How is this guy a brain surgeon? During his confirmation hearing this week, Ben Carson said that LGBTs want “extra rights.”

Carson is being considered for the role of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development — sure, why the hell not. Previously, he said that he shouldn’t have a role in the administration because he doesn’t have enough experience — kind of a funny position to take, given that he was also running for president at one point.

The statement came out when Senator Sherrod Brown asked him what he would do to ensure that LGBT people wouldn’t be kicked out of public housing for being gay. Currently, the law is shifting and vague — although the HUD issued multiple rules barring discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and identity, those guidelines haven’t been codified in law and continue to be the subject of lawsuits.

But Carson’s position: “What I have said before is I don’t think anyone should get extra rights.”

That’s super, that wanting the security of knowing that you won’t be thrown out of your home is an “extra right.”

Here’s how Twitter responded:

Carson loves to accuse queer people of demanding “extra rights.” Here’s what he said about LGBT people in the past:

“It’s one of the things that I don’t particularly like about the [LGBT] movement. I think everybody has equal rights, but I’m not sure that anybody should have extra rights—extra rights when it comes to redefining everything for everybody else and imposing your view on everybody else.”

And who could forget the time he said that marriage equality leads to polygamy?

But hey, Donald Trump once held up a rainbow flag that said “LGBTs for Trump” so we probably have nothing to worry about! You can totally trust Republicans to have your best interests at heart!


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