We have a name, folks.
The Chicago woman who was recorded going on racist tirade against two black employees at a Michaels store over a $1 bag and another homophobic rant against a barista at a coffee shop in Boystown over a bottle of water has been identified. Social media sleuths have ID’d her as Jennifer Boyle.
Here’s the incident if you have yet to experience its wonders:
Related: Trump Voter Cries Discrimination During Tirade At Michaels Over $1 Bag
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According to the bigoted brunette’s now-deleted LinkedIn profile, she attended DePaul University and, ironically, used to work in Human Resources at Sinai Health System:
One commenter on the site You_Twitter claims to have worked with Boyle, describing her as “batsh*t, racist, crazy”:
She is just as nuts in person as this video depicts. From a legal perspective, I am not sure what I am or am not allowed to say; but I will leave it at this. EVERYONE was happy when they found out she was no longer welcome back.
Another person claiming to be a former co-worker echoed that sentiment:
When I worked at Sinai, I was her conduit for all of her mental anguish. On my last day, I warned everyone that was at my going away outing to be careful around her and that she was mentally unstable. After I left, she unleashed on everyone within the department. Even though “I told you so”s feel good for a moment, this is unprecedented.
Sinai Health System was quick to distance itself from the deplorable, posting on Facebook that Boyle stopped working there prior to the Michael’s incident and assuring people that “her views in no way represent those of our organization.”
It is unclear where or if Boyle is employed today.
Now, let’s take a look at how folks on Twitter are responding…
Well …#jenniferboyle wanted everyone to know she voted Trump. Your wish is the internet's command, sister.
— Nisha Mathur (@heroabstract) November 29, 2016
Anyone who has worked in retail has dealt with so many people like #JenniferBoyle
— vige? (@bramblethicket) November 29, 2016
My favorite part of the #JenniferBoyle saga-her yelling at Starbucks manager "I make $90K/year" & at Michael's she can't pay $1 for a bag.
— Cory Scott (@imcoryscott) November 29, 2016
Right now #JenniferBoyle is probably wishing Al Gore didn't invent the internet.
— Dr. Matt (@DrMatthew) November 29, 2016
Note to self: try to make it through life without your name becoming a hashtag. #JenniferBoyle
— Robin Franceschi (@frendlein) November 29, 2016
#JenniferBoyle Ooh girl you ARE trending at #19! ???? How's it feel to be both infamous and jobless? Inquiring minds want to know.
— LoriG (@LGLuvsJ5) November 29, 2016
#JenniferBoyle You know you really effed up when you delete your LinkedIn! Damn Jenny!
— Misty (@mistyinthecity) November 29, 2016
#jenniferboyle will be better off shopping at Hobby Lobby anyway
— aJD (@LawvsIt) November 29, 2016
all #jenniferboyle had to do was buy the damn bag and go home pic.twitter.com/0FnbIVX5jR
— shelly (@ijustwannapost) November 29, 2016
Baba Booey Fafa Fooey
R-cist, Homophobic, White Lady Has Been Identified and Twitter’s Having a Field Day.
Kharma in action.
Peace is peace because is public the site is yees in ! not no .
“One commenter on the site You_Twitter” (as you link to Disqus)
No. Disqus is the message board, which Chicago Tribune uses. Youth_Twitter is the user.
If you really want to get technical, “one commenter on the Chicago Tribute website…”
But there’s no such website as You_Twitter – that’s the name of a user. I don’t know how you can possibly get that wrong.
Heywood Jablowme
So… what was the hobby she was into at the Michael’s hobby store, anyway? I’m trying to think of something wickedly appropriate. Perhaps a scrapbook where she keeps all the wings she has pulled off flies?
Wait a second, she was in human resources? You have got to be kidding…
I hope her family will stage an intervention for her soon. She is obviously mentally ill.
@Baba Booey Fafa Fooey: Ah, I see that you too have discovered Queerty’s moronic policy of censoring the word, “R-A-C-I-S-T.” Yes guys, if your post has that word, it won’t show up. And Queerty doesn’t have the courtesy to tell you what the offending word is. Took me about an hour to repeatedly revise a long post last year until I discovered this. In fact, I revised and deleted many other parts and words because it never occurred to me that Queerty would censor such a common AND RELEVANT word. In fact, the word is in the article we’re commenting on! Heck, it’s the first word in the title! Queeerty is staffed by idiots and it’s bug-ridden interface has the worst programming of all the gay sites I use.
@Heywood Jablowme: Artificial flowers for Algernon.
To work in Healthcare,to be that young full of arrogance, ignorance and hate is disgusting.
Aside from her hateful disposition she deserves legal actions,serve community service and a mental evaluation seeking professional help. Clearly she is very disturbed individual if her hateful temper escalates she can do harm to others. A unstable individual on out in the community. People do not disturbed woman growing hate that eventually will spiral into another lose cannon.
So she acted a fool TWICE? Didn’t know about the coffee shop. She needs to update her prozac or something. That kid is a total whack job. Actually, in all seriousness, there is something mentally going on. At Michael’s, she just kept on & on & on. People just don’t act like that. There has to be issues.
@Heywood Jablowme: ROFL
Now when prospective employers google her, they will see bat-shit crazy lady.
Baba Booey Fafa Fooey
@Bryguyf69: Yes, “r-cist” isn’t allowed but homophobia is.
@rand503: HAHAHAHAHA!
Chile…Donald Trump don opened Pandora’s box. Jesus take the wheel. Chiille. I can’t!
Ooooh, Girl, you’re trending at #19 now! I’m still laughing. Can’t stop.
What if she were having her period?
I wished I had been there, I would have grabbed her by the pussy. She would do well to remember that under Herr Trump, women will be relegated to objects again.
@Brian: So? It’s not like having your period or PMS allows women to flip out like this.
@tammybarrett_henson: She could be manic and off meds?
@Brian: My period’s never turned me into a r@cist. But maybe that’s just me.
Trump just interviewed her for his cabinet, inhumane resources.
LOL at grabbing her by the pussy. Ok has anyone yet located the THIRD incident, that took place in Marshall’s? Hope there’s some video of that. OMG what if Trumpo appoints her as Secretary of Human Resources for the formerly great United States of Amerca! LOL. Get help, Jenny.
Alistair Wiseman
So, is she a lesbian?
Queerty: Free Of An Agenda. Except That Gay One.
Lesbian or more sore loser politics from Queerty? Hmm…tough one.
See if that bitch is working Human Resources then my ex is really not applying himself when hes saying theres no one hiring. She can hang out with Janelle Ambrosia waiting for Trump to make the white people be on top again.
She’s going to have a lot of time for crafts.
@Alistair Wiseman: You’re darling.
While her views make my stomach turn, it really seems like she’s clinically mentally ill. So, although her opinions are backwards and subhuman, her behavior is saddening. Someone in the thread suggested an intervention. Great idea. Her family and friends (if she has any) should get her treatment. Once she’s stable and mentally fit (if possible), then I’ll beat her up about her views.
Tera Nantucket
We are taking a stand against r-cism, homophobia, and bigotry! Send a message to Jennifer Boyle by sending her on a one-way trip to Mars!
Seriously my comment that said doxing is bad violates your comments policy and won’t be posted? This isn’t some bitchy, “You posted a story about that tired old queen” or “You posted a pictorial of fat dudes, and I like 5% bodyweight and below”. This is a true criticism. Doxing is freaking BAD, no matter how horrible this woman is.
Jack Meoff
@Tera Nantucket: Ummm NO! You can’t be serious.
@corktownboy: He’s not this Jennifer Boyles husband so be careful who you call out. The guys FB was hammered despite having nothing to do with with Jennifer.
thank you.
@thealexofevil: I think it’s more of a grammatical error then getting it the website wrong. It looks like they are missing a comma to break up that sentence.