Mexico's attitude toward skin color, spring break, and Spanish double entendres. Read more about his travels down south on his blog. " /> Brandon Brewer is a Fulbright scholar who recently returned to the U.S. after living in Mexico. Brandon previously wrote about Mexico's attitude toward skin color, spring break, and Spanish double entendres. Read more about his travels down south on his blog. " /> Brandon Brewer is a Fulbright scholar who recently returned to the U.S. after living in Mexico. Brandon previously wrote about Mexico's attitude toward skin color, spring break, and Spanish double entendres. Read more about his travels down south on his blog. ">
border jumper

When the Locals Assume I’m Straight, Should I Correct Them?

classroom1 It was one of my first days at the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, in Acapulco. Standing in front of level 300 English with around 40 students, they began to shoot me questions about the city so far: where had I been, where had I gone out, what had I seen. As it happens, I had already acquainted myself with the gay scene visiting a few bars and clubs the weekend prior. Deciding to be a jokester, un estudiante asked if I had gone to the gay nightclub Demas before turning to his group of friends and cracking up–sólo faltaba chocarles los cinco. “Actually, yeah I did,” I shot back in a very nonchalant manner. The student’s demeanor immediately turned from jovial to serious as another asked, surprised, “Wait. Did you really?” As we all know coming out is a process, not a single event. Before disembarking for Acapulco, I promised myself I would continue my coming-out philosophy of reacting in all situations as a straight person would. Imagine this exchange: If someone assumes I’m straight, there’s no reason for me not to casually correct them. Acapulco Taxi Driver: “…and what do you think about the boys from Acapulco.” Heterosexual Gringo: “I will begin my response by negating the false presupposition of my sexuality behind your question.” Okay, perhaps that’s not an authentic hypothetical response, but you get the idea: If someone assumes I’m straight, there’s no reason for me not to casually correct them. Of course, at times my nerves or overthinking keep me from fulfilling this goal 100 percent of the time, but it’s been something I strive for. Nonetheless, because I was going to be teaching at a school in Acapulco, in a different country and culture, I made sure to speak with my supervisor about the issue. “You mean you’re just going to randomly tell the students you’re gay?” she questioned. After further explanation she concluded it would be a non-issue. And it was.

Although my sexuality never really became a classroom topic (other than the example above), it definitely did outside of school, usually initiated with a question about my “girlfriend” back home, or what I thought about acapulqueña girls. I guess the “news” traveled fast because, soon thereafter, one of the secretaries in the department, with whom I shared a workspace, approached me. She was very concerned. To sum up her comentario, she told me to be careful because Mexico was diferente de los Estados Unidos. Read: Being gay wasn’t as accepted.

Based my experiences, I disagree.

Several years ago I was living in Guadalajara — the San Francisco of Mexico — and I remember having a heated argument with a roommate. He was older, in his mid-50s, and believed being gay violated nature.

“There are cases of homosexuality in animals,” I contended, visibly upset.

“Right, so gay people are like animals,” he responded, chuckling with another roommate, which infuriated me even more. The following morning I was prepared to give him the silent treatment until he offered me some of his daily banana-chocolate licuado as a sign of peace. I accepted.


That’s not the only example of contradictory machismo. On numerous occasions while being taxied around Acapulco (my main source of transportation), the conversation would inevitably lead again to Acapulqueñas (the girls of Acapulco), their beauty, and at times the size of their mammary glands. According to my policy, I didn’t just “play along” with this male-bonding ritual but honestly expressed my sexuality. No taxista ever gave a negative response (to my face), and some exhibited a curiosity — that made even me feel a bit awkward. I told the secretary at the school about these experiences, but nonetheless she insisted Mexicans were not gay friendly.

She said straight teachers would never share or mention their personal lives, or anything related, with a student. (It certainly would’ve helped my argument if I had known then about a school pool party I would attend where one sported a tank top with “Squeeze me” written on the front in English.) Aside from the double standard, my philosophy is based on integrity; fighting that feeling that tells you to hide who you are.

My last anecdote I’ll share concerns another student, who trusted me enough to come out to me early in the year. So comfortable was he, in fact, that he approached me to ask if I was activo (pitcher) or pasivo (cather), because he and his friends “couldn’t tell.”

And that, friends, is where I had to draw the line on sharing.

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  • Geoff M

    When I realized coming out was an ongoing process I was pissed. Now of course I laugh about that reaction. Brandon has the right approach I think. Good article/excerpt,Queerty…thanks!

  • Alexandre

    Wow. A horribly written piece that ends with the author propagating the stereotype that gay men are sex-driven and horny and will sleep with their students.

    Awesome. :-/

  • Bill

    If that is truly what you took from this piece, Alexandre, perhaps you are an idiot?

    Just something to chew on. Besides a cock.

  • Imedla

    Yeah.. You is a catcher!

  • Dennis

    Pretty harsh…so going out to a gay bar makes you ‘sex-driven and horny’? And when did he say he slept with his students? I think you’re projecting here. Lighten up!

    I enjoyed this piece, and credit the author for being honest and open about himself…and being an everyday activist by living his life as if being gay is ‘just fine’, nothing to apologize for or to hide, and assuming that most people are not out to hate us.

    That said, every LGBT person’s personal safety should always be paramount. Being a beaten up (or dead) everyday activist is not what is called for to enlighten the planet. Different environments, different cultures, and our own personal comfort level should always be listened to and honored as we decide how ‘out’ to be.

  • Jaroslaw

    Thanks Dennis & Bill my thoughts exactly. Nowhere does he even hint he had sex with his students.

    Now on the lighter side, that attached picture with the horizontal striped circles on his pants and the gold accented top, I doubt the locals will assume he’s straight 😉

  • ask ena

    @Alexandre: Issues??

  • osocubano

    Are you teaching the deaf and blind?

  • Richard in DC

    I loved this piece, and I learned some Spanish too. Brava!

  • M Shane

    It’s an interesting peice. Wish we could get those kind of responses here in America. Of course this seems to be the Right wing capital of the world in every way.

    I rarely get picked out as being gay and because I’m too straightforward to lie, I’ve not infrequently lost jobs when people I told people. Because I get tired of women having unwelcome crushes on me,i. e. at work and people asking about my private life or seeing me with identifiably gay people I’m truthful despite the trouble it’s caused me. It seems that straight people hate you worse if you’re more like them. Not that much different than slightly disabled or different kids having more trouble.

    Where I live an amazing lot of people(Minnesota) live in the closet at work etc. Disgusting -that’s the biggest barrier to any real liberation.

  • Jaroslaw

    M Shane – so glad you’re truthful – I know how hard it is. You must be pretty good looking to get all this unwanted attention (no I’m not hinting that you’re bragging.) Wish I could see your photo! 🙂

  • M Shane

    No. 11 · Jaroslaw

    I wasn’t bragging, trust me, being sexually attractive to people is something that I thought at one time was great , very lonely at others. Not very good at all when it involved women. I think ,in my case it has been some kind of sexual attractiveness, and having sex all the time, even with who I wanted just doesn’t suffice.
    I really want to be liked for who I am, most of all. It’s difficult where I live now, because even gay peole are very passive-agressive and I like to talk to people.

    In any case, initial impressions have gotten in the way of making friends, which I think are far more important than sexual partners, in the long run.

  • hephaestion

    Things are changing across Latin America… across the world. I ride cabs a lot (in DC and NYC) and am often asked about my wife. I tell them immediately that I am gay and I have always gotten a polite response from the usually African or Middle Eastern taxi drivers. Some have volunteered tales of gay relatives. Some have told me they love gay customers because we are the most polite and because we are the best tippers. But one Sikh taxi driver did ask an awful lot of questions about being gay, which started getting creepy. Ha.

  • Muscato

    Even living in a fairly conservative Muslim country, I’m more or less completely out, in pretty much the way that the author of this (very good) piece is. While I can’t be totally sure of what people say behind my back (who can?), I can honestly say I’ve never had a bad reaction.

    Of course, since I basically come across as Ethel Merman in a suit and tie (well, a far, far more attractive Ethel Merman, of course), I suppose it’s not that much of a surprise to most…

  • M Shane

    No. 14 · Muscato: Do you sing and dance? That would be a sure give away!

  • *J_C*

    i just wanted to say that i loved this articulo i didnt look for the escritor which i will after im done with this but i love that your pay attention to the Hispanic world and our falsehoods and attributes

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