Gone is Gen. Stanley McChrystal and here is Gen. David Petraeus! President Obama’s inevitable decision to send McChrystal packing was prefaced by his actually reading some of the Rolling Stone article, rather than having an aide reguritate verbally. But what caused Obama the most consternation about the since-axed leader’s commandment in Afghanistan was how they all thought the president was a pansy.

It was “McChrystal’s reported contempt for U.S. allies in Afghanistan – especially the French – illustrated in the story by McChrystal’s reluctance to meet a senior official in Paris, a dinner appointment one McChrystal aide called ‘gay,” reports Ben Smith, citing “advisers.” In fact: “‘This was not about the president being angry about the things that were said about himself,’ added the aide, who says that Obama never even discussed McCrystal’s reported criticism of the president as detached and intimidated during his meetings with the brass.”

Well isn’t that some generous spin.

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