gay-nazisWhile we’ve been made aware of Russian skinheads and the heinous actions they take against gay teens, Vice has now introduced us to gay Russian skinheads.

A chimera if there ever was one, these angry young white men see themselves as preservers of manliness and Russian nationalism, while ignoring the conflicting ideologies they represent.

As writer Nick Chester points out, “the Führer and his Third Reich buddies weren’t too keen on either Russians or homosexuals.” But these gay Russian neo-Nazis fight against the rampant homophobia of their land, often leading to fights with their fellow homophobic skinheads. Though Balu, a member of  the Gay Aryan Skinheads (GASH), told Chester he doesn’t understand why they — the skinheads — can’t all just get along.

Below are a few choice quotes from Balu on GASH’s role in the gay rights movement, how he keeps his bald head from exploding at the thought of what he’s doing and the sanctity of really rough sex.

On the gay rights:

We cooperate with the normal gay community a little bit, yeah. Sometimes we despise them, though, because each of our actions yields a result, and the actions of normal gay communities in Russia only exacerbate the situation with regards to society, homophobes, and gays.


Sometimes lesbians reach out to us, but we explain to them that they don’t have a place in our ranks….Transsexuals aren’t present among us and I don’t see that it’s possible for them to be….We believe that we’re at war and that there’s no place for women and men who consider themselves to be women. The fact that it’s specifically a man’s fight is an integral part of our ideology.


In Russia, the rights of gays are hugely restricted, and we can’t sit back quietly when a person is killed just because he’s gay. Many people from the Caucasus [a region at the border of Europe and Asia] furiously oppose gays. Someone has to reject the pressure that they exert by real brute force.

On their ideology:

Our ideology consists of clearing the planet of “dirty” nationalities. We fight for purity of blood, for white skin color and for strong and beautiful people. We don’t accept white guys or white girls who hook up with black men. It is disgusting to observe such interracial unions. Why share your life with such rejects when there are healthy white guys?


Not all heterosexual nationalists are homophobes; they are often latent homosexuals, actually. We fight nationalist homophobes in the same way that we fight against any other homophobes….We don’t understand why our brothers oppose us. After all, we have nothing against heterosexuals and we have no plan to make the entire planet gay.


I don’t think Hitler even personally wanted to gas gays, but the ideology demanded it.

On the role of sex in their movement:

Our sexual life generally consists of BDSM, especially sadomasochism. Our brothers aren’t engaged in tenderness on silk sheets—we commit truly manly acts….Almost all nationalists have a piercing, traditional leather skinhead jackboots, and blue jeans, which became a sexual fetish for us long ago, as well as shaven heads. By our nature, sexual intercourse is rough. This is similar to primitive passion. Some of us have slaves, but they often aren’t nationalists. We treat sex as something sacred. This is similar to how believers treat God. Sex is a transmission of passion, emotions, pleasure and—last but not least—sperm into the body of a brother. We give part of each other. This is a very important part of our sexual life. From outside, it can seem as if we treat sex too thoughtlessly, but this isn’t the case; each act of sexual intercourse between brothers bears a deeper meaning. It is a secret ceremony between the devoted.

Upon reading the entire interview — which you should because it’s fascinating — one might think that this was all just some joke or post-ironic irony bullshit from those damn hipsters at Vice. We mean, their flag has two dicks crossing each other for gay’s sake.


But considering Russia’s emphasis on masculinity — President Vladimir Putin’s oft-shirtless excursions serving as a prime, albeit incredibly homoerotic, example — and its subsequent crackdown on the lives of LGBT people, the birth of a movement of nationalistic, hyper-masculine gay “warriors” doesn’t seem too far-fetched.

The “real brute force” Balu is referring to is no doubt a response to the violence and institutionalized discrimination facing gays in Russia everyday. That this force translates to their sexual lives is, well, let’s be real, kind of hot. The anger they possess is probably conflated by what appears to be a complete lack of self-awareness or a willingness to ignore the overwhelming self-hatred that would otherwise be intrinsic to their ideology, manifesting itself in the rejection of the “weaker” members of the LGBT spectrum.

Or maybe they’re all just idiots. Who knows? The only thing we can be sure of is that Anderson Cooper better watch his back. That silver fox is catnip to those neo-Nazis.

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