This post is part of a series of Queerty conversations with models, trainers, dancers, and, well, people who inspire us to stay in shape–0r just sit on the couch ogling them instead.

Name: Trip Langley, 34

City: Los Angeles

Profession: Actor, known for The Boys Who Brunch, a web series now in its third season

Favorite Gym: I have a gym membership, but I wouldn’t say I have a “favorite gym.” I go because I believe in fitness for both health and my profession. It took a long time (and a pushy friend) to start the habit, though. In my head I’m always going to be that skinny twelve-year-old who feels out of place in a gym.

Favorite Workout Song: I’m weird. I don’t go for the typical things like pop or rock that have a strong beat. I lean more toward inspirational, big vocals/music at the gym, so you’ll likely catch me listening to artists like Josh Groban and Celine Dion or cast recordings from musicals like Dear Evan Hansen. Something about grand sounds make me feel like I can accomplish what I’m working on!

Favorite Workout Food: I tend to think about the time between eating and when I’m working out more than the specific food. I want to give my body time to process whatever I’ve had to make sure I have fuel to get me through a workout and I don’t want to feel the heaviness of the food during the workout. Since gaining bulk is hard for me, it’s nice when I feel energized to do heavier weight. If I’m feeling a little sluggish, I may have a protein
shake when I arrive before my workout. I work out at different times every day, so I don’t really have a go-to routine. This is oddly non-specific for such a long-winded answer!

Related: Matt Shaffer on lisping and why “part of being stereotyped is embracing the stereotype”

What’s the best outfit for working out? I don’t put much thought into this, which can be uncommon in Los Angeles. I usually have a tank top
or something sleeveless cause I like the freedom in movement and I overheat easily, so I prefer to wear as little as possible. On the flip side, my shorts are usually loose basketball shorts because I am self-conscious about my legs so I try to hide them.

How do you balance staying in shape and having fun? For people who can get bored easily or need extra motivation to work out, I think it can
be helpful to try to incorporate more fun activities to sort of trick yourself into exercising so it doesn’t feel like work. For me, it is so habitual at this point that I find fun in the results or knowing I can splurge on food without feeling…well, I still feel guilty, but I do it.

What’s a basic, if useful, work out tip you can offer? Growing up in Texas in the 90s, the mindset was focused on how much you could lift (welcome to the source of all my body issues) You should never sacrifice technique for weight. Lifting less weight in the right positions is going to be better and safer for your body in the long run. Everyone’s body and goals are different, so all you have to focus on at the gym are your own needs; don’t worry about the person next to you grunting and throwing huge weights around.

What do you keep on your nightstand? I really only sleep in my bedroom, so my nightstand is a treasure trove of random stuff I don’t use. I guess that’s true for every flat surface in my apartment, though. I think there is a bunch of loose change, some business cards I tossed there, a random coaster or two? You tell me and we’ll both know!

Bonus Pics:

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