Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake went up against Piers Morgan on his show, Piers Morgan Uncensored, on Wednesday night. If she expected an easy ride, she was mistaken.
The two discussed the sentencing of key Proud Boys figures over the January 6th insurrection. Lake, predictably, claimed it wasn’t an insurrection but a “staged riot”. Morgan was having none of it.
“If it had been the other way around — if Donald Trump won that election, beaten Joe Biden and these were Democrats, hundreds of thousands of Democrats storming the US Capitol to try and stop that election being ratified with zero actual evidence of any election being stolen… I can absolutely bet my house that you would have come on this show and argued the complete opposite,” Morgan said.
“If the November 3rd election would have been rigged and stolen the way it was against the Democrats, I would be appalled as an American,” Lake responded. “This isn’t about Democrat, Republican. It’s about the way that election was run.
“More and more evidence is coming out about how bad 2020 was,” she continued. “The polls are showing that the majority of Americans now believe that the 2020 election was wrought with fraud.”
“No they don’t! That’s complete nonsense,” Morgan laughed. “Oh, Kari. As we would say across the pond, that is an absolute whopper.”
“Majority of Americans in every poll I’ve seen do not believe that the election was stolen. You know why? Because it wasn’t stolen,” Morgan said.
Lake, smiling politely, pressed on. She claimed the topic of election integrity is something she follows as it’s “near and dear” to her heart.
“I don’t think you follow election integrity,” Morgan retorted. “I think what you want to do, like Donald Trump, you want to fuel the sense that every time you guys lose a fair election, it’s unfair and rigged and stolen — every time you win, it’s the purest example of efficient working democracy imaginable. That’s really what it boils down to.”
“Spirited debate”
Online, many praised Morgan for shooting down Lake’s nonsense.
Lake herself took to X (formerly Twitter) to make out she wasn’t bothered about her on-screen humiliation.
“Another chat with @PiersMorgan turns into yet another spirited debate. Honestly, these things are a blast. Till next time, Piers!”
Morgan slams ‘Queer Nature’
Although Morgan was right to press Lake on her baseless claims of election fraud, elsewhere on the show, he took aim at a pro-queer initiative in a famed botanical center.
Kew Gardens, in south-west London, is the most famous, historic botanical garden in England. In October, it’s hosting a ‘Queer Nature’ initiative, celebrating “diversity in art, plants and fungi.” It will include “an evening of queer entertainment in amongst the foliage of the iconic Temperate House. Expect music, cabaret, comedy and talks alongside a sprinkling of queer joy.”
Morgan took aim at the idea in a discussion with gay comedian James Barr.
“My question for all of this is, why?” Morgan asked. “Why are we having some queer celebration of things like mushrooms?”
Barr went on to point out that fungi have have over 23,000 sexes.
Morgan ignored this and pressed on.
“We’ve just had Pride month, where the entire month was taken up with turning everything LGBTQ … Why can’t we just have straight plants?”
Barr jokingly suggested Morgan anger was due to him losing out on a National TV Award (a high-profile British awards show) the previous night to gay presenter Graham Norton.
Caitlyn Jenner tries to defend Kari Lake and it backfires in her face
This is embarrassing.
In no way do I like Piers Morgan. But he is the PERFECT person to go at these whack jobs like Kari Lake. Liberal media in the US needs to be more like Piers. Feed them their own ridiculous lies for lunch. Kari–he read you, girl. Library closed.
It’s surprising because usually Piers’ head is all up a Republican’s ass.
The liberal media can’t go after whack jobs like Kari bc ppl like Kari are afraid to go on liberal shows. They only stick to Faux News. Some of them will sometimes go on the View bc they know that nut job grandma Whoopi will protect them and yell at the audience when they rightfully boo!!
Mister P
She can’t possibly believe the rubbish she is spewing. She should be prosecuted for slandering our election integrity and be prohibited from telling these lies.
Lock her up in jail or a looney bin pronto.
I hate it when Piers Morgan does something right.
I agree he is a puke – normally
Kari Lake is a completely useless, nonsensical idiot who is either completely insane or just desperate for attention. Either way, she does absolutely *nothing* but spew absolute stupidity at every turn…and, somehow, she thinks she’s cute. She’s not.
they’re both trash
Hey Republicans – the 2024 election is ALREADY RIGGED! Don’t bother voting. You can all just stay home and have sex with your guns.
lol. funny
LOL. If only that would happen.
Fname Optional Lname
LOL! oh thanks ..needed that
Nigel Farage actually was in Arizona on election night 2020 to attend her anticipated “victory” party; but then when she lost, he quickly returned to the UK and he later said that she had overestimated her appeal. Btw, she lies like a rug.
The rightwing blowhards in England would regard the Count of Monte Crisco, her, Hershal Walker, etc. as heroes if they had won, but they didn’t, they LOST they’re LOSERS — and it is a little much to expect the UK rightwing media, including Morgan, to play along with the crazy.
Am I naive to think that a functioning democracy would OBLIGE public office holders to refrain from statements that a reasonable, independent observer would consider false and/or misleading? If we accept that the people we elect to be the most responsible for the protection of our civil rights can lie without impunity, then that is a recipe for self-destruction of democracy — no better than any autocratic regime be it under the banner of “Communism” or “Fascism” or “Theocracy”, where those in power are free to issue untrue, disproven statements in order to get or keep power.
It’s about time to update an 18th Century legal document, the US Constitution, written for the benefit of 250k White, land-owing / taxpaying men. No other legal document is considered acceptable after 250 years of societal and technological change. Unfortunately, revising the US Constitution is now virtually impossible when the tiny population of Wyoming (650k) has as much power in the senate as California (40M), and the bar to Constitutional change is 75% of Congress, and 75% of States’ ratification. For example, I doubt that Puerto Rico, a territory of 3.25M (down from 5M before Irene), which is greater than 40% of US States, would ever become a US State when all of the less populous States would fight tooth and nail to keep the Federal gravy train going.
A lovely fantasy, but remember that Republicans have been gunning for a Constitutional rewrite for years now, and nobody here would be happy with the results.
Yeah, Senate representation looks heavy for Wyoming, but you forgot to mention that they also only have ONE vote in the House while California has FIFTY TWO. This part of the constitution is about as fair as you can get as far as equal representation goes.
inbama –
The only thing Republicans have been gunning for is elimination of rights and nullification of votes. If there were to be a Constitutional Convention, the result would be far more liberal in structure and function than the hyper-capitalists (dark-money donors) would be able to bear. And Republican politicians, to a person, and too many Democrats are cheese-eating surrender monkeys for the hyper-capitalists.
Openminded –
The one Wyoming House member represents fewer people than any member of the California delegation, still giving Wyoming citizens greater representation and therefore more influence per capita. And, of course, since you’re for equal representation, you’re for the elimination of the Electoral College, right?
Piers Morgan is the most annoying and irritating person on television. Kari Lake is a lunatic. I’m glad I did not see this show. I will not be looking for it.
The entire R party has gone batshit rogue. They can’t control sex and sexuality as a minority so they are taking the Autocratic playbook to lie cheat and steal their way into power clashing with a total backfire. Thk god Garland grew, or hired, a backbone.
Jack Smith will go down in history as saving American democracy.
Kari Lake is like a drug resistant bacterium that keeps eluding all attempts to clear it out of the body politic. She’ll act like a fool no matter what, but I hope she’s roundly defeated AGAIN this next election cycle. And if she runs after that, that she continues to be defeated at the ballot box (even for school board, etc.) until she joins her maker, in hell.
Kari Lake is another delusional MAGA loser. She can’t accept reality that her husband in her head , Trump, lost and that she lost as well. These MAGA people all need to be institutionalized forever.