ON OUR GAYDAR — News, notes, clicks, and quips from around the web.


→ Just a tease of what’s to come in Levi’s Playgirl shoot. But remember, it doesn’t get much more X-rated than this.

→ Well of course the House’s ENDA hearing has been postponed.

→ Republican Alabama State Rep. DuWayne Bridges plans to introduce a bill that would eliminate state funding for any public university that offers same-sex benefits to faculty.

→ Jody Trautwein, the youth pastor who tried converting Bruno‘s title character to heterosexuality, is running for mayor of Birmingham.

→ Was Kristina Muça, an Albanian prostitute, murdered by a john after he discovered she was trans?

→ Orlando’s LGBT building, the Center, vandalized with “Die Fags” graffiti. A nearby gay-owned store was also hit.


→ Benton Communications, the LA media strategy firm, says it won a bid to purchase Window Media’s Blade newspapers, but the federal Small Business Association, unannounced, closed down the papers just six days after the two parties last spoke.

→ Two gay dads (one a minister) take their five adopted foster children from Los Angeles to Grand Rapids, Reno, and San Francisco. And tape the whole thing. Introducing Preacher’s Sons.

→ The Catholic homogays are upset the Vatican no longer takes their phone calls.

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