Anthony-Weiner-sorryNew York mayoral candidate and walking/tweeting dick joke Anthony Weiner is publicly apologizing once again, this time over a gay slur used to describe his opponent, Christine Quinn.

In an article from the The Washington Post following the race for mayor, Weiner was cast in a rather unflattering light over his response to a voter who referred to the openly gay Quinn as a “dyke” :

“You a registered Democrat?” he asked an elderly woman wheeling a shopping cart by him.

“I am,” she said. “And I’m not voting for uh, what’s her name? The dyke.”

“Okay. I just need you to sign the petition to get me on the ballot,” said Weiner, who then noticed the incredulous reaction of a reporter and added, “and you really shouldn’t talk that way about people.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” the woman said.

“It’s okay,” Weiner responded. “It’s not your fault.”

That didn’t fly with Quinn supporters Assemblywoman Deborah Glick and State Senator Brad Hoylman, who said Weiner displayed a “lack of moral courage” and demanded an apology from him “on behalf of LGBT and women New Yorkers.” The Empire  State Pride Agenda also criticized Weiner’s response, as well as his silence on LGBT rights and during anti-gay heckling at a recent mayoral forum.

After the exchange with the cantankerous old woman, Weiner told reporters he had “ immediately admonished her not to say anything further” and that he had “no memory of saying anything beyond that to the woman.” To make sure that he was coming in loud and queer, however, he later issued a formal apology:

“Homophobia is vile and destructive and something I have fought against for the entirety of my career, including being a vocal supporter of gay marriage since 1998 and standing up on the floor of Congress for transgender Americans,” Weiner said in a statement tweeted out by campaign spokeswoman Barbara Morgan.

“I admonished the woman amid a large crowd on a street corner and by no means believe that anything about her comment was appropriate. If the impression is that I did, I apologize because behavior like this will absolutely not be tolerated in my administration.”

While Quinn’s been mum this whole time, refusing to comment on “dyke”-gate or the statement from her colleagues, she made her feelings about Anthony Weiner pretty clear in that Washington Post article: “Not for nothing, talk is cheap.”

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