It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Peter LaBarbera. The antigay activist hasn’t made too many headlines since he was denied entry into Canada back in 2014 for being too much of a bigot.

But LaBarbera, or “Porno Pete” as some people refer to him because of his strange obsession with talking about the graphic details of gay anal intercourse, is back!

The 58-year-old just published a scathing two-part review of Ryan Murphy‘s Netflix documentary “Pray Away,” which came out weeks ago, calling it a “manipulative assault” on ex-gays across the country.

Writes LaBarbera:

Pray Away employs the usual array of editing tricks, unsubtle bias, and one-sided interviews to ram home its Sexual Left narrative that so-called “conversion therapy”—the effort to change homosexuals’ “sexual orientation”—is cruel, fraught with danger (even “deadly”), and deserves to be banned by law.

…As a veteran conservative Culture Warrior who has fought Big LGBTQ activists for decades, and who worked alongside several of Pray Away’s interview subjects before they jumped to the dark side, this documentary was very hard to watch but of special interest to me.

He goes on to call the documentary “anti-Christian to the core” and a “cheap, bigoted smear” that is just another example of “the media’s corrupt status as the propaganda arm of the radical LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) movement.”

The film is pretty much what you’d expect from Netflix, which carefully cultivates its pro-LGBTQ, sexually-edgy brand. In 2019, just in time for the Christmas season, Netflix aired the savagely anti-Christian Brazilian movie, The First Temptation of Christ, which mockingly imagines Jesus Christ as a closeted homosexual. Last year, Netflix’s release of Cuties drew worldwide condemnation for sexually exploiting young girls ostensibly to expose the exploitation of girls. Still another 2020 Netflix offering, Circus of Books, gave a sympathetic take on the owners of a now-closed West Hollywood homosexual bookstore in L.A. that doubled as a hard-core, gay porn shop.

We could go on, but you probably get the point.

One thing that’s very clear from LaBarbera’s nearly 2,000-word rant is that he’s quite up to date on the latest LGBTQ films! We had actually forgotten about The First Temptation of Christ, but we’ll have to rewatch it because who doesn’t love a gay Jesus?

In addition to being an amateur film critic, LaBarbera is the sole member president of the antigay hate group Americans for Truth about Homosexuality. He lives in Ohio and he is obsessed with Pete Buttigieg, who he says is a “fake” Christian.

Watch the trailer for Pray Away below.

Graham Gremore is the Features Editor and a Staff Writer at Queerty. Follow him on Twitter @grahamgremore.

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