Rand Paul, the Senator from Kentucky and potential presidential candidate, wants you to think he’s a modern age Republican. Then he opens his mouth. In an interview with Glenn Beck (of course), Paul mused about whether the Supreme Court ruling means that interspecies marriage is now legal.

In response to a question from Beck, Paul wondered whether anything goes now. “But it is difficult because if we have no laws on this people take it to one extension further. Does it have to be humans?”

Just to make it clear this wasn’t a slip of the tongue, Paul elaborated.

“You know, I mean, so there really are, the question is what social mores, can some social mores be part of legislation? Historically we did at the state legislative level, we did allow for some social mores to be part of it. Some of them were said to be for health reasons and otherwise, but I’m kind of with you, I see the thousands-of-year tradition of the nucleus of the family unit. I also see that economically, if you just look without any kind of moral periscope and you say, what is it that is the leading cause of poverty in our country? It’s having kids without marriage. The stability of the marriage unit is enormous and we should not just say oh we’re punting on it, marriage can be anything.”

Paul later walked back his statements, saying “I don’t think it will be with multiple humans, and I think it will be human and human.”

Paul’s comments should be a reminder that folks who hold him up as our libertarian liberator should have their heads examined.

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