California’s social conservatives will do anything in their power to overturn the state’s gay marriage – even blackmail.

The Yes on Proposition 8 movement admitted this week that they’ve sent letters to about thirty businesses who have donated to the “No on 8” campaign, the campaign hoping to maintain marriage equality in the Golden State. In the letters, the Yes on 8 folks demand an equal donation or say they’ll spread word that the recipients “oppose traditional marriage.”

A threatening letter has sparked a new controversy here in San Diego surrounding the gay marriage debate. Donors who gave money to the No on Prop 8 campaign say they received blackmail letters demanding money, and the Yes on 8 campaign now says the letters were sent by their employees.

The letter from Yes on 8 came by certified mail, demanding at least $10,000. Jim Abbot knows exactly why he’s being targeted – his business gave $10,000 to a group called Equality California, which supports No on Prop 9.

Jim says nearly 25 percent of his staff is gay.

“We wanted to support their freedom to marry,” he said.

The letter says if Jim doesn’t give an equal donation to Yes on 8, the name of his company will be published. It reads in part, “It is only fair for Proposition 8 supporters to know which companies and organizations oppose traditional marriage.

“I feel like it’s blackmail, and as you can imagine, real estate business has been tough lately and to have someone come at you like this… it’s very distressing,” he said.

The Yes on 8 campaign says they’re just doing what the pro-gay forces have done – highlighting which businesses and individuals stand against them. And, yes, they have a point – No on 8 supporters have been circulating lists of businesses who donated against gay marriage and have staged protests. The only difference, of course, is that the Yes on 8 people are attempting to intimidate, rather than illuminate. And, quite frankly, their tactics reveal the movement’s dark, ugly underbelly. Hopefully California’s voters will catch this foul wind and be turned off…

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