Colby Keller is arguably the sexiest Trump supporter ever. The “Marina Abramovic” of adult videos (whatever that means) has publicly said that he is voting for Trump next month. His reasoning may be atypical, but it’s not any less confounding. He told Office magazine that electing Trump would “escalate the problem” with our current form of government, or at the very least turn the White House into a reality show.
“And then he could do something nice, like give the money to the National Park Service because they’re trying to defund it,” Colby told the magazine.
With this information, I went out to investigate whether this stance was hurting his brand. (Lord knowns Trump is in the process of ruining his.) Could gay men find Colby attractive after this?
“Absolutely not,” Ryan Houlihan told me. “I won’t pay to watch his videos anymore. It’s like finding out what goes into the sausage.”
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This particular sausage has lots of big political ideas stuffed inside. Colby hoping for a Donald presidency stems from an affinity towards Marxist ideology. He doesn’t actually support any of Trump’s policies. He simply thinks that Trump winning the election will prove that our capitalist democracy has failed us. And we will have no other choice but to hit reset and try another form of government – preferably communism. Basically, Colby believes that Trump will make America have to start all over again.
But Colby’s preferred form of government doesn’t seem to have much room for his prominent pursuits, which include pornography, crowd-funding, and leveraging the open Internet to achieve relative stardom. Whereas the character of Colby Keller could only be the spawn of capitalism, Karl Marx considered sex workers to be “victims of capitalism,” and pornographers fell in a similar category.
“It’s ironic that Colby can trade on his good looks in a capitalism system like porn, and still believe that he will be saved when the storm comes,” Ryan added. “It’s beyond privileged, it’s selfish.”
Colby Keller did not respond to multiple requests for an interview.
Ryan, a 27-year-old writer and comedian living in Harlem, echoed the sentiments of several of my friends who are heartbroken to learn of Colby’s ideology – not only because of the implications of a Trump presidency but because of what it revealed about Colby himself.
“That Colby believes there’s a place for him in Trump’s America does not point to being particularly intelligent,” said Tim, a 25-year-old writer in Los Angeles who asked to remain anonymous.
Even though Colby has positioned himself as an intellectual in the gay porn world, his support for the Donald has started to reveal a certain short-sightedness, although probably not lack of intelligence. Like Trump, he seems to have poor judgement. Some of his former fans now think Colby’s smart-man routine may have all been a façade, or a character akin to the pizza delivery boy.
Colby’s blog posts, Tweets and interviews with independent podcasters are littered with the type of quasi-intellectual musings, which, according to his former fans, fuel his brain-y persona.
“He sounds like a spoiled college student,” Tim added.
Tim was so distraught by Colby’s support for Trump that he even considered voting with his dollar. He almost cancelled his monthly subscription to CockyBoys, one of the studios that employs Colby. However, the studio is not concerned about Colby’s support for the Donald affecting its business.
“I have no problem with our performers expressing their political views,” CockyBoys CEO Jake Jaxson told Queerty via email. “If I know Colby, this is exactly why he even vocalized this opinion – to ignite debate in the most unlikely of places.”
Jake, who has tweeted anti-Trump messages from the company’s Twitter account, added that he respectfully disagrees with Colby on this particular issue. And because neither CockyBoys nor any other porn studio is actually endorsing Colby’s views, a potential boycott seems unlikely.
“It’s not like [CockyBoys] is profiting from Colby’s opinion,” Tim said. “Maybe if five of their models ended up voting for Trump it’d be a different story.”
Tim ended up keeping his CockyBoys membership because he’d already paid upfront for a yearly subscription. It should be noted, however, that Colby is not a CockyBoys exclusive, so the damage from detractors, like Ryan, who’ve stopped purchasing individual Colby videos may be spread among different companies.
Or perhaps, Colby’s views won’t affect his line of work at all. Perhaps, we can compartmentalize between Colby Keller, the scruffy top, and Colby Keller, the eye-roll inducing white dude on your Twitter timeline. Although this is a particularly divisive election year, there are some people who believe that differing opinions are not necessarily a deal-breaker. Not when it comes to being a relationship with someone, let alone when it comes to being able to jerk-off to them.
“You can have different political opinions and still have a healthy relationship,” Kyle Kittleson told me. “My partner of five years and I have lots of differing opinions when it comes to politics, and we’ve had great conversations surrounding those differences.”
Kyle is a former Trump supporter who has since changed his mind. Kyle publicly supported Trump over a year ago, and even though he received backlash from gay media, it did not create any tension in his relationship with a non-Trump supporter.
“If anything, when two people have different opinions and can still discuss those opinions like adults, differing views can be a positive,” Kyle said.
But some think that type of balanced, inclusive dialogue cannot exist in this election year.
“You cannot respectfully disagree with someone who supports a candidate that’s fundamentally disrespectful,” Tim said. “If I had a boyfriend who was voting for Trump, I would break up with him immediately.”
Maybe our love for Colby Keller was ill-fated from the start. The social media platforms that propelled Colby to stardom and helped him share his personal viewpoints made him seem more “real” and attainable in a way. But they also revealed a tainted truth: The more we know, the more our perfect obsession turns out to be another guilty pleasure.
“Beauty is perception, and he burst that perception,” Ryan said.
Fortunately, Colby Keller never got to meet his own idol, Karl Marx. The founder of socialism may not have approved of capitalism, but he did not have very kind things to say about egoism either.
Oscar Raymundo is the creator of Confessions of a Boy Toy.
Having been a personal friend of his while he was living in Baltimore, Im so glad that the community is finally getting a glimpse into this unintelligent, unstable persons mind.
anybody with mild intellect knows that listening to a porn stars opinion is quite possibly the stupidest thing you could ever do. Come on lol.
I’m (probably) voting for Trump, too, but……only Queerty would espouse that we should care what some stupid porn star thinks about politics.
Paul Nadolski
Anybody should be free to support the candidate of their choice. The idea that all gay peoples should be Democrats is absurd. Personally I can’t stand Hillary and won’t vote for her. I don’t buy her statements of support, mostly because she’s a professional liar and wanted nothing to do with us just four short years ago. I will be voting Green Party and Jill Stein. If someone doesn’t like that, too bad.
Keller is dumb as a rock and about a fraction as physically attractive as he’s purported to be. How anything he says or thinks is taken as even halfway intellectual or worthwhile can only be understood by those who are also dumb as rocks. Queerty?
What Queerty fails to ever acknowledge is that people who are supporting both candidates in this election are receiving a lot of backlash!!
Tolerance 101: Accepting others with respect despite their thinking or being different from you.
Why do so many queens have the mentality of a Westboro Baptist church member when it comes to politics? If Hillary were running against a rabid homophobe like Ted Cruz or Rick santorum I could understand, but Trump is probably the most gay friendly GOP candidate in history.
@Kieran: Tolerance 101: Don’t refer to those who disagree with you as “queens” or any other rude, dismissive term. Guess you were absent from or asleep in class that day.
Tolerance 101: Effeminate gays like to refer to themselves as “queens” all the time. I was just trying to be inclusive.
@Kieran: In fairness, some guys are worried about Trump’s V.P. choice.
I hardly consider Colby Keller a “queen”. Doesn’t fit. At all. Actually he’s quite the opposite.
@Josh447: Queerty considers any homosexual a “Queen.”
Colby is an attention whore of epic proportions. He says things so that people pay attention to him and talk about him. It’s to generate a reaction, not genuine or sincere.
Ehhh…I stopped following the Keller “brand” when he started barebacking in his pornos.
@Paul Nadolski: you need to listen to Somebody’s Sister, Jill’s folk-rap group, before pulling that lever!
Ugh. It’s such an unfortuante combination of dumb and pretentious.
I always thought he was gross. Not surprised I feel the same way about his political choices.
Billy Budd
Here in Brazil we have a saying: Porn Stars are more “lost” than dogs on the day the family moves to another house. It means that porn stars don’t have any idea about anything and just don’t know how to lead their lives.
@Paul Nadolski:
Gay people should feel the right to vote for whoever they want but generally speaking, when you vote for a Republican, you are supporting a party that:
Wants gay marriage overturned, doesn’t support full equal rights for gay people and supports the religious freedom restoration act that allows all businesses to deny service to gay people.
That is why most gay people do not vote Republican. In general, the Republicans party is not and never has been supporters of the gay community.
Really? He supports getting the most extreme conservative Supreme Court justices on the bench so they can overturn gay marriage. W/ Trump in office, I promise you that gay marriage will be gone and the freedom religious restoration act will be beefed up so all businesses across the country can deny service to gay people.
@deppa: But with the Democrats you are supporting a party that wants gays dead, so…either way we’re getting thrown under the bus. At least Trump (who most Repubs hate) will restore some semblance of safety.
As a Canadian looking over your fence with an expression of bug-eyed horror at what a Trump presidency would actually mean, allow me to make two comments on this story:
1) If Colby Keller wants to escalate the issue until America collapses under the weight of its own internal contradictions, that’s one thing. But if he is really hoping for something better, then surely history has shown that Communism is not the answer. He might give some thought to the most stable type of government in the world (constitutional monarchy).
2) Given how toxic he and his brand have now become, will any ‘decent’ and intelligent businessperson really want anything to do with Donald Trump on November 9?
@mmedesevigne: “stable type of government in the world (constitutional monarchy).” Not bad to consider, but…..(so many complications with that one).
@joeyty: @joeyty: Of ALL your ridiculously anti-gay comments, this one may be the worst. Democrats want gays dead? What outlandishly, inflammatory statements you make. Democrats WANT gay voters. Their platform includes marriage equality and gay rights. Republicans have a platform calling for repeal of gay rights- marriage equality, adoption rights, etc, while Pence, Donald’s running mate signed laws allowing outright discrimatory anti-gay rights, just like North Carolina. And Trump has PROMISED to appoint Supreme Court Justices that would repeal ALL the gay rights we have gained. Really, don’t you understand that?
base your vote on think that get worse will make things better, it is the most stupid idea.
He’s free to have his own opinions but when he freaked out at Wes Hurley who cast him in Capital Hill just for daring to question his reasons for voting for Trump, it showed what an unstable ass he really is and that killed any attraction I had for him.
The only time douchey porn stars should ever open their mouths is to suck a dick (or make an “O” face). But having lost any respect I may have had for Colby Keller, would I still throw my legs up in the air for him? In a New York nano-second.
@Paul Nadolski: Nobody’s saying gays have to be Democrats – they’re just saying the GOP is overtly very anti-gay in general and Trump is actually saying, as prez, he wants over-turn most recent strides gay people have made towards equality.
@Kieran: I guess you’ve never heard of Mike Pence, Trump’s VP pick (and, if elected, the guy who will be doing all the actual president-jobs while Trump showboats around).
Mike Pence is just as anti-gay, etc as Cruz… if not more rabid.
No matter what Trump says in public, a gay-friendly candidate would not pick Pence as their VP…. a homophobe does that.
@jimontp: You’re right, I shouldn’t have said the Dems want gays dead. They do want them alive for the votes, but they’re still willing to toss them under the bus if necessary. And as for Pence and North Carolina: N.C. gays deserve every discrimination that hits them after they joined with the New Black Panthers (Shariah Law) against the Duke lacrosse guys (only because one of the falsely-accused was Irish Catholic from New York and the other was half-Jewish from NJ). And of the Dem. nominees then, only Obama rightly called them out on that one and said Nifong needed investigating. John Edwards, from NC, and Hillary Clinton (then representing NY) were useless and silent. But N.C. gays, including Alan Gurganus, can never sweep that one under the rug. Again, if NC gays had their way, three innocent guys would still be in prison because of their ethnicities. As for Hillary Clinton, she can’t even SAY radical Islam when the Pulse massacre comes up. If she can’t even utter the actual problem, she doesn’t care much.
@jimontp: BTW : The Pulse shooter was a registered Democrat. So was Fred Phelps. Big surprise.
@Lookyloo: ” No matter what Trump says in public, a gay-friendly candidate would not pick Pence as their VP…. a homophobe does that.” I disagree with that presumption , but…that IS, at least, a fair point to consider, yes.
Poor sweetie Keller. He was unique when he debuted -less plucked, more hair. Now he’s a dime a dozen. I love an easy boycott and this is one, for sure. I un-followed his Insta, which was easy since it was just a narcissictic selfy fest. He can have T’rump. They’re meant for each other.
In a way, I get people like Keller. I’m a contrarian by nature. The reality is, there’s a point where being a contrarian crosses over onto the the side of stupidity. If I were to side with Trump, I would feel like a complete idiot. There’s just absolutely no way to rationalize it.
@Kieran: If trump is so tolerant, why is Santorum one of his advisers? Why did he attend the forum that had almost every anti gay pastor in the US as speakers? Why did he say he would appoint a judge to the Supreme Court that would overturn gay marriage?
paul dorian lord fredine
i have no idea how anyone could claim trump is ‘gay-friendly’ or ‘pro-gay’ and then look ate the people he’s proposing on his scotus short-not-so-short list. some of the most anti-gay people wanting to roll back all the progress we’ve made. maybe if you consider what some other gopers have been like but in no way is he more friendly than hillary.
strong rumor has it this guy is on medicade, and was or still on other forms of public assistance. i love porn i think he’s a hottie, but think about it he’s not living on porn, it doesn’t pay, and espousing witty political theories doesn’t pay either.
@TinoTurner: i have few friends in baltimore and the rumor was he was on public assistance? food stamps and medicade?? all the while biting that hand that fed him
“The “Marina Abramovic” of adult videos (whatever that means)”
Marina Abromovic is the reigning queen of performance art, a rather arcane and rarified art practice that got its start in the 1960’s with artists like Chris Burden, Yoko Ono, and others. It was back then centered on the artist’s body and movement, and is often ritualistic and repetitive and personal. These days it is more varied but still deals primarily with states of mind of the artist.
Abromovic is overwhelmingly focused and intellectual, her performance methods inspire a cult like devotion in her followers. Comparing Keller to her is rather silly. His Keller Does America is interesting, but more “artsy” than truly performance or conceptual art. His giving away of everything he owned was valid performance art in that it transformed his life as an art action, and made his “stuff” into something else (collector’s items and fetish objects). His work in conventional media that I have seen is OK, but not major. I’d still suck his dick in a second though, and hopefully do it artfully.
Colby Keller reminds me of the followers of bullies back in the day, and his support of Trump convinces me that he has been brainwashed by Trump and he is all set to buy the Brooklyn Bridge that Trump is selling him.
@heath0043: Likely because Rick Sanitarium makes Trump feel good about himself as he lacks self confidence.