James Gandolfini and Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate wishes he could be a tough guy like Tony Soprano.

The misogynistic influencer, who’s awaiting trial in Romania on human trafficking, organized crime and rape charges, likes to wear very, very tight outfits. Often photographed with his pecs protruding, Tate always spurs a feral reaction from his devotees, otherwise known as sycophantic incels.

His fans’ fawning is masculine, of course. Men admire real men!

The totally not-gay dynamic was on full display Wednesday, when Derek the Menswear Guy posted a picture of Tate alongside James Gondolfini. Dressed in tasteful pleated pants and a smooth black shirt, Gandolfini looks like an adult.

Tate and his crew, however, look like they shop in the little boy’s section.

Or at least… the women’s section? That’s right! Tate, the self-proclaimed arbiter of masculinity, wears women’s blazers.

That would be pretty cool, if he wasn’t a chauvinistic alleged sex criminal.

Tate’s homophobia is so rampant, his rantings border on parody. Just a couple of weeks ago, he went viral for proclaiming that men who have intercourse for pleasure are… gay?

We will say, out of all the insults hurled at queer people, being derided for enjoying sex isn’t that bad! It could even be viewed as a compliment.

“Sex is for making children. Any man who has sex with women because it ‘feels good’ is gay,” he posted.

He continued, “In fact if you are 40 with less than 5 children you’re probably gay,” he wrote. “All that feel-good pee pee sex and hardly any genetic legacy?”

Ah yes, “pee pee sex.” That’s a man’s term, right there.

Homoerotic imagery holds an interesting place in far-right culture, with obscure corners of the so-called “manosphere” trafficking in ironic memes and suggestive language. Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis brought the “manosphere” mainstream last summer, when his rapid response team posted a virulently antigay ad.

The commercial, meant to attack Donald Trump over his previous semi-accepting stances on LGBTQ+ issues, featured images of DeSantis spliced between drag queens and shirtless bodybuilders. It also compared the Florida governor to American Psycho’s Patrick Bateman and The Wolf of Wall Street’s Jordan Belfort.

The contradiction between the far-right’s denouncement of queer people and their embrace of the community’s most stereotypical customs are widespread. Look no further than their menswear.

The young, “dominant men” who worship Tate also… wear tights.

One nascent “bro-fluencer,” Justin Waller, is another poster boy for the irony. His dress shirts appear to be glued onto his body.

Waller is wearing a similarly ill-fitting dress shirt when he’s photographed standing next to Tate, along with a hideous green jacket. But that didn’t stop red-pilled young men from slobbering over them.

“Pretty sure James Gandolfini in the left pic is the same age as Tate in the right pic. Just goes to show taking care of your appearance can literally shave decades of a man’s appearance,” posted a lost soul.

He was called out for his fellating, as well as for his shot at Tony Soprano. He has more game than any alt-right guy, at any age.

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