Guess Which YouTube Star Is Going Into Gay Porn?

Chris “Leave Britney Alone” Crocker has transformed from an androgynous teen defending the tragically bald, Baby Mama pop star to a scruffy young man discussing butches versus femmes on his own YouTube channel. But now he’s gonna make a deeper plunge into gay media as The Sword reports that Crocker will soon film a gay porn movie with famous gay porn director ChiChi LaRue and hunky top, Brent Everett (link NSFW). The only real question is whether Crocker will top or bottom… though QueerClick has a clue. (link NSFW). To get a taste of Crocker’s on-camera abilities, we’ve put together a SFW gallery of sexy shots he’s been posting on his Tumblr page (link NSFW). But be careful—even though they’re SFW (like our Dustin Zito gallery), they’re still filled with partial nudes that could get you axed if you have a prudish boss or web admin. Some images via QueerClick

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  • Bobby Christina Crawford

    I can’t imagine paying for porn. The pros suck at it and the amatuer stuff is all free.

    I love Chris Crocker but don’t want to see him nude anymore than I want to see Ann Coulter nude.

  • Riker

    Wow, he got hotter!

  • gregger

    boy Queerty is late on this one. Last week’s news.

  • Ray

    Nooooooooo leave your pants oooooonnnn. Wait is that really him in those pictures? Well maybe take them off.

  • Joseph

    I find this soooo weird. I will never be able to look at him in any other way then what he was like on Youtube.

  • QJ201

    Antoine Dodson, your phone is ringing…

  • Zeus

    I just don’t understand how mentally he went from seeming like he was on the verge of getting a sex change to looking like a manly-ish kind of guy. I was under the impression he was transgendered, not just wearing a blonde wig and acting like a crazy britney freak.

  • galefan2004

    @Zeus: Trans is a choice. You can chose not to be trans. He was born a man he can easily remain one. I wonder how many trans individuals secretly regret having their penis cut off just to make a fashion statement.

    On other news, Chris is hot and should be taking it up the arse from Brent on film.

  • bobbyv

    It disturbs me a little how quickly these young gays turn to porn. They need to take a look around and see where 35 (or younger) y/o gay porn performers are. No matter what they tell you, they ain’t rich, they ain’t famous, and they ain’t fabulous. He needs to go to college and/or get a job.

  • mike

    Chris is even hotter as a man! I could say he’s the only man in drag who look very convincing as a female

  • TheRealMannequinnAdam

    Pretty sad how all the comments are describing his physical appearance (transformation from androgynous to “butch”) and how “hot” he is (not going there). No wonder gay men are perceived as being completely shallow walking penises.

    This dude is mentally disturbed and is throwing his life away. That, if anything, should be the focus of the discussion.

  • Mike


  • Nemo

    I used to have such a crush on him, and then he went all manly and beardy and gross. Being trans is NOT a choice, and to have him so visibly flip-flop like this does so much more harm than good. He disgusts me now. I was genuinely hurt and disturbed to hear about this. He just seems so…miserable. Unhappy. I pity Chris Crocker.

  • Ginasf

    @galefan2004: Let’s see, have there ever been any gay-ID’d men who then went on to get involved with a woman (and weren’t religious nuts or going through ‘reparative therapy.’) The answer is yes, I’ve known some. And my response to that was basically, they were exploring who they were and were unsure what their sexual orientation was. That, for some people, their identities or orientations aren’t as simple as “when I was 5 I knew I was gay/trans.” What I didn’t take from that is that all gay men choose to be gay and could choose to not be gay if they so wished. And I certainly didn’t make proclamations about a subject about which I wasn’t an expert and act like a major a-hole in the process.

  • Sweetbrandigirl2004

    @galefan2004: YES being /transgender “IS” a choice unlike being diagnosed as a GID transsexual which isn’t a choice but is a documented medical condition. This is so typical of the fly by night nature of transgender Inc and it is further proof that they lack ANY proof that they were born with any gender issue what so ever. Chris Crocker was all over you tube calling himself a women and documenting his transition telling about how he’d had FFS feminine facial surgery and how he was one hormones and bla bla bla turns out it all was a load of crap and his claim of being gender dysphoric was just as unreal as is the claim of every other transgender individual who doesn’t have documentation proving they have a GID diagnosis

    And Transgender Inc wonders why TS women of history want out from under their stupid ass umbrella ? They the transgender have made it Impossible for TS women of history who have a documented medical condition from every gaining any rights with there fly by night do it yourself on again off again transitions.

  • Tony

    My cousin called himself “trans” from the time he was 18 or so. He hadn’t had a single surgery or taken any hormones. He was simply feminine and wore women’s clothes and makeup. By the time he was 22, he was a very regular masculine gay guy, working in a Target warehouse in Texas. He says it was just a phase that he grew tired of and was part of his “journey” in finding out who his “gay” self was. For some, I think trans is not a choice at all, but I do think others do go through a trans phase, or just manipulate the trans “experience” for many different reasons.

  • Didaskalos

    Wow! There’s a MAN in there, under all that hair and make-up and screaming!
    I’m impressed, Chris! Keep going! There may even be a DAD in there!


  • Ganondorf

    As elderly overweight black women say, oh lawday lawday. Hope it’s bareback–not that it matters, because porn is all just very sad from conception to consumption. I guess NOW we know why mainstream media outlets wouldn’t go near it. Bareback!

  • jason

    Chi Chi La Rue is a professional sleazeball. The porn industry is repulsive.

  • Cam

    He found out what too many people find out who move out to CA. and think they are going to be famous…..

    CA. is expensive and just because you’ve gotten some attention on Youtube, that doesn’t pay the rent.

  • Pip

    he’s cute but i wonder how tall he is. he looks like he could be one of those freakishly small guys. like photographs well, but is 5’4 and looks like a creepy elf in person.

  • Pip

    @Pip: also his voice ruins it.

  • Jeffree

    Chris Crocker seems to have more in common with Britney than I’d thought — sporadic flashes of pure talent mixed with iffy judgement, irreversible decisions & wild extremes. Familar?

    let’s hope he’s got a backup plan & a nest egg in case the porn scene doesnt pan out for him. I hope he’s got some stable people around him who can help him from getting in his own way.

  • UWSguy

    What do you expect? He is a total attention whore (even if he has a nice dick)

  • Storm

    This is what passes for “hot” these days? It sure as hell isn’t “butch.” Mostly, it just looks, I dunno, diabetic.

  • Spike

    And you wonder why the Democratic party doesn’t take the Gay Community seriously.

  • Jeffree

    @Spike: True! It’s amazing how many Supreme Court Justices & Congress critters watch Crocker’s videos & refer to them when voting on decisions & passing laws. I’m sure Scalia & Boehner can quote widely from Chris’s work & political viewpoints.

  • Ganondorf


    …goodness, you’re useful. So very useful. You aren’t living the dream that your identity politics dictates. I’m sure there’s a manufactured villain that explains that, too. So very useful.

  • Jeffree

    Gack: I hit SUBMIT too soon…here’s the rest:

    I doubt Pelosi & Obama follow Crocker’s video output, and Britney’s career & “lifestyle” are hardly something that str8 Democratic people want to emulate. She’s the classic example of crash & burn.
    Sad, though, because she had some talent.


  • fredo777

    @jason: “The porn industry is repulsive.”

    Can I assume, then, that you never (+ have never) watched porn?

  • jeff4justice

    1) Why pay for porn when there’s plenty free
    2) Why pay for porn when I can get real sex
    3) Way to go for him for being so sexually libertarian
    4) Aren’t ya’ll always challenging the word porn star? So what about YouTube star
    5) I’m just jealous becuase I wanted to be the first gay YouTuber to do pron but sadly I’m a chunky guy trapped in a chunky body
    6) At least my most vid video is me making out with a cute guy (instead of all my noble activism vids LOL)
    7) I’d suck on Chris’ cock. It looks tasty.

  • mooon

    it’s really sad how transexual men and women who are part of the dominant trans narrative (i.e. the PHYSICAL, MEDICAL condition of transexualism….which by the way is not “gender identity disorder”, it is a physical condition, not a pyscho-sexual disorder)…..are so cruel to trans people who don’t fit that narrative so neatly.

    i can understand how trans men and women would be frustrated with the transvestites, and draqueens, and androgynes, and transgenderists…b/c they make the trans umbrella seem more “freaky”…their identities SEEM like more of a “choice”… makes the plight of the transexual (possibly) non-existent in the eyes of many…

    but while i know i can’t speak as a transexual….as a trans individual who is currently figuring out their gender identity (or lack thereof) and proceeding to bring my mind and body into congruence I can tell you that to occupy a grey zone on the trans spectrum is equally as hard (b/c similarly MY struggle is not taken seriously)…and my transition (though it may be “partial”) is just as needed…just as necessary.

    gender identity is innate & firmly rooted….however that inborn sense of identity is also an individual manifestation ….cultivated by nurture…all of us are entitled to be whoever we were MEANT to be…regardless of where that takes us…

    the case of chris just seems so tragic to me b/c although he is clearly not a transexual….he clearly (probably) fits somewhere on the trans spectrum (transgender is about identity and chris once clearly stated in a video that he was doing a lot of “soul searching”….figuring out his identity)….he is clearly not just a fem. gay boy…and so his foray into muscle man pornstar….is just so tragic because (i know i can’t speak for him)…but i’m guessing that it might be a denial of his true self…..

    i wish chris all the best, and wish him luck on his journey as a trans individual struggling to find themselves in the context of a hateful society

  • Robbie K

    Just kinda makes me giggle

  • Scooter Rebel

    Seeing the androgynist Chris, a song came to mind by David Bowie, “Rebel Rebel”. I love the new look and anxiously awaiting his future efforts.

  • Cam

    @Spike: said…

    “And you wonder why the Democratic party doesn’t take the Gay Community seriously.”

    Well if that is your standard for judging a community then why would anybody take women seriously since the Kardashians are on TV?

    Why would anybody take straight men seriously because of Mel Gibson? etc…



    HA! Good one!

  • Ginasf

    @mooon: My question is how do you know he’s not a transsexual person… or that he is? There are many, many trans people who’ve lived in a number of identities before they ultimately transitioned. Some detransitioned several times before finally permanently transitioning. Medical-based 24/7 transition for trans women is incredibly difficult from emotionally stressful, physical pain, financial and safety standpoints. I had a friend who lived as a straight man, a gay man and ultimately, a bi trans woman in her journey. It takes some people decades before they figure out who they are and feel cornered enough to get there. But if Chris IDs as a femme gay man at present, that’s how I’m going to acknowledge him and not as some “poor confused soul who’s being abused by the supposed “dominant trans narrative”. Personally, I think porn/sexwork is usually a big mistake for most young queer/trans people, but I don’t criticize anyone for doing what they need to do to survive.

  • Dieks

    Crocker has ALWAYS been a publicity whore. Nothing wrong w/being a publicity whore and I do think he use to be FUNNY! But he obviously has some SERIOUS narcissistic tendency’s and THRIVES on negative attention so he can then RANT about how victimized he is as a:::

    *Years ago as the femmy gay boy who was being physically/violently threatened and bigoted against.
    **Year and a half ago as a TG woman who was being physically/violently threatened and bigoted against.
    ***This year the proud owner of a impressive cock, who has no shame in his masculine sexuality … who will eventually have to defend himself as a porn star being physically/violently and bigoted against.

    The TG and TS community are backing up the horses, gathering their circles panicking now because a year and a half ago when Crocker was TG… lesbian, gay and bisexuals **warned** them to take ANYTHING Crocker does w/a grain of narcissistic salt. Crocker is an emotional and physical exhibitionist.

    But the TG and TS bloggers refused to listen. The reason why?? In my opinion because before Crocker came out as TG, most of the STRAIGHT TG/TS community had never heard of him outside of “Leave Brittany Alone!!”

    Why didn’t they know anything about Crocker before “her brave testament”? In my opinion because:

    *He was male.
    *He was gay.
    *He is young.
    *He was femmy,
    *He is so immature.
    *He was overly exagerated.
    *He was flamboyent.

    Notice the “HE” in every description.
    Then Crocker came out as TG.

    *She is a woman.
    *She is straight.
    *She is so mature.
    *She is so naturally feminine.
    *She is so intelligent.
    *She stands up for herself and takes no shit.
    *She is so physically beautiful.

    Now notice the “SHE” in every description.

    There is not ONLY a massive amount of HOMOPHOBIA in this observation, particularly from STRAIGHT TG/TS ID “community members”… but also ALOT of misogyny, particularly from female TG/TS “community members”.

    I also bet my last vibrator on this much…. If Crocker came out a year and a half ago as a middle age, former Bear, bearded, over weight, sexually confident w/a dick, cussing, deep voiced…. straight WOMAN!

    Ha! As long as you are just like them.

  • justnow

    @Jeffree: dead@Storm: how do you know?

  • Jeffree

    @Ginasf: Thanks for the reminder about the stages some people go through as they explore & navigate their identities. I hope Chris has wise & experienced people he can turn as he moves forward.

    (I’ve read your posts here & elsewhere & you have the rare gift of explaining complicated concepts in a way that’s clear & relatable, so please know you are appreciated.)

    @justnow: I’m not dead. Neither is Chris as far as I know. If there’s another question I missed, try again!

  • Dieks

    “She’s the classic example of crash & burn.
    Sad, though, because she had some talent.”

    So Crocker is still “she”?
    So Crocker only had “talent” as a straight TG woman? UmmmHmmm. Interesting.

    So now that Crocker is doing gay male porn, showing his “crocker”… Crocker is just another burnt out “woman”?

    Yup. No homophobia or misogyny there at all.
    Thanks Jeffree. 🙂

  • Derp

    Well, he’s uglier now. I liked it when he was feminine.

  • Jeffree

    @Dieks: the “crash & burn” referred to Britney, not Chris. I use whatever pronoun someone uses for themself: Britney identifies as a woman.

  • Jeffree

    @Dieks: The “she” was referring to Spears, not Crocker.

  • Sebizzar

    @Joseph: Me too lol… i mean he’s cute but it’s just too strange xP

  • Boy_wonder

    I saw the headline and thought .Davey Wavey is going to be in porn .yay !!!!!
    Only to find out its Chris , oh well I guess a boy can dream !

  • JoeyB

    He needs to go to school, get a job and stop all the nonsense.

  • Clark35

    @JoeyB: Exactly he isn’t going to do that.

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