We reported on The Fosters, a new ABC Family drama from Jennifer Lopez. The hourlong drama, executive-produced by J-Lo, Bradley Bredeweg and Queer as Folk‘s Peter Paige, follows two mommies—a cop and a teacher—who are raising adopted twins and a biological son together in a blended family.

 No stars, scripts or episodes have surfaced yet but One Million Moms is already up in arms. A screed on the OMM website reads:

Obviously, ABC has lost their minds. They haven’t let up so neither will we. ABC’s Family Channel has several anti-family programs, and they are planning on adding to that growing list. ABC Family has approved a series pilot from Jennifer Lopez’s production company, Nuyorican, about a lesbian couple and their diverse family. Many families have already discovered that ABC Family Channel is anything but family-friendly. But because of family being part of the network’s name, we thought a warning should still be sent out for anyone who continues to watch the channel. A premiere date has not been set, but One Million Moms wanted to sound the alarm about this new series. It will be airing on the network soon unless we do something about it. They are in the beginning stages.

ABC Family reported the comedy-drama pilot, working with the title “The Fosters,” is about two women raising a “21st century,” multi-ethnic mix of foster and biological kids. While foster care and adoption is a wonderful thing and the Bible does teach us to help orphans, this program is attempting to redefine marriage and family by having two moms raise these children together. One Million Moms is not sure how the explanation will be given on how the biological children were conceived. None of this material is acceptable content for a family show.

Hollywood is continuing to push an agenda that homosexuality is acceptable when scripture states clearly it is a sin. As Christians, the Bible also says that we must speak up against sin. If we remain silent then we are guilty of sin also.

Lopez will be an executive producer for the hour-long project. Casting has not been announced. It’s still in the pilot stage and hasn’t been picked up for a series yet. Let’s stop this dead in it its tracks.

No need to look at something before you condemn it, right?

For once OMM is showing it’s true colors: It’s not positive depictions of gays and lesbians that irk the reactionary group. It’s any depictions. Our very existence irritates them.

OMM is asking members to “take action” by contacting ABC Family and encouraging the network to drop the show: “Let them also know you are prepared to join thousands of other voices in urging advertisers to place it on their ‘do not advertise’ list and consider pulling all ads from the ABC network in protest.”

OMM’s boycotts have a history of backfiring, but you can email ABC Family and let it knowyou appreciate the inclusion of LGBT characters in network programming and you’ll be tuning in to check out The Fosters when it debuts. (Whether we keep watching, though, depends on how good it is.)



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