Interview With Illinois Representative Aaron Schock

Well, well, well. It looks like 2016 is already off to an interesting start.

After his epic implosion almost a year ago, former totally-not-gay Republican congressman Aaron Schock of Illinois pretty much fell off the radar amid allegations that he had misused taxpayer money and campaign donations to fund his lavish, jetsetting lifestyle. He quit tweeting, he blocked new followers on Instagram, and he stopped taking off his shirt for the covers of men’s health magazines.

Related: Aaron Schock Bids Adieu To Congress, Fails Attempt At Humility By Comparing Himself To Lincoln

Until Monday, that is.

This week, the disgraced ex-lawmaker, who is still under federal investigation for his loose spending habits, posted the following tweet about his former offices, which he had famously decorated to resemble the set of Downton Abbey using taxpayer money, being repainted by incoming Rep. Darin LaHood:

It’s clearly very important to Mr. Schock that people know the #truth about when exactly his former playroom was converted back to a boring old government office. So just so we’re all on the same page here, according to the Chicago-Tribunethe walls were actually returned to their original color (beige) in September, before the special election to replace Schock. We’re so gad that’s settled. Related: Aaron Schock Doesn’t Want Anyone To Know About His Expensive Male “Companion” But the story doesn’t stop there. Because within seconds of posting the tweet, Twitter trolls already started coming for Schock:

Aaron, honey, if you’re reading, it’s so good to have you back.

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