Gay celebrity sex scandals: Dustin Lance Black, Academy Award winner for the screenplay of the film MILK, a grand marshal at the 40th anniversary gay pride parade on 5th Avenue

In 2009, Dustin Lance Black was the latest in a slew of gay celebrity sex scandals. Black found himself front and center when revenge porn photos surfaced online of him and a scorned ex-lover engaging in unprotected sex. You can check out DBL’s photos here (NSFW).

The ensuing media circus was terrible—so bad, in fact, that Black issued an apology for presenting a “misleading message” while emphasizing “the importance of responsible sexual practices.” Some even demand he reveal his HIV status and become a more prominent figure in HIV activism.

Flash forward four years when an alleged (and now pretty much confirmed) video of Glee star Cheyenne Jackson pleasuring himself (NSFW) surfaces. Considering the fallout from DLB’s tape, Jackson’s was more or less celebrated. The video caught the attention of mainstream media and was even considered a “boost” to his career by some.

Sex scandals – stepping stone for straights, taboo for gays

Celebrity sex tapes have long been a stepping stone for the Paris Hiltons of the world. But only recently have we seen the media react to a new plethora of celebrity sex scandals—gay sex scandals — that would have been considered taboo in the late ’90s when Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee invented the niche market.

Gay or straight, these celebrity sex scandals shocked the internet when they were released. Remember, Jackson’s and Black’s private tapes aren’t the only gay sex scandals that caught headlines. And as mobile recording technology moves forward, they won’t be the last. 

Here are seven other gay celebrity sex scandals that rocked the web:

Steven Daigle: Big Brother bareback scandal

Steven Daigle looks at the camera as he takes selfie in his car. He's wearing a black hat with a woman on it, and a brown shirt and
Image source: @StevenExposed

Big Brother 10 houseguest Steven Daigle shocked the world when he dropped trou for a XXX flick called Steven Daigle XXXposed (NSFW). He’s been in the adult industry ever since. Daigle even joined the barebacking fad in a film for the controversial gay studio, Treasure Island Media (NSFW).

Nathaniel Marshall: American Idol tries topping

American Idol Season 8 contestant Nathaniel Marshall made a racy career pivot! After being ousted from AI‘s final 36, he took a job with a gay porn studio. His first hardcore scene (NSFW) debuted with lackluster reviews, and he didn’t pursue any further work in the adult industry. Guess he didn’t get past the final 36 in porn, either.

“Crazy” James Zinkland: Amateur dirty boy

A screenshot from an interview with BackstageWithBrian on YouTube. A man, James Zinkland, sits in a chair being interviewed online. He wears a checkered shirt and has dark, spikey hair.
Image source: BackstageWithBrian on YouTube

James Zinkland, an openly bisexual Big Brother houseguest, took his dirty gameplay to a dirty website after losing Season 9. Though he appeared in a few amateur-style shoots, his most celebrated skin flick was with Dirty Boy Video (NSFW).

Kevin Terry: Gospel goes wrong

Gospel singer Kevin Terry of the group Kevin Terry and the Predestined became the latest public figure with a sex tape. The scandal unsurprisingly ended his career as a gospel artist, but it’s still bringing millions to the light online (NSFW).

Dustin Zito: Real world, real gay scandal

The Real World: Las Vegas star Dustin Zito’s gay sex scandal found a second wind when he appeared with his girlfriend on VH1’s Couple’s Therapy. The hunky reality star’s stint as “Spencer” of FratPad continues to entertain (NSFW). (Even though he still somewhat denies it ever happened.)

Luke Robinson: Tough enough for gay porn

Luke Robinson starred in the USA Network’s 2011 season of Tough Enough. After making it to the show’s final three, it was discovered that he had some “prior experience” working for a gay porn studio specializing in wrestling fetishes.

David Bradberry: Prior relations Below Deck

A handsome man on a boat wearing a crew uniform. He has long, brown hair and deep eyes.
Photo credit: Ali Goodwin, Bravo Media, LLC.

Before getting engaged to porn star boyfriend Trevor Knight, former military man turned Below Deck star David Bradberry worked closely with gay porn studio Active Duty (NSFW).

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