If you still care about whether Democrats in Congress still about your rights, then you’ll be pleased to know House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (not a lesbian) told a conference call bulked up with activists that she is still committed to passing ENDA and repealing DADT this year. Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

Too bad, it’s our blog, we choose.

The good news: A caller on the line says “the Speaker discussed the timing of taking a vote on ENDA relative to a DADT repeal vote, which is automatically built into the calendar for next week based on the fact that the House is scheduled to consider the National Defense Authorization Act that week. A DADT repeal measure is likely to be proposed on the House floor as an amendment to the NDAA.”

The bad news: Pelosi “went through the chronology of the calendar and the fact that taking a vote on ENDA and DADT in the same week is literally impossible from a scheduling standpoint. Pelosi also said she thought ENDA would have a much better likelihood of passing if DADT were successfully ushered through first.”

Yes, the “bad news” amounts to not having two things to cheerlead in the same week. But there’s also the possibility of worse-er bad news: Having nothing to celebrate, because your lawmakers are a bunch of pussies.

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