Candance Gingrich is our new favorite lesbian relative of a major American politician. (Eat your heart out, Mary Cheney.)

The fiercely intelligent lady went on Rachel Maddow‘s MSNBC show last night to talk about her megalomaniac half-brother, Newt, and had some pretty awesome sound bites. The two lady lovers to take ol’ Newty down a peg without sounding bitter or unprofessional.

Here’s a few highlights:

On who she’s voting for next year:

At the end of the day, [Newt is] wrong—he’s definitely on the wrong history of side of history when it comes to [gay] issues… The Human Rights Campaign and I are going to be working really really hard on, to make sure Obama gets reelected next year, no matter who the Republican candidate is.

On whether Gingrich family holiday dinners are awkward:

“We’ve always been mutually [respectful] of each other and our abilities and our desires to change the world…  The catch is, when they’re at a Christmas gathering sitting across the dinner table from us, he and Castilla still have way more rights than me and my wife, Rebecca, and I do.”

On Newt’s snubbing her wedding:

“He was absolutely invited—we invited him and Callista personally. They happened to be on some other continent on the day of the actual ceremony.”

Well played, Candace. We’re hoping to see more of you as Newt continues along his (hopefully short) campaign trail.

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