Each week, Queerty picks one blowhard, hypocrite, airhead, sanctimonious prick or other enemy of all that is queer to be the Douche of the Week. 

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Celebutard Paris Hilton waited a whole day before shedding crocodile tears over getting caught calling gay men on Grindr “digusting” and saying they “probably have AIDS” in a conversation with a gay friend that was recorded by a New York City taxi driver.

Last night she released the following apology to GLAAD:

As anyone close to me knows, I always have been and always will be a huge supporter of the gay community. I am so sorry and so upset that I caused pain to my gay friends, fans and their families with the comments heard this morning.

I was having this private conversation with a friend of mine who is gay and our conversation was in no way towards the entire gay community. It is the last thing that I would ever want to do and I cannot put into words how much I wish I could take back every word.

HIV/AIDS can hurt anyone, gay and straight, men and women. It’s something I take very seriously and should not have been thrown around in conversation. Gay people are the strongest and most inspiring people I know. It is so wrong when people bully or put down others for being gay. No one should have to go through that.

Again, I am so sorry from the bottom of my heart and I feel absolutely horrible. I hope that everyone can accept my apology and know that it is not who I am or how I feel in any way.

Thank you for taking a minute to read this, I love you.

Not exactly the defensive explanation Hilton’s spokeswoman released earlier. Did Hilton write this apology? Did she even read it? Sending a press release to GLAAD is about the least a celebrity can do when they’ve stepped that deep in it.

Look, there are bigger fish to fry: Paris Hilton isn’t campaigning to take away our rights or penning homophobic columns for right-wing blogs. She’s just a spoiled-rich rapidly aging socialite who says something stupid every time she opens her mouth. She’s not really the enemy. She’s just a douche.

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