In the clearest signal yet that the Obama administration and the Pentagon do not want to see a DADT repeal before November’s mid-term elections (oh, sorry, before the Defense Department wraps up its “investigation”), Sec. Robert Gates sent a letter to the House Armed Services Committee warning them a repeal “would send a very damaging message to our men and women in uniform that in essence their views, concerns and perspectives do not matter.”

Initial thoughts:

• And SLDN’s Aubrey Sarvis thought he had a back up plan.

• What’s Nancy gonna do?

• So much for that letter campaign.

• Sunday’s GetEQUAL rally in D.C. is gonna have a whole lot more ammunition.


The White House, via an anonymous spokesman, says, “The President’s commitment to repealing ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ is unequivocal. This is not a question of if, but how. That’s why we’ve said that the implementation of any congressional repeal will be delayed until the DOD study of how best to implement that repeal is completed. The President is committed to getting this done both soon and right.” Read: The president will direct Congress on how to act on a repeal, but only after his stalling tactic is completed.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, meanwhile, insists Obama must call for an end to investigations while his minions wrap up their little research project. In a statement: “We all look forward to the report on the review of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy by the Defense Department. In the meantime, the Administration should immediately place a moratorium on dismissals under this policy until the review has been completed and Congress has acted.”

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