The fever swamps of the right wing are teeming with new life this week. Among the spawn to emerge:

Parents who are OK with their transgender kids should be investigated for criminal wrongdoing. That’s the brilliant idea from Matt Barber (pictured) of Liberty Action Counsel. Barber was responding to the case of Maryland parents with a six-year-old who is biologically female but identifies as a boy. The parents are allowing the child to live as a boy

“In order to be hip and cool and trendy to facilitate this gender confusion,” says Barber, “and then to even prepare this baby for hormone abuse, to try to stall the onset of puberty, and to pump testosterone into this child, is nothing short of child abuse.” Barber says that not forcing children into their biologically gender is “illustrative of the decline of our society when it comes to parental responsibility.”

Barber has had a banner week, also suggesting that attacks on antigay Christians will rise because “the life of the average homosexual is not controlled by reason” but instead by “the taste of blood.”  Based on his comments, Barber hardly seems the best arbiter for determining what reason is.

The ever reliable Linda Harvey is back, with sex on the brain again. This time it’s the nefarious plot that gay activists have to make pedophilia acceptable.  “It’s all part of a plan to introduce sex to children at younger and younger ages to convince them that normal friendship is actually a sexual attraction,” according to Harvey. 

“There are people who advocate for sexual freedom who have been attempting to lower the age of consent for quite some time,” Harvey said. “For instance, they will be pushing under anti-bullying laws that there is nothing wrong with a 16-year-old having sexual relations with an 11-year-old.” Harvey didn’t name who these advocates might be. Perhaps because they exist only in her curdled imagination.

And finally, there’s the novel belief by Jane Porter of Faith2Action that the Disney Channel isn’t kid friendly. The reason: one program features (gasp!) lesbian moms. “Now, you can’t trust the Disney Channel,” Porter declares. “One of their more popular programs, ‘Good Luck Charlie’ will in a few months be introducing a family with two lesbian mothers. Caving into pressure to include homosexual characters in their programs, they plan to do this in the last episode of what is scheduled to be the final season of the show…In fact, there isn’t much on the Disney Channel safe for children to view. More reason to steer your kids elsewhere!” Presumably under a rock where your children will never be exposed to the reality of modern existence.

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