The deputy of Michigan’s Attorney General Mike Cox is, uh, being one. Assistant AG Andrew Shirvell has a problem with Chris Armstrong, the gay president of University of Michigan’s Student Assembly, who is apparently on his radar! Shrivell has a blog where he’s dedicated more than 20 posts to attacking Armstrong, whose “agenda was … to promote the radical homosexual agenda at the University of Michigan, and to use his position to promote that cause.” Loves it!

Armstrong is “Nazi-like,” a “fierce advocate” for “the cult that is homosexuality,” a “viciously militant homosexual activist,” and a supporter of a racist agenda, according to Shirvell’s blog Chris Armstrong Watch, which touts “EXCLUSIVE photos and video” of a police raid on Armstrong’s home during a “gay rush party,” the goal of which “was to liquor-up underage freshmen and promote homosexual activity in an effort to recruit them to the homosexual lifestyle.”

Oh, and Shirvell, a U Mich alum, adds this: Armstrong is “Satan’s representative on the Student Assembly.” Holy crap this is amazing. And that’s not even the best part! Shirvell also says Armstrong has been hosting gay orgies in his dorm room (at least the one in 2009), and that Armstrong broke the law by attending a binge drinking event. (Armstrong was out of town that evening.)

Them’s be fighting words from a freakin’ AG. Especially since Shirvall’s claims are a blatant example of cyber bullying — something his boss, AG Mike Cox, teaches students about in classroom videos — but very possibly amount to defamation.

Why Shirvall is spending so much off-the-clock time attacking a college student is still unknown, though it appears Armstrong merely being gay is the biggest factor. Says Shirvall: “Did he think he was just going to get some free pass just because he’s gay or whatever?” Apparently not. In one post Shirvell “exposes” Armstrong is dating the Student Assembly’s vice president Jason Raymond (pictured). Armstrong “seduced” Raymond, claims Shirvell.

Now who else, after watching this video of Shirvell speak, thinks there’s about to be a leak about a certain assistant attorney general enjoying the company of men? Because my gaydar is about to need a repairman it’s beeping so loudly. In my wildest scandal dreams, me thinks maybe Mr. Shirvell and Mr. Armstrong had a lover’s quarrel? Or fought over the some freshman twink? Or something equally salacious?

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