We’re really struggling for the proper angle on this one. Lena Headey, who plays Sarah Conner in Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles, a show we’re totally obsessed with (Summer Glau is a robot! Thomas Dekker scowls! There’s gunplay!) is for some reason, guest starring in the season finale of AfterEllen’s web series Ghostella’s Haunted Tomb.

We feel sort of awful pointing out how interminably long and disjointed the show is, since it’s clearly a work of love, but then again, you made us sit through fifteen minutes of weird Elvira-meets-Wyoming-Public-Access-Television nonsense before Lena showed up, so let’s call it even.

Headey actually shows up at about “32:00” on the timer (it counts backwards for some reason) and plays the psychopathic roommate from hell, though we’re making that sound way more exciting than it really is. You’ll want to skip ahead to about fifteen minutes before the end to where Heady goes all psycho and starts murdering cast members left and right, which is sort of gratifying– even more so if you’ve watched the whole thing as we did. We asked AfterEllen how Headey got involved with the show, but haven’t had a response yet. We’re absolutely in love with her and we would watch her in anything she’s involved in, but never expected our limits to be so thoroughly tested.

Anyway, congratulations Ghostella and company on completing your series, even if we have no idea what’s going on or what it’s about. We’re sorry we said horrible things about your show!

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