Fox News Reporter Tweets About Thongs, Leather Chaps, And Other Horrors At Brooklyn Pride

Saturday evening was the 15th annual Brooklyn Pride Night Parade in the gay haven of Park Slope. We’ve been to Brooklyn Pride numerous times—in fact we were there on Saturday—and it’s one of the more sedate, though still wonderful Pride celebrations around. Lots of families (gay and straight), politicians and civic groups. But you wouldn’t know that if you were a follower of Fox News Radio reporter Todd Starnes’ Twitter feed. The anti-gay, racist pundit “somehow” ended up a the parade, and tweeted numerous updates about the atrocities he witnessed, including drag queens, Justin Bieber lookalikes, “a gaggle of angry lesbians” (we always thought lesbians came in flocks), and free condoms being distributed. Does Starnes prefer to bareback? At one point, he tweeted his conversation with police officer:
“Todd: Excuse me, officer, where is the Straight Pride Parade?” “Officer: “We don’t have those, sir.”
Yeah, you do—they’re called Tuesdays. Starnes also tweeted he saw “lots of male thongs and leather chaps,” but we were there and didn’t see any (darn the luck). Maybe Starnes was having a flashback to the Eagle’s rooftop beer blast? We’re not big on outrageous displays of “Pride”—and probably could do without the chaps we do see—but for those of you who wish everyone would march in three-piece suits, here’s a reminder that it wouldn’t stop the haters from hatin’. They’ll just make it up! See you at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Mr. Starnes—you know, when good God-fearing Christian heterosexual Americans get so drunk they start brawls and vomit on themselves.   Click through for more images from Brooklyn Pride 2012 Source: Media Matters. Photos: Brooklyn Pride, Todd Starnes on Twitter    


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  • axon

    I am pretty certain this guy would love the festivities and almost-naked samba dancers in Rio de Janeiro.

  • james

    Straight pride parade? Does this fool not walk the streets daily? Everyday there is a
    straight pride Parade.

  • Jakey

    Quick, send a Queerty correspondent to the next Mardi Gras so he can tweet faux-horrified details about what…those people…do at their weird little events.

  • Spike

    Ya.. Brooklyn Gay Pride is very mellow in “outrageous” attire.
    And Straight pride is St.Patricks Day or Columbus Day Parade. You pick.

  • Susan Gilleland

    I love how he posts a supposedly damning quote from a toddler – “Mommy, what’s that?”

    Newsflash, fucktard, toddlers ask that about a THOUSAND TIMES A DAY. Has nothing to do with the gay pride parade being outrageous or “scary” to a toddler.

  • Me

    Although I don’t excuse illegal discrimination and hate against LGBT individuals, I do think that many pride parades push the envelope and only further isolate the LGBT community. I hardly think that wearing thongs and dancing provocatively down a city street on floats are the BEST examples and representations of the LGBT community. These half naked pride parades do not represent the tens of thousands of gays and lesbians that are married, raising kids and don’t even want to subject our own kids to sexual street dances by go-go boys on top of a float. That being said, many (other) pride parades are extremely family friendly and include many heterosexual supporters, family members, churches that support equality, clothed LGBT individuals with banners, etc. I think that the latter better communicates to the world that LGBT individuals are “just the same” as everyone else vs. solely about dancing half naked in the street, etc. Dancing around half naked only promotes stereotypes that gay individuals are all about promiscuity, sex, etc.

  • George

    That’ll teach him to think we’re shameless degenerates without shame

  • George

    Spontaneous redundancy is part of my disability sorry!

  • LaTeesha

    @Susan Gilleland: I know. I’ve come to think of all straight people as whores because of how they behave at Mardi Gras. Because I just know in my heart that Mardi Gras attendees represent & speak for all straights. Oh, and the Klan speaks for all Southerners because when towns have been forced to host Klan parades that means the Klan speaks for everyone in the South. Right?

  • LaTeesha

    @LaTeesha: This should be addressed to #6, not #5. This website has a lot of errors with processing posts.

  • oh123

    They had a str8 pride parade it was called the NAZI Party,

  • The Real Mike in Asheville

    @Susan Gilleland: Sorry Susan, but you are trying to use logic and common sense, those just are not effective against stupidity, ignorance, prejudice and homophobia.

  • Danny

    Some WASP asshole reporter from Fox News makes anti-gay tweets so what does queerty do? Why insult Irish-Americans with some tired old drunken stereotypes ofcourse. You forgot to mention the actual shootings and sexual assaults at those heterosexual Puerto Rican and Carribean parades. I’m sure that’ll teach Todd to mess with the gays.

  • KyleW

    @George: I thought you were emphasing for irony. 😉

  • DANN

    I bet that guy was totally turned on by the parade

  • B

    No. 6 · Me wrote, “I hardly think that wearing thongs and dancing provocatively down a city street on floats are the BEST examples and representations of the LGBT community.”

    What about the San Francisco Carnaval parade as an example of the straight, Hispanic community! You can see the women wearing thongs at,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1102&bih=837&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=M0HZT4X_IKmh2QWI-5CzDw

    Curiously, for the most part, only the women seem to wear thongs, not the men, although some of the men wear kind of an Aztec outfit.

  • B

    Re No 16 – Queerty didn’t copy the link properly. If you click on it, proceed by clicking on Google’s ‘images’ button.

  • Mk Ultra

    I think celebrating our sexuality is every bit as important as te other elements of pride, which do include lots of family friendly events.
    LBGT sexuality is now going throug what female sexuality once went through (and still does in parts of the world)
    It used to be that if a woman enjpyed her sexuality, she eas labelled a “slut”, or “whore”.
    Now, we are shamed for pur sexuality.
    I don’ think standing up and saying “yes, I have a right to a sex life, amd to embrace it, and not be ashamed of it” is dirty, or naugthy, or unseelmy.
    To add to tjat there is no shortage of parades where heterosexiality is over the top in your face.
    Every day in commercials, ads, on billboards, we’re bombarded by images of hyper heterosexuality.
    On a final note, people who judge tje GLBT community on 1day, instead of taking a look at the otjer 364 days, really don’t deserve our attention.

  • Macmantoo

    If it bothers him tell him to go watch the people in Walmart. Their fat asses hanging out in the most god-awful pants.

  • Anthony

    Oh please…I know people who work at FAKE News…there’s lots of gay boys working there. Don’t know how they can sleep at night, but they do work there. Be thinks the lady protests too much.

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  • Codswallop

    Too bad those angry lesbians didn’t beat the shit out of him.

  • steve

    Excuse me officer, when is the Asshole Pride Day? “Well that is everyday for you, sir”

  • TF

    Why on God’s green Earth would you take your dang kid to our one day slut-a-thon? Do you take him to white party, black party, silver party, red party, green party, blue party, winter party, summer party, xmas party, blue ball party, southern decadence, northern decadence, aqua girl, Miami party (that’s every friggin day:)), tom of finland, did I miss any? No really kids should stay home because there are some serious bozos who show up to these things. I wouldn’t expose my kids to’m. I’d just get their number and meet up with them later, hehehehee!

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