Black, Gay Group Bridging Divide

earlyprotest.jpg Michelle Obama received loads of praise last month when, at an event for gay Democrats, the potential first lady said, “We are all only here because of those who marched and bled and died, from Selma to Stonewall, in the pursuit of a more perfect union.” The “Selma” of which Mrs. Obama spoke refers to a 1965 march in Selma, Alabama, when police beat back civil rights activists trying to march to Montgomery as a protest to a black teenager’s shooting. The event immediately became known as Bloody Sunday. The “Stonewall” of which Mrs Obama spoke, of course, refers to the Stonewall Rebellion of 1969, widely seen as the launch of the contemporary gay rights movement. With that geographical reference, Obama sought to – and succeeded in – linking the civil and gay rights movements. The crowd – and the press – went wild, but not everyone agrees with Obama’s optimism. Racism and homophobia, some believe, are so completely and utterly different that drawing a comparison between the two amounts to a mortal political sin. That’s a perfectly reasonable argument. Race and sexuality have exceedingly divergent histories in the United States, and thus result in entirely different emotional experiences. White people can’t understand anti-black sentiment anymore than straight people can comprehend homophobia. Black, gay people have felt both, of course, which puts the National Black Justice Coalition in a precarious position. nbjc2l.jpgnbjc2r.jpg [Gay and civil rights activists have both come to blows with coppers.] Straddling the civil and gay divide, the DC-based non-profit hopes to bridge the divide between the respective rights movements. And, in many ways, they are succeeding. In the mere four years since its founding, the NBJC has collaborated with big-wig groups like the NAACP, HRC, the Gay and Lesbian Task Force, dozens of churches and the Congressional Black Caucus. Despite these successes, the NBJC’s evolution hasn’t been without its hiccups, says Executive Director H. Alexander Robinson, “I think that our inability or our unwillingness to compartmentalize our experience as African-Americans from our experience as gay and lesbian people has caused some tension.” If those tensions can be eased, however, the NBJC and its allies could change the face of the American political landscape. The National Black Justice Coalition’s seeds took root in those fearsome years leading up to the 2004 presidential election, a time when anti-gay wedge politics dominated the national agenda. Marriage became the hot button topic and everyone seemed to have an opinion on the matter, but not everyone was getting equal time. Frustrated by the dearth of gay, black representation in the arena – and even more so by conservative black churches’ collusion with the right wing – a group of dedicated activists, led by journalist Keith Boykin, came together to discuss their mutual challenges. And, as Robinson explains, the meeting put a daunting task into even greater relief.
At the time, it was really more of an initiative than an organization – an initiative to put forth a greater voice and visibility. It became very clear once it started that there were a wide range of issues that needed to be addressed. Establishing the organization was a way of accomplishing those tasks.
The nascent NBJC’s scope couldn’t simply cover marriage rights, nor were religious debates sufficient – although there would be plenty of both. They needed a wider net. Hate crimes, racism, homophobia, trans rights – all and more must be addressed. These issues of course required specific – and timely – actions, but the group also adopted a more universal, historically successful approach to opposition. Of all the group’s leaders, it is perhaps religious outreach and constituency director Sylvia Rhue who most concisely articulates the NBJC’s core philosophy. Rhue, who traces her activist roots back to a chance encounter with Martin Luther King, Jr, explains:
We’re always reaching out to people who may not be on our side culturally or theologically. A persuasive argument has to come from the heart. It has to be spontaneous, because then it’s more authentic. We just talk about the truth of our lives and that’s really profound enough sometimes. Your personal experience can’t be refuted.
Nor can reality. And the reality of their situation – and resources – required the National Black Justice Coalition to live up to the latter part of their name, a task easier said than done.
gay_marriage_rally-2.jpg Regardless of race, gay marriage activists want the same thing: a white wedding. While there were certainly black and gay activists who had no problem understanding the NBJC’s mission, others weren’t so in-tune. Many of the group’s presumed allies scoffed at their inclusive objective. Not surprisingly, some black organizations wondered why race couldn’t be the sole activist focus, while gays failed to grasp NBJC’s issue advocacy and racialized centrality. These conflicts are most evident, says Robinson, in the NBJC’s fights against hate crimes, which come in myriad shapes and colors:
When we have focused on issues that take a particularly racial angle, for example, our work on hate crimes and biased crimes – they can hate crimes about race, or issues around the criminal justice system – we have been pushed from activists in the gay community, saying “Well, you’re supposed to be a gay organization, these aren’t black, gay issues,” insisting that we are sister or ally groups. Many of these issues to them are not “gay.”
Jasper Hendricks, who heads NBJC’s political arm, echoed Robinson’s remarks, specifically citing the shooting death of Sean Bell, a black man shot down by New York City police the night before his wedding. NBJC joined other black rights groups in pushing for prosecution. The cops were eventually acquitted. Robinson also lamented an apparent preference among gay rights coverage, specifically with regard to the deaths of Lawrence King and Simmie Williams, Jr. The former was shot in school, while Williams, black and dressed in drag, died on the street. Both were shot, yet the lighter-skinned King’s slaying took the national spotlight. Those stories, however gruesome, are only a drop in the bucket – and most go unnoticed, says Robinson. When asked whether he felt racism influenced gay groups and media’s energies, Robinson replies, “Racism exists,” but later offers further explanation:
There certainly were instances where we felt that there was a lack of recognition for the need of the organization or the differences we had on policies – no, on priorities and cultural messaging. I think more so than outright racism, there were racial disparities, whether you’re talking about issues around funding or efforts to help us on issues pertaining gay and lesbian people of color. All of that makes being able to grow a sustainable effort in the community a challenge.
Despite the various challenges, NBJC grew at an exceptional rate, forming alliances with groups on both sides of the perceived racial divide, such as HRC, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, queer inclusive Metropolitan Community Church, the Black Justice Forum, and the NAACP. Meanwhile, in terms of religious outreach, Rhue has built sustainable bridged between MCC, Unity Forum and other religious organizations, including polytheistic groups, like Buddhist and Hindu organizations. As mentioned above, the group has also formed a political arm, the NBJC Action Fund. Realizing their limitations – they’ve only got about 15,000 members and an annual budget of about $400,000, a little less than half the NBJC’s – the Fund works largely at the local level distributing legislative alerts, insuring voters have proper identification on election day and, also, have set up an online voter registration. They’ve also endorsed Keisha Waites, who’s running for a Congressional seat in Georgia.

[The late great Marlon Riggs’ 1989 movie Tongues Untied was meant to, he said, “shatter the nation’s brutalizing silence on matters of sexual and racial difference.”]
While one would assume the NBJC would back Barack Obama, the first black man with a real shot at the White House, the group refuses to make a presidential endorsement. Communications director Herndon Davis explains, “You tend to box yourself in one corner if you endorse someone over someone else. I think remaining neutral brings more bargaining power, rather than if you endorse one candidate over another.” They have, however, been in communication with all the campaigns, including the independent candidates, but Hendricks wouldn’t give any details on their communications.

Robinson, who once worked on Hillary Clinton‘s LGBT team, did offer some thoughts on Obama, with whom Robinson spoke after the Donnie McClurkin scandal. You’ll recall that the Obama campaign came under serious fire last fall when they invited anti-gay McClurkin to appear on the Senator’s gospel tour. Robinson – and many, many others – weren’t impressed and asked Obama to rescind the invitation. The candidate did not, instead asking a gay preacher man to join the fun and later talking gay rights with the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, the same church Dr. King once attended.

The activists definitely didn’t approve of Obama’s McClurkin decision, even Robinson’s derision contains admiration:

Strategically, when it came to that particular incident, we had a disagreement on the way in which the choices that he made, but I agree that tactically we have to listen to both sides and have conversations with those who vehemently disagree with us, because it is only through our willingness to have those conversations that we’re going to make a change.

Though inherently different, when boiled down to the nitty-gritty, race and sexuality are essentially the same: they’re social categories, one of mankind’s most enduring traditions. Thus, the NBJC doesn’t simply want to fight racism and homophobia. It wants to erase them entirely. Said the Action Fund’s Hendricks, “Once we eliminate racism and homophobia, there will be no need for these categories. Our goal is to eliminate those things entirely.”

Sure, progress comes one step at a time, but can come a whole lot faster when we’re all stepping together, whether it be in Selma, on Christopher Street or in your own back yard – although all those feet would be hell on your grass. But, you know, we all have to make sacrifices.

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  • Trenton

    Excellent post, and what a lovely cure for the afternoon doldrums. It is refreshing to see Queerty address the race/sexuality topic so directly and eloquently. Thank you!

  • crazylove

    Agree. Thank you for this. I love the fluff, but the substantive posts like this that are encouraging and welcomed as well.

  • Darth Paul

    I’m happy they’re keeping focus on the critical goals and being inclusive w/o going off the ideological deep end. They have my support, respect, and my donations (soon enough).




    Go and tell it to Leah Daughtery and Donna Brazile


    It’s all about race to blacks even when they’re the perpetrators of so much homophobia.

    “yet the lighter-skinned King’s slaying took the national spotlight”

    Shame on you Mr. Robinson for even thinking that way! What wasn’t little Larry black enough for you to merit the attention he’s horrible murder got. Yeah you’re showing your true colors in more than one way.
    Melanin has and always will be the decisive factor to this bunch.
    Stop making lame apologies for the homophobia within the black community, address it , stop undermining GLBT issues like the right to marry and directing it to race and maybe you’ll find more non-black homos are willing to join you(myself included).

  • crazylove

    Can people along this thread not respond to the one or two haters who will show up. I know its easy to get into their drama with them, but it serves no purpose.


    * little Lawrence *


    Translation if you’re not willing to kiss some black ass then shut up.

    Totalitarian much huh!
    Whatever this is a free country still, much to the chagrin of people like you and so long as I see bullshit talk and double standards being masqueraded as Civil Rights for only one group of people I’m going to point at them.
    Whether hypocrites like you approve of it or not.

  • akaison

    Please don’t engage the haters. They will eventually go away.

  • Mr C

    Well with the exception of our idiot resident “Churchshit-Y be so stupid” and a few others.

    UMM you DUMB BITCH being Black is not a group. It’s a RACE of people and if the GOVERNMENT doesn’t allow everything for everybody whereas it should because these rights are basically for all. That is not the fault of the African American Community. Another thing your Momma should have taught you HOMOPHOBIA is shared by ALL races!


    Once again stop being a Low paid Blue Collar worker and STEP UP….or can you?

    I digress………….

    I like how this piece is done. Because the one in the Washington Blade is simply put together to pitch Black against White. And that is something this community needs to address and combat WITHIN!

  • J & J

    We’ll see. Let’s see if they’re there protesting along with ACT UP, Radical Homosexual Agenda, and Queer Justic League at the Brooklyn reggae homophobe march on Aug. 31.


    “That is not the fault of the African American Community”

    Fair point thug, if your people don’t want to be associated with Gay people for some irrational fear that their special victimhood status might somehow be taken away from them if the federal government starts to recognize us in the same way that they do them, so be it. But don’t go about saying your for Civil Rights and don’t expect non-black Gay people to be sympathetic when some discriminatory shit hits you because you have not had the same courtesy for us.
    Also leave my “Momma” out of your hateful vitriol you Ape, she hasn’t done anything to you nor I have never brought your parents in any response I have made to your shit.
    And lastly you thug I might take your “advice” in consideration more than you would like perhaps because I’m sure if I end up deciding in favor of it delinquents like you will be reduced in their numbers in street. To bad your down in D.C providing those addicts with the shit you sell to them, but who knows maybe someday I might get the pleasure of seeing you behind bars.

    No. 10 : Don’t count on it.

  • JackJohnson

    I think Churchill completely misses the point here…it’s about trying to find unity between the fights of racism and homophobia. They’re both centered on the need for equal rights and federal laws that protect and ensure those rights. I think there is a certain gap between the black civil rights movement and the gay rights movement. Within the gay rights movement, there are also divisions, as people are split amongst racial and ethnic lines, etc.

    Instead of being divisve and espousing rhetoric that alienates, we should work to find common ground on goals and initiatives that are beneficial to all groups generally concerned with civil rights (black and brown civil rights, gay civil rights, immigrant civil rights, etc.).

    As a black woman, I believe we must stand up for the rights of all who may be persecuted, and it’s not limited to just my race. How singled-minded would that be? These struggles should be thought of in broader terms. It’s not about one, it’s for all.

    Sorry for the wordiness.

  • Charley

    I certainly see the correlation between the civil rights struggles and our equal marriage rights struggle. What confuses the general public and politicians is our partying and raising hell in the streets at Gay Pride events. It’s almost like Rosa Parks got off the bus all dolled up with sequins and feather headress to call attention to herself, not the civil rights cause. We don’t have our rights yet, so the celebrations are a bit early IMHO.

  • Mr C

    Hey Churchill,

    If I am a Virol Ape, Then your Momma sucked a rabid cock that’s how you got here and yeah I said online and can say in your face


    You are one hateful fag!

  • Charley

    Kind of weird NBJC not endorsing Obama. Shit, that leaves McCain. A black wing of HRC ? DNC certainly likes them via Leah Daughtrey. Maybe they can get some DNC funds which is really what they are after, just like HRC.

  • forbesfart

    Award winning! Excellent.Go Queerty!.

  • Mr C


    Please understand, It’s not that this idiot misses the point. It’s hatred plain and simple.

    Ever since Hillary Clinton lost this democratic primary this NUT has been spewing hate on here of Blacks period.

    But he’s not alone. Since Obama has become the presidential nominee Blacks have been at the forefront of everything negative to the Gay Community. In which I am really not getting the TRUE point of all of this because if Obama lost to Clinton…..
    Do you think any of this would be made an issue????????? I don’t think so. It would have been paid no mind just as SOME Gay organizations in the Gay community do with Gay minorities period.

    Like you said in your post:QUOTE Within the gay rights movement, there are also divisions, as people are split amongst racial and ethnic lines, etc. UNQUOTE.

    Why none of our great Gay organizations tackle this????
    I don’t have a problem with confronting the issue at hand. However, before I clean someone else house I should make sure mines is cleaned.

  • J & J

    Chyurchill-y, regarding no. 10. To tell you the truth I’m not even counting on ACT UP or any of those groups showing up. They will stay in safe Manhattan protesting a restaurant that supposedly disrespected a mannish lesbian about what bathroom she used, and they will go to WestPoint to mock the cadets there to protest military policies, and they will go to Saint patrick’s Cathedral to shout. But when it comes to protesting Jamaican murder music, music that actually calls for the murder of gays, at that “Straight Pride” event, I bet none of those activists will show up. It’s one of two reasons. They’re either so politically correct that they won’t target any other minority for a protest, or they’re just wusses who are too afraid to try anything against those who might actually come back at them with violence.

  • crazylove

    Race issues and the impact of organizations like this have traditionally not been things that gay groups have addressed. However, it’s unfair to say that they haven’t recently been trying. You could see that with the Jena 6. I can’t remember a time when a gay organization like HRC openly supported issues that were about race. I m not saying we shouldn’t keep on them, but we do need to laud them when they are showing efforts to change. The same is true regarding black organizations. I applaud the organization that is the subject matter of this article.

    They aren’t perfect, but they are definitely a step in the right direction. People can do more to screw us over because we separate ourselves. Finally, I also think its unfair to lump all gays together re Clinton (which is untrue) as it is to lump all African Americans together. You want to make these simple us-versus-them constructions, but it isn’t that simple.

    I am a black gay guy who supported Edwards early in the primary because I grew up poor and appreciated his focus on poverty issues. I have white gay friends who supported Obama at the same time. I knew several who were Clinton supporters who became Obama supporters. I note how many organizations have gotten behind Obama. Hell, eveh Andrew Sullivan, whom I don’t like, is a supporter, if only tepidly so, of Obama.

    I am now a strong Obama supporter although I am still highly critical of how his economic policies will help people in my working middle class black neighborhood. So my point in all this us-versus-them on race and sexual orientation is that it isn’t simple.

    There are couple of books I recommend for anyone who is interested– One More River To Cross and The Good Book. They are both good about race, sexual orientation and religion. There’s a third , but I am blanking on it– it specifically covers rae and sex orientaton divides and how to bridge them.

  • crazylove

    Re Straight Pride

    It’s some made up bullshit that affects no one. They are like Church- you give them attention then they become important in their own minds.

  • Charley

    Discrimination is wrong no matter gay or black. If I was black, I probably would side with black civil rights, because that is a safe bet and a winner with the media. As I am gay, I side with gays of all colors, a very unpopular stance. As an atheist, I think faith based gay orgs and churches are not something I support.

  • J & J

    LOL! Yeah, right crazylove! About “nothing”? It’s music that calls for the murder of gay males and females, coming right to Brooklyn. And generally supported by everyone else at the coinciding West Indies Day parade. You might call that nothing, but if anything will cause actual physical attacks on local gays and lesbians, THIS will. I think that’s a little more important than the lesbian bathroom incident at that Village restaurant, which brought protestors out en masse.

  • JackJohnson

    Some great points in here! I read this site time to time, but not faithfully, so I’m not aware of the “commentor issues”. Every site has them though. People love to come in and flame.

  • J & J

    Though I apologize if I seem like I was getting hostile to you, personally, Mr.Crazylove, just because I disagree. I just feel very strongly about that subject.

  • crazylove

    These people – or group of people you are referring to- are no different than rednecks or church to me in their behavior. I am African American from the South although I now live in NYC. A friend of mine of similar background visited the Carribean.

    This woman who was cleanning my friend’s feet at the time looked down on my friend, not because sexuality (she’s straight),but because my friend is African American from the South and the cleaning woman thought she was better than my friend based on the fact we are descendants of slaves. My friend is upper middle class in income. I am not trying to be a classist here, but who should feel bad for whom? Yet, here this cleaning woman needed something to prove she was still better.

    My point is that people will always use something to try to make themselves out to be better when they don’t have anything. It’s a similar mentality as rednecks and their reaction to race. They don’t have shit, so they need to find someone to p ut lower on the totem pole. Hell, you see this now with white working class males and their sense of white entitlement (but that’s another conversation). I can see this in my neighborhood when kid’s will try to intimidate other kids over who has the better clothes or shoes.

    The thing is- because they don’t have any power, they can only affect you through random songs and the occasional attack. It’s horrible, but its not systemic enough to change our lives.

    Whereas other groups can affect all gays as a class. Deny all our rights. That’s why I say they aren’t anything. Not that they can’t threaten an individual, but what can they do against the whole group? Nothing but stupid publicity stunts like ‘straight pride.’


    @ J & J:
    Don’t excuse yourself with this idiot, its all about “class and “race” to him. Are there rednecks out there who are as homophobic as Jamaicans and African Americans Yes, and people from our community from the whole color gamut confront them on a daily basis but somehow when the perpetrators are black those same people who where confronting those “rednecks” freeze and do nothing for some PC fear of being called a racist.
    Don’t be surprise about people like this totalitarian man(#26) finding nothing wrong with the hateful attitudes that will be festively celebrated during that parade. Try walking holding your hands with your boyfriend through Flatbush and Crown Heights or any other West Indian enclave and if you both survive you will see how ‘meaningless’ not confronting these people can be.
    Whenever people like this jerk who enjoys calling others who disagree with him Trolls as if somehow his point of view is the only the valid one, fail in their reasoning of apologetic arguments for the ill behavior of their ethnic group and the stoicism displayed by most GLBT organizations when the time comes for them to confront them you’ll see them making once again the BS argument of classism of people looking down on African Americans and West Indians as if somehow that induces them to be homophobic. Lame shit, I’m in my mid-twenties , I’m not wealthy by any means(guess I don’t fit that typical stereotype of the rich white Gay male) yet somehow the intimidation , discrimination, a down right hateful attitudes from the black community(who should know better) that I have to put up with because of my sexual orientation is the cause of some wealth I don’t have.

    Ms. Johnson, no need to apologise for your well thought out reasoning I’m sure if more African Americans harbored you’re sentiments there wouldn’t be any divide between our two groups. Sadly I don’t see much more people like you out there, one only has to come to this blog and see the responses one gets if one points out to the hypocrisy often exhibited by a great majority in some black organizations both secular and non-secular. There’s no doubt in my mind that there are some good people out there like you, but like I said before I’m just not seeing them not in the virtual or real world.

  • Giovanni

    “I’m just not seeing them not in the virtual or real world.”

    Perhaps the holes in your sheet aren’t big enough?

  • Alacer

    I’m not getting into this but JackJohnson has said it and said it the best. Thank you for finally bringing reasonable dialogue to this place.

    Churchill-Y, this has been going on for so long, it astonishes me that you still act so crassly. Maybe it’s time to calm down and take a different approach to your concerns, as should Mr C.

  • crazylove

    Mr C? Is that referencing my comments?

  • Mr C

    Well alacer, if you’re talking about my approach to him. Honestly, I am above that however his mouth is rabid PERIOD and I guess really the only way to deal with him is NOT TO DEAL with him at all.

    But Churchill-Y. Allow to me show you how IGNORANT, CONTRADICTORY and BIAS you are.

    You said: People can do more to screw us over because we separate ourselves. Finally, I also think it’s unfair to lump all gays together re Clinton (which is untrue) as it is to lump all African Americans together. ….

    Churchill-Y you just contradicted yourself, every post you have written you LUMP all African Americans and Africans together with your rhetoric hate speech and I mean every time remember Hussein Obama is the Black people’s messiah you wrote that.

    You said: Lame shit, I’m in my mid-twenties , I’m not wealthy by any means (guess I don’t fit that typical stereotype of the rich white Gay male) yet somehow the intimidation, discrimination, a down right hateful attitudes from the black community (who should know better) that I have to put up with because of my sexual orientation is the cause of some wealth I don’t have.

    Well Youngling because that’s what you are YOUNG AND IGNORANT! I’m 42 and nearly twenty years ago if we Blacks went into a predominately white populated Gay Bar we were shunned, security watched us more. Most time we were ignored by SOME white patrons and this is all in the Gay community.

    That’s why there are so many Gay Prides today because folks were not getting the proper acknowledgement from these groups that formed them which were predominately white men.
    In came the (Black, Latino, Asian) Gay Pride celebrations. So being in your twenties you wouldn’t understand that.

    Also Gays see intimidation, discrimination, and down right hateful attitudes from white, and other minority heterosexuals as well but I guess you don’t see that either?

    See the problem with you, Well you just said it “I’m in my mid-twenties” you don’t know SHIT Maybe you need to sit and talk to an elder Gay person who can school you on REALITY in this community! It has not been totally unified and with YOUNG QUEENS with an attitude such as yours it won’t! You seem to have a ONE track thought of thinking. Once they post something on here about Blacks and Gays. You go and start shooting off at the mouth with the HATE SPEECH!

    You said: Try walking holding your hands with your boyfriend through Flatbush and Crown Heights or any other West Indian enclave and if you both survive you will see how ‘meaningless’ not confronting these people can be.

    WELL DEAR: You don’t know much about Brooklyn either. So since you know so much. Why don’t you try holding hands with your boyfriend and go walking through Bensonhurst which is a predominately White neighborhood and see what happens.

    Churchill-Y You is very young and too quick to run off at the mouth plain and simple. You may have a right to your opinion. Just understand you need not be so contradictory and be honest about how you feel. Us Blacks don’t care if you hate us. That’s your problem. But with more young queens with your attitude this Gay community has a long way to go. You really need to understand what tolerance is.

    You have a lot to learn!

  • marcus

    i think churchhill-Y, Rcmpv and Mr. C ought to have a 3 way. You are actually 3 peas in a pod. I bet you would all have the time of your lives!

  • Mr C

    SORRY Marcus
    I don’t need to be in any pod with them I’m not a racist.

    Is it a problem to explain his ignorance, And is it a problem for me to react to these statements against Blacks considering the rabidness that comes from them about Black people?

  • Lucy

    I’m not gay, but I am Black, and also part Mexican and AfroCuban. I have always admired the way people can fight for what’s right and just. It doesn’t make sense to me how allowing gay people to be recognized as legal couples would cause any detriment to society as a whole. I just wish people could get their heads out of their asses for one minute and stop bickering amongst each other. Regardless of what race or group you belong to, everyone has to struggle against something. As long as human nature remains the way it is, there will always be struggle. But if we can come together to effect change, isn’t that more important than defining what group one belongs to?

    I know someone asked earlier for everyone not to respond to the back and forth, but this needs to be said. All in all, I think that this article was very well written, and made it’s point clearly.


    Wow thug 42! that definitively qualifies you as an old geezer(sarcasm). Seems age hasn’t brought you any wisdom, intelligence our dignity.
    Say what you want but the only reason why your group in 2008 feels the need to have its own separate Prides, bars and whatever the hell you can come up with to distinguish yourselves from the rest of the GLBT community is because you see yourselves as different perhaps even superior to the rest of us.
    Most def you don’t see the struggles of the GLBT community at large in this Country as yours, the hell with marriage as far as your concern that has nothing to do with discrimination.
    It’s all about race, you need to feel the lips of white people kissing your ass while you go on your diatribe about how much whitey is oppressing you(while you enjoy the benefits of living in a Country with a constitution written by whites) and how racism is keeping you down while at the same time you look the other way when your people (blacks) continually engage in discrimination against Gay people. I maybe “very young” compared to you(work out your age issues with someone else hun because as far I’m concerned is not your age that makes you old it’s your mentality) but my family, you know the ones you like to bring in every stupid comment you make and constantly insult might well could be in some photos like the ones above and I have heard their stories and the dangers they had to confront alongside black people in those years so that vicious thugs like you could go around hating white people and condoning the homophobic attitudes of some of the same people my family marched with.

    “Why don’t you try holding hands with your boyfriend and go walking through Bensonhurst which is a predominately White neighborhood and see what happens.”

    Looks like not only do you sell them(drugs) to your fellow DC ghetto inhabitants but you also consume them, now ain’t you a stupid bitch!
    I mean there’s no other logic that can explain you. While heavily Italian , Jewish and Russian Bensonhurst might not be Gay friendly to try to compare it to a West Indian neighborhood is ludicrous because that “predominately White neighborhood” is not throwing a blatantly homophobic parade through its streets.
    The inhabitants of that “predominately White neighborhood” are not listening and condoning and celebrating music and so called ‘artists’ who unabashedly call out for the murder of Gay people both in their Country and wherever in the World they set their rotten feet at.

    I can’t say from seeing the stupidity prevalent in black leaders and organizations I would behave in the same manner as my family did in those days if the need for it arose again.
    They haven’t given me as a Gay man the same support and respect my loved ones gave to them.
    So keep on with your venom(hatred for whites) because we(GLBT) maybe a minority but so are you and the table might once again be turned in the future and you might need to rekindle a new Civil Rights movement based on race.
    And to quote someone I once heard, this time your group will be told to “carry its own water”.

  • Alacer

    well, I can see my point was obviously taken to heart!

  • Mr C


    You’re just stupid and need some real HELP!

    If anyone has read my post to this idiot.
    Please tell me where I have stated my hate for Whites.

    PLEASE Someone with a mature, open mind.
    This CHILD is useless!

  • Crazy in Alabama

    Wow. The anger and resentment is quite palpable on this post. And that’s saying a lot for Queerty!

    Here goes my long post:

    Mr.C makes a few valid points and so does Churchill-Y. However, they are both proving the point made in the post (one that I tried to engage Churchill-Y with the other day on the DNC story). If anything is going to be accomplished from this point forward, the us-versus-them and I-will-be-open-to-cooperate-if-they-start-playing-nice mentality has to stop. There was gay support for the (black) civil rights movement and there IS black support for the gays civil rights movement. How about we use those examples to build rather than use the negative examples to divide? Let the sweeping generalities go.

    Both of our vocal friends on this post have leveled accusations, albeit true in some instances, that don’t really further the discussion. They actually shut it down and we are all treated to name calling as proven by the thug and yo mamma comments.

    I feel a little validation that groups like this exist. As a gay, black man in the belt-buckle of the Bible Belt (Alabama that is) I feel just as dehumanized when I hear and see a white person lock their doors as I walk by their car, as I do when my male coworkers hurry to finish in the restroom because they are afraid the queer is going to check out their equipment. I am not a dangerous ape nor am I a sexually-depraved fiend. I’m an American, and I see injustices happening to a lot of Americans, not just Black and Gay.

    And Churchill-Y, I truly believe that Leah Daughtery and Donna Brazile are hatemongers not because of their race or religion, but because of a combination of many factors including fear of the unknown and outright ignorance.

    Black people don’t owe you and your family anything for the role they played in any civil rights struggle. I’m sure your family members stood up then because it was the right to do. And I agree wholeheartedly with you, now is the time for black folks to stand for you…because it’s the right thing to do! I also agree that it can be dangerous for a white person to call out a black person because the race card is likely to be played. But not always, and especially when the callout is rock-solid. Plus, the race card is often a great indicator that you are dealing with a fool who as no other ammunition.

    Mr.C, I agree with you that there are struggles for black gays. Even today, I’m note surprised when a guy I’m dating tells me he can’t take home because his parents are OK with gay but still think black is wack. It’s painful. But your adversary in this post is not ignorant because of his age. He’s angry because he’s had to swallow a lot of bullshit like the rest of us. Perhaps we should try to take more opportunities explain to him that we deal with same the disdain and violence that he deals with, even though some would say (not me) that they are our own kind. Only then, will the generalizations cease, I hope.

    Can’t we all just get along?

  • J & J

    And we STILL don’t hear a word about any plans for ACT UP, Queer Justice League, or any other bigtime gay activists to appear at the Straight Pride parade. I betcha anything they’ll turn out to be wusses and just “happen” to have planned to be out of town that day.

  • crazylove

    Crazy In Alabama

    What makes you think people haven’t tried what you suggested already? Why the assumptions? Also, why are we suppose to be responsible for people not taking up understanding these things on their own? I am not a big fan of saying “everyone is making a valid point” when in fact they aren’t.

  • lisa

  • Dilroy

    Mr C,. I haven’t seen you state hate for whites, but I have seen you diminish blatant acts of homophobia by blacks while exagreating alleged racist acts by whites. It’s a pattern of yours to at once allege that all bigotry is equally as bad but then display otherwise in through your actions here.

    It’s a bias of yours. As a black gay man you have chosen black over gay. You do not view the two social issues with the jaundiced eye you claim.

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