Aaron Schock

Update: After our story was posted Friday night and as outing rumors continue to surround Aaron Schock, the Republican Congressman has locked down his Instagram account.

Update 2: Our report originally identified Hod as a CBS anchor, but according to a CBS spokesperson, Hod is “not a CBS News employee.” In an email to Gawker, Hod confirms that he left CBS two years ago but never pitched a story outing Schock to CBS or any other network.

We previously reported:

In a long Facebook post, gay anchor Itay Hod has essentially outed Republican Congressman Aaron Schock on the grounds of hypocrisy. While Hod frames the post as a hypothetical exploration of when outing is appropriate, he provides lots of details and concludes with an ostentatiously “unrelated” link to the 7 gayest Instagram Photos of Aaron Schock from 2013.

Hod is clearly fed up with Schock and perhaps just as much with his colleagues in the media who knowingly play along with closet cases.

what if you know a certain GOP congressman, let’s just say from Illinois, is gay… and you know this because one of your friends, a journalist for a reputable network, told you in no uncertain terms that he caught that GOP congressman and his male roommate in the shower… together. now they could have been good friends just trying to conserve water. but there’s more. what if this congressman has also been caught by tmz cameras trolling gay bars. now what if you know that this very same guy, the darling of the gop, has also voted against repeal of don’t ask don’t tell, opposed the repeal of doma, is against gay marriage; and for the federal marriage amendment, which would add language to the us constitution banning gay marriage and would likely strike down every gay rights law and ordinance in the country?

Are we still not allowed to out him?

let me ask another question… doesn’t the media have an OBLIGATION to expose his hypocrisy? if he had done something so hypocritical and he wasn’t gay, wouldn’t we demand journalists do their job? but they can’t… because we won’t let them. you’re not allowed to out ANYONE, we tell them.

aaron-schock-picnic-belt-photoSchock has long been the subject of rumors about his sexual orientation. He has always claimed he is straight (although his wardrobe is not). Schock didn’t boost his heterosexual cred any by posing for a series of shirtless images showing off his abs for Men’s Health.

Just to show he straight he is, Schock has accumulated an antigay record that ranks with the best of the homophobes. He has opposed marriage equality, protections for same-sex bi-national couples, and repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, just to name a few, earning him a stellar 0% rating from the Human Rights Campaign.

At the same time that he’s voting to deny the LGBT community its rights, Schock has, as AmericaBlog points out, created one of the gayest Instagram accounts ever. Although he follows only 71 people on Instagram, one of them is 19-year-old Olympic diver Tom Daley, presumably so that Schock can solicit his views on Midwest agricultural policy. Openly gay conservative Josh Barro tweeted that fact without comment. None is needed.

1234262_160332677500338_356965694_nIt will be interesting to see what impact the post will have on Hod (pictured right), who came to prominence as the CBS reporter on Logo. Networks aren’t keen on their employees going off script. And Hod seems disenchanted with the media itself. In response to comments about his post, Hod also says that he has “issues with BuzzFeed calling robin roberts a goddess…. for coming out at age 53. and saying she shielded her relationship from the press… a nice euphemism for being closeted. again, forgive me if i’m not going all kumbaya over her announcement.” (Actually, that’s a sentiment we can understand.)

Of course, it will be even more interesting to see what happens to Schock. Sometimes an open secret just stops being secret. If that’s the case, Schock may have a lot of explaining to do, and also a lot of apologizing.

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