Screen shot 2014-12-03 at 11.44.50 AMWhen asked recently whether global warming was a hoax, without missing a beat, Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma told Mother Jones: “Yes!”

When asked who was responsible for the elaborate hoax, Inhofe replied: “Hollywood liberals and extreme environmentalists!”

According to the 80-year-old senator, Hollywood liberals have been cooking up false narratives about climate change in an effort to “advance their radical environmental agenda” for years, and he wants to put an end to it.

When pressed on exactly who in Hollywood was responsible, Inhofe was quick to lay a charge.

Barbra Streisand!” he cried.

Oh, hell no. Miss Streisand may be a lot of things. She’s a #1 recording artist. An actress. A director. A two-time Academy Award winner. An eight-time Grammy Award winner. A five-time Emmy Award winner. A Tony Award winner. A mother. An activist. A Taurus. A dog lover. But a hoaxer? We think not.

Inhofe begs to differ. He’s blamed Babs for global warming hysteria for years. In his The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, published in 2012, Inhofe lists Streisand, along with “Hollywood elites” Leonardo DiCaprio and John Travolta, as a dangerous force whose environmental “alarmism” must be stopped.

But Streisand isn’t having any of it. Shortly after Inhofe made his comments, she released the following statement on Twitter:

This would be hilarious if it weren’t so frightening. I thank Senator Inhofe for singling me out as a voice against the perils of climate change! But I’m just a small part of millions of voices, who are informed and alarmed, including 97% of all climate scientists! God help us! This man is going to head the Committee on the Environment in the United States Senate. It’s like giving a fox the keys to the chicken coop.

Related stories:

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Barbra Streisand: What’s The Biggest Regret Of Her Career?

Graham Gremore is a columnist and contributor for Queerty and Life of the Law. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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