White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, who accidentally found his way in the middle of a DADT protest, just got done saying the White House will wait for the Pentagon to conclude its 10-month study of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell before taking any action to repeal the law. That means a pink slip could be the lump of coal in many a military queers’ Christmas stocking, like Just-A-Joe. But we’re also wondering what HRC’s Joe Solmonese thinks seeing as he’s currently being upstaged by Get Equal’s brand of activist and also promised in February that “this year we are going to bring down the discriminatory policy known as Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell … once and for all.”

Looks like Barney Frank was right when he said that a DADT repeal would likely be “in the context of the defense authorization. You can’t do the standalone bill. It belongs in the defense authorization.” Oh, and what was Frank saying about the White house “ducking” out on its commitment?


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