
Know why New Jersey should just give up the fight for marriage rights? Because everyone else who has tried has lost. Uh …

That’s the argument from New Jersey Catholic Conference executive director Patrick Brannigan, who feels bad about you homos trying to win marriage rights in 31 states. And losing. The populous isn’t down with marriage rights, so insisting lawmakers pass equality legislation in New Jersey is just crazytown, goes his thinking.

There have been 31 definitive polls taken on legalizing gay marriage — they’re called actual elections. In every state — 31 in a row — voters have rejected gay marriage. This includes earlier this month when voters in Maine rejected it and overturned legislation that would have legalized gay marriage. The margin in Maine — a blue state in the heart of New England, surrounded by other states whose courts had imposed gay marriage — was even larger than that by which voters in California rejected it a year ago.

And particularly when it come to Jersey, it’s a foolish battle!

There should be little doubt that if same-sex marriage advocates succeed in pressuring lame-duck legislators to attempt to force gay marriage on New Jersey, there will be a huge backlash.

It will be an issue that will dominate debate in the lame-duck session. Voters will be left to wonder why the governor and Legislature didn’t bring this issue up in the last four years but now, in the final days of a legislative session, the big push is on.

And they will want to know why legislators are succumbing to the pressure of a small group of gay-marriage advocates to force an issue that only 2 percent of voters say is the most important facing the state, when there is so much critically important work for these lawmakers to do.

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