Glenn Youngkin

Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin had the political class fooled.

The vest-wearing conservative positioned himself as a relative moderate during Virginia’s last gubernatorial race, only to unleash an array of right-wing policies once he stepped foot inside of the governor’s mansion.

Most recently, Youngkin’s administration removed LGBTQ+ youth resources from a state website after pressure from the Daily Wire, a far-right troll site co-founded by Ben Shapiro.

“The decision elicited concern from department leaders who had not been consulted and began emailing their higher-ups asking why this had happened,” the Washington Post reports.

The Daily Wire targeted two programs: Queer Kid Stuff, a resource for children and families, and Q Chat Space, which offers live chats to LGBTQ+ teenagers. Neither site requires adult permission to use.

When asked for comment, one of Youngkin’s spokespeople said the pages “sexualize children.”

“In Virginia, the governor will always reaffirm a parent’s role in their child’s life. Children belong to their parents, not the state,” said Macaulay Porter. “The governor supports providing resources that are age appropriate however the government should not facilitate anonymous conversations between adults and children without a parent’s approval.”

“Sexualizing children against a parent’s wishes doesn’t belong on a taxpayer supported website.”

Running on a platform framed around “parental rights,” Youngkin has dismantled protections for LGBTQ+ youth since taking office. His administration’s guidelines also ban transgender students from using bathrooms and playing on sports teams that coincide with their gender identity.

At a town hall earlier this year, a 17-year-old trans high school student challenged Youngkin to defend his hateful policies. “Your transgender policies require students play on the sports teams and use the restrooms that correspond with their sex assigned at birth,” said the teen. “Look at me. I am a transgender man. Do you really think the girls in my high school would feel comfortable sharing a restroom with me?”

In-lieu of an answer, Youngkin responded with a word salad.

“I believe, first, when parents are engaged with their children, then you can make good decisions together,” he blathered. “There are lots of students involved in this decision, and what’s most important is that we try very hard to accommodate students. That’s why I have said many, many times we just need extra bathrooms in schools. We need general neutral bathrooms so people can use a bathroom that they in fact are comfortable with.”

Yes, Youngkin wants kids to feel comfortable at school… unless they’re transgender and want to use the bathroom that suits them. Then they’re out of luck!

Youngkin’s team has removed multiple online health resources meant for Virginians over the last couple of years.

In addition to pulling LGBTQ+ sections, his administration has expunged questions about pregnancy and STI prevention and a list of Virginia-based organizations that may be able to provide financial assistance for abortion.

While the governor has demurred when asked about his presidential ambitions, he’s seemingly kept the door open for a run. In May, “top Republican sources” told Axios he was reconsidering whether to entire the 2024 race, due to Donald Trump‘s increasing legal woes.

Earlier this week, Youngkin told Fox News he was focused on being a “great governor” …this year.

“That sounds a lot like what Ron DeSantis said before he started to run,” said host Steve Doocy.

Youngkin is so bad at being coy, even Fox News is calling him out on his bluff.

These days, any Republican who wants to make national headway must attack LGBTQ+ people, and that’s exactly what Youngkin is doing as a supposed “moderate.” How shameful but, sadly, right on brand for today’s GOP.

Scroll down for more reaction to Youngkin’s latest anti-LGBTQ+ initiative…

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