dick cheneyWhen Liz Cheney launched into an assault of marriage equality that is clearly a slap at sister Mary’s marriage, Mary and her wife, Heather, were understandably angry. As for Dad? Not so much so. In fact, if the former vice president is angry with anyone, based on is latest comments, it’s Mary and Heather.

At an appearance at the National Press Club, Cheney was asked about the family feud. His response was revealing for the irritation he showed to Mary and Heather. In fact, he didn’t even acknowledge their existence, preferring to use a passive voice.

“We were surprised that there was an attack launched against Liz on Facebook, and wished it hadn’t happened,” Cheney said. “It’s always been dealt with within the context of the family and frankly that’s our preference.”

Those words are hardly the ringing endorsement of Mary and Heather’s right to be married. (It also makes you wonder if he’s especially angry with Heather, who was a lot more vocal in her complaint about Liz’s hypocrisy.) But if Dad is taking sides, it’s with Liz. At the time of the original quarrel, Cheney issued a statement praising Liz’s “many kindnesses.” Nary a word about how Mary and Heather might feel a bit put out by a political stand that strikes at the heart of their relationship.

Cheney cut off additional discussion of the topic (“Don’t waste your time,” he said, reminding us why we don’t miss him). But his few words underscore the fact that keeping family disputes quiet is what really matters to him. Too bad that comes at the expense of one of his daughters and her wife.

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