Barack Obama‘s Faith, Family and Values Tour will feature Douglas Kmiec, a Catholic legal scholar who will be stumping for Obama. Kmiec has written an op-ed in support of anti-gay Proposition 8. “On Same-Sex Marriage: Should California amend its Constitution? Say ‘no’ to the Brave New World,” is his essay’s title.

Obama himself has come out against “the divisive and discriminatory efforts to amend the California Constitution.” Obama is on our side, the right side.

The Obama campaign probably has over a hundred active surrogates. For us to expect that every single one of those surrogates agrees with us on every single issue is unrealistic and fails to acknowledge the amazingly complex political world in which we live. There are issues that McCain and Palin don’t even agree on and they are running mates. Palin is not some lone surrogate that nobody would ever have even heard of if The Advocate didn’t write an article today, like Mr. Kmiec. People can disagree with other people and yet find common ground on other issues.

When my old boss Howard Dean said in 2003, “I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks.” He didn’t mean he thought people should put rebel flags on their trucks, he meant that they could still work together to provide health insurance for America’s children. Regardless of where they stood on the confederate flag.

There is no doubt that Douglas Kmiec is out-of-touch and wrong on his support of the bigoted anti-marriage initiative. But, that doesn’t mean that we don’t need his vote and his voice to help us move America forward.

Obama isn’t perfect, no candidate is. But, he’s an extraordinary step from the McCain/Bush years and he’s still got an election to win.

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