Yesterday I spotted professional closet case Anderson Cooper with a rainbow flag. Maybe you did too? Because he was standing in front of a lovely segment graphic for a story on that “all faggots must die” comment left by somebody in Sen. Saxby Chambliss’ office.

My goodness this story is getting a lot of play. And maybe it should? The timing was pretty terrible: The posting came on the same day Chambliss voted against a DADT repeal. And federal staffers leaving hate speech around the web? Pretty douchey.

But I do love that Anderson is breaking down how basic Internet access works, in case you’re actually so stupid to have done what the Chambliss staffer did: Ever computer has an IP address. They are recorded when you visit a website. Including when you leave a comment. Then, with a too like this one, you can immediately trace an IP address to whatever computer it’s been assigned to, and voila, you can find all the .gov computers coming to your site. (Queerty, I’m told, receives “thousands” of requests every day from computers belonging to state and federal governments, law enforcement, and military groups.)

So what does everyone even want to happen once the hunt to find Chambliss’ staffer — or Chambliss himself! wouldn’t that be rich — completes? FIRE HIM! Or something. But what about his First Amendment rights? Can the government fire a government employee for exercising his right to free speech? Well we can sidestep that whole debate, since there are minor offenses here (using work-slash-taxpayer computers for personal use) and major ones (publishing hate speech).

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