With rumors that President Obama is considering Vogue editrix-in-chief Anna Wintour for an ambassadorship, we at Queerty got to thinking about other foreign appointments the Prez could make. After all, these diplomatic posts aren’t always based on  experience—sometimes it’s just  a simple “thank you for being a friend.”

Since Wintour raised millions for Obama’s re-election campaign she, and other supporters, could be poised for some global gratitude.

Check out Queerty’s picks for a Fabulous Fantasy Embassy.

 Anna Wintour, Ambassador to France

From Paris La Wintour can kiki with BFF Karl Lagerfeld while keeping a discerning, sun-glassed eye on the world of fashion—er, politics.


Donald Trump, Ambassador to England

What the Donald lacks in finesse, grace and common decency, he more than makes up for in his ability to brand. Trust us, the Brits would be eating Trumpettes and tea in no time.


Mitt Romney, Ambassador to the Cayman Islands

Mitt’s not really doing anything these days except moping around, so why not ship him somewhere he can relax? Like near his multiple offshore accounts and tax shelters.


Madonna, Ambassador to Russia

Her Madgesty already has a rich history with the country—like a $10 million lawsuit— but Russia needs some serious gaying up and Madge is just the Material Girl to do it. She might even get them to set free the girls of Pussy Riot.


Rihanna, Ambassador to Barbados

The Bajan singer would make a perfect diplomat in her native land—plus it’d finally get her far, far away from Chris Brown.


George Clooney, Ambassador to Italy

Clooney spends most of his time in his Italian villa and, as one of Obama’s most famous, loyal and handsome supporters, he’ll be bedding that entire country in the name of America.


Clint Eastwood, Ambassador to Texas

Once Texas secedes, Obama is going to need somebody folks in the Lone Star State will listen to. Of course, since Clint would only be talking to an empty chair it’s unlikely they’d hear anything. But, hey, at least the lines of communication will be open.



Neil Patrick Harris, Ambassador to the Netherlands

Obama’s bromantic life partner has already endeared himself with potheads the world over—particularly in the stoner capital of Amsterdam— thanks to the three Harold & Kumar movies and Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. Even better, NPH and David Burtka can get legally married in Holland.


Barbra Streisand, Ambassador to Israel

Jews may not believe Jesus is the Messiah, but who needs him when we have Babs? Give her a 50-piece orchestra, a Donna Karan off-the-shoulder gown and an all-white microphone and she’ll have peace in the Middle East by the time she’s done with an encore of “People.”


Newt Gingrich, Ambassador to the Moon

Assuming he’s still determined to colonize the moon, Gingrich would make a great ambassador to our cold, distant satellite. And it would finally get him the hell out of Washington.


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