The Marine Corp’s Toys For Tots program has realized, after more than 25 years, the annual gay-organized toy drive held in New York City has the exact same name of its holiday charity event started in 1947. So after raising hell about the gays’ use of the name and the confusion it creates, the Marines got the gay one to change its name. Robby Browne, the fabulously wealthy real estate executive (who sold Lance Bass his new condo), started the Chelsea Piers event in 1985 and says he “just pulled the name out of a hat” when first coming up with the event. Brown (pictured with Dorris Roberts at last year’s event) seems to have done the same in the renaming: Toys For Tots will now be known as “Holiday Gifts for Children and Seniors.” Definitely not as catchy. Why not “Gays Give Good Gift” or “Homo For The Holidays Toy Drive”? [photo via]

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