb as FK deplorables have shown they will fall for absolutely any dumb as shit crap that ANYONE spews. You are the spewer here missy
NO we do not try to take away the rights of straight people. We do not try to get them fired or evicted or not allow them to adopt. SO SCCCRREEWWW YOU and your fake outrage ignorant troll
Tired ‘ol lazy-ass queen. Actually, you’re probably just a russian bot. Worthless dumbass
NO I’m not some right wing radical republican fanatic. I’m quite the opposite. You think its okay to make fun of the way people look or how they wear their hair or their makeup? They do it to her all the time. I don’t even watch that idiotic show. But having two pics of her side by side like this tells me that her looks are being made fun of. If you think thats okay THAT MAKES YOU A BULLY AND A HYPOCRITE. Because she’s “entitled” that makes it okay? Because she was born into a certain family that makes it okay? Even if I don’t agree with somebody’s political views, I don’t make fun of the way they look.
The only one here commenting on her looks….is you.
Translation: Right wing troll account SCREAMING that calling out bigots and racists is being a “Bully”.
Give it a rest. MCCain helps fund and regularly promoted stories from her husband’s extremely bigoted website.
@cam “ MCCain helps fund and regularly promoted stories from her husband’s extremely bigoted website.”
[citation needed]
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out bro. Calling out this horrid excuse of a human is very much appropriate. She is one of the worst humans on the planet.
McCain is an immature brat with an entitled attitude. her lack of business professionalism is also horrifying.
Take away her daddy’s name and her mommie’s inheritance and what is left?
Did Princess Morbucks not get her way again?
Looking forward to reading more spoilers as they become available here on Queerty.
The best thing the the View ever did was fire her.
Used to actually like her. In hindsight, she truly is a shrew.
humble charlie
I loved her on the View. Even her crazy hair styles. The show is now becoming boring. Meghan made me realize what I was against and made me realize how crazed some people are. I felt sad that she left.
Meghan reportedly was paid $1 million per season on the View. For a maybe 3 hour per day gig 5 days a week, closed for part of the year, that’s a very sweet deal. She’s nothing special. Someone more mature like Abbie Huntsman (who I adore) could handle the pushback from Dem hosts just fine. Breaking down in tears the way Meghan did frequently because her feelings got hurt.
Sorry sister. You’re being paid way too much and you’re expecting a cushy atmosphere each and every day. If you weren’t a ranting bitch and always bringing up your father (your anchor to the show) maybe we’d take you more seriously. Glad you’re gone. You’re married to an anti-LGBTQ+ while touting your love of the gay community. I DON’T F-ING BUY IT.
Sidenote: Joy was 100% out of line when Meghan joking said to Joy: I bet you missed me while I was gone. Joy: Nope. I didn’t miss you at all. Meghan was speaking in fun but it was also a heated moment just prior to Behar’s toxic words to Meggy where Behar was reacting to McCain’s latest rant.
Bottom line: Glad she’s gone.
Meghan McCain is the utmost ugly cow that ever has and a total has been
Meghan’s only problem is that she feels self entitled & should be treated as royalty because SHE is the daughter of John McCain!
“Rachel Maddow same thing,” she adds before bluntly asserting that “Nathan Lane was a d*ck.”
so- she had the nerve to call Kathy Griffin to LGBT people because of things she said about Clay Aiken… that was a joke- this was true homophobia!
oops- I skimmed this and thought it said Rachel Maddow was Nathan Lane with a dick… damn my dyslexia- Never mind.
It’s interesting how, tasked with coming up with someone to intelligently debate on the conservative side, the best they could come up with is Megan McCain. It speaks volumes.
Can we please allow obscurity to devour John McCain’s crotchfruit?
Pretty please?
Mr. Stadnick
The View is a piece of shit and has been for most of its run.
Ah the ‘view’, just another waste of an hour of valuable time that’s gone forever and can’t be recouped along with intelligence. Does anyone with half a brain still waste their valuable time on this BS show? Most thinking people with productive busy lives don’t have time for the ‘view’ and it’s constant put down on everything non ultra liberal.
When the ‘view’ debuted 27 years ago it was an interesting discussion show with different and interesting guests. The original ladies hosted by babs walters were polite and respectful and the discussions were civil. It was an interesting exchange of ideas and differing opinions, even with guests with different opinions or views’.
Over the years it’s gotten to be nothing but a ‘bitch fest’ hosted by a bunch of old gals perpetually on the rag. And really who can stand joyless behar? Last year Alan Dershowitz a law professor was a guest. The so called legal experts, whoopie ‘cushion’ goldberg and ‘joyless’ joy behar sat on their wrinkled ‘n overpaid asses and insulted Alan Dershowitz by trying to make him look stupid when discussing a current legal issue. Really he should have declined the offer to appear as this would have been a total waste of his valuable time. Isn’t it about time for ABC to cancel the ‘view’? .
@winemaker, STFU! It is way past time that you cancel yourself.
It’s ok for you to stop watching the show. Because you obviously do, since you left such LONG RESPONCE!
No matter what screename it’s hiding under, the same old right wing troll uses ANY thread about Meghan McCain as a desperate attempt to cry about Whoopie and Joy.
We get it, it upsets you that Joy and Whoopie didn’t like a guy who was one of Jeffrey Epstein’s friends.
ABC should stop with the dropping hints that McCain is a liar and just file suit.
The “leaks” are that McCain was the hostile person and was let go. That story makes sense because it was an easy job, paying millions and nobody would leave a few years early without a payout if they were legitimately leaving. Also, ever time “The View” trended was because McCain said something abusive. Also, and most importantly, ratings went up when McCain wasn’t there.
ABC should sue, present evidence that she didn’t leave voluntarily and put an injunction against the book. Just to see her reaction when the court told her she couldn’t lie anymore would be priceless.